
A Fight

Vivienne's voice pierced the air as soon as Olivia opened the door, a blend of accusation and concern. "You're pregnant?" she blurted out, her tone hanging heavy with worry.

Without even pausing for a response, Vivienne swiftly took a seat at the table opposite Olivia. Her eyes fixated on Olivia's midsection, as though expecting the news to materialize right before her eyes and the baby to jump out and wave to her from there.

Olivia clicked her fingers, which had Vivienne look up at her as she asked," Yes. Who told you?"

Vivienne frowned," How does it matter who told me? What is important is how are you pregnant?"

Olivia rolled her eyes," Do you need me to explain the human reproductive system to you, Vivienne?"

"You know that is not what I mean, Olly. Who is the father of the baby?" Vivienne asked directly.

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