

".... as long as my family is safe, I will do anything for it."

"I dont need you to do anything. I'm here because I felt what happened to Hermione and you both is not right"

"I dont understand what you mean"

"mr. and mrs. Granger, what I'm going to show you is what would happen with you without my interference."

I waved my hand and a holographic screen appeared in front of us. In it played the scenes where Hermione was harmed- 1st year troll accident, Cerberus, Voldemort. 2nd year petrification, Basilisk. 3rd year dementors, whomping willow, time turner. 4th year Barty jr., Second task. 5th year Umbridge, Battle at DOM, 6th year death eaters. 7th year horcrux hurting, memory wiping her parents.

Looking at sobbing mrs. Granger and helpless mr. Granger, I really felt pity for this family.

"These are some of the snippets of your daughter's life at Hogwarts. She will not be able to leave school neither will she be able to tell you as Dumbledore controlled her with magic. She has no option other than going to Hogwarts as those who do not go to Hogwarts in Britain, will have their magic bound which will kill them in some years if not months."

"You have to save my daughter.. sob.. please save my family..." pleaded mrs. Granger.

"Of course Jean and Daniel, that is why I have come here to meet you in advance.

Listen carefully to my arrangements, and I promise you to keep your you all safe."

"why should we trust you, what will you gain from helping us" Asked Daniel sternly.

Looking at trio's faces, I let my godly domain envelope them. Granger couple directly knelt feeling my godly presence and little Hermione had a fanatical look in her eyes, which seriously gave me an ominous feeling for a moment.

"Ahem, please get up. Now do you still doubt me"

"No.. no.. We dont dare. Please tell us what we have to do"

"calm down, relax. You have to behave normally and let her go to Hogwarts. On her birthday a professor from school, mrs. McGonagall will visit you. just act normal and after you are back from diagon alley, give me a call. I will send someone to pick you all to move to a safe place.

{A/N:- here I changed it a bit as Hermione had gotten her Hogwarts latter nearly a year before Harry. and she was nearly 12 when she first met harry as her birthday comes on 19 September. but in my story her birthday come on 19 january (1980)}

In Hogwarts also, she will find me from second day of her joining. I will take care of her safety. You have to close your clinic and not let anyone else know about my visit. I am putting a spell on all of you so you will not be affected by any mind magic and mind arts.

After assuring them and introducing them to Bree, I returned to spend my days with my lovely wives.

Days turned into months and it was already 31st of july 1991, fun times are always short.

Hermione and her parants have started to to live on new earth. she spends most of her time with Harry and others and is learning magic from my clone with them. She has a talent in Occlumency and has developed a fairly ordered mind palace. Now I know why it was so easy to manipulate her in movies as an organised mind without any protection is like inviting people like Dumbledore.

My clone mainly taught her defense part of Occlumency as well as general knowledge and customs of wizarding world. Her habit of worshipping those in powers would have been a problem but this time the one she idolize the most is yours truly.

Today everyone woke up early in the morning as today is the day everything starts. Today Hagrid will take golem harry to diagon alley on Dumbledore's order and it is also the day that Voldemort and Quirinus Quirrell chose to steal Philosopher's stone from Gringotts.

"Everyone.. gather around, I just came up with a plan that will surely hurt Dumbledore, snape as well as Voldemort and it will also ruin gringotts reputation."

"oh!, how are we going to do that?" Nelle asked curiously.

"Today just when Quirrell breaks into vault 713 in search of philosopher's stone, I will empty various vaults namely- Dumbledore's, Snape's, Potter's, Black's, as well as of those death eaters that are in Azkaban."

"Ela, this can cause a war between Goblins and Wizards." said Amelia anxiously.

"No, It will not. Dumbledore will intervene because he can not let any war happen right now. Infact this will be the beginning of his destruction."

"okay , then lets do it. Haha, I can eager to see how he maintains his grandfatherly persona at the time. " said Pandora. We all laughed at that.

"Okay I should get going. You all can watch what is happening outside through Bree."

Waving them byes. I teleported to Leaky Cauldron.

Next chapter