

"He called it light sretching?" Autumn cursed in her heart as she felt her legs almost ready to fall off her body. He'd mentioned beginning with stretching and then some running to 'loosen' the muscles. All of which had been alright. But then, he'd started with teaching her how to kick...and then moved on to block each and every kick, much to her frustration until finally she was ready to give up and give in.

But did he let her go then? No. He wanted her to take a breath and relax her muscles some more. She'd begun the session with wanting to learn how to defend herself but it seemed she was going to end the session with wanting to kick that man.

She'd tried to move and strike out so many times. But all to hear him complain about how she was not in good physical shape.

"I'll be adding some weiht training to your routine from the next session."

"I wish I could throw the weight at your head." she thought to herself. 

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