
A Mistake

Nora looked down at the small note in front of them and marveled. When Demetri had first started teaching her, she had been surprised by his handwriting. The man was so organized in everything that it had come as a shock to see his handwriting. To say it was atrocious would be an understatement. She'd even joked that he must have been really thankful that people hardly wrote anything these days, preferring the typed word. Of course, he hadn't found it funny. A case in point was the note he seemed to have left her on the breakfast table. She had no idea what was written on it! It was like he'd written his own hieroglyphic language. As she squinted, trying to read the note, she heard the doorbell ring. Well, that was odd. No one really came to this house unless she ordered some takeaway, which was rare.


"What did you say?" 

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