
You Dog (Bonus Chapter Because I Love you All)

Seb: Lucien Frost! You old dog! I can't believe that you straightaway went to her room! 

Seb: You are a Dog! I used to think you were a sheep but you are a wolf.

Ian: He's showing his true colours now.

Ian: First, that bad boy thing that he had hidden from us and now these quick moves! Wow! All that theatre he did as a kid, he's been putting his acting skills to use now!

Erasmi: Lucien, your name means light and yet, you've gone on to the dark side... I'm disappointed...

Gabe: He is in his mid-twenties. You would be more embarrassed if he did not know anything. 

Ian: Look who is talking! You betrayer of the brotherhood pact! How could you keep a secret like this from us?

Erasmi: Now I need to self-reflect. I had hoped that he was less experienced than me but now... I feel old and young at the same time.

Seb: We told you to come with us! We'll help you gain some experience.

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