
Chapter 75. The chain between the old and new.

Ace looked at the fallen dragon head severed from its body, and saw how they returned to their human form.

Even as Kaidou's severely disfigured body lay there on the burning ground as flames swallowed it, it only got slightly scorched but didn't burn into ashes even after Kaidou had died. Which proved how indestructible his body was.

During the last 4 days, Ace had been unsuccessful with inflicting damage to Kaidou without using advanced forms of haki in combination with Conqueror's Haki. Only then could he make Kaidou bleed.

This in itself proved that Kaidou was near invincible. Only few people could train their armament haki to the advanced stage where they could destroy matter from the inside.

And only few people had Conqueror's Haki, and less people knew how to use the advanced form of it to infuse their body and weapons with Conqueror's haki. And to combine the two, there were really only a handful of people who could cause harm to Kaidou.

Ace stopped using his devil fruit abilities, but the temperature was so high that the island kept bringing with flames, althought hey didnt reach up to the sky any more.

The ground and melted into lava in many places, and the whole island was burning, and in the middle ofnthe island stood half a burning skull.

Ace looked at his sword and felt like he was a step closer to his dreams.

A few days later, In a far, far place, on a small island where only a few tribes existed. A woman with robes sat. She had a hat on her heads which hid her upper face. She was reading the news with a big smile.

"You really are amazing, Ace-kun." She whispered. She had a hint of regret in her tone. Almost 1.5 years ago, she had met this man as he passed through Arabasta, and at that time he had invited her to join, but because of many reasons only she knew, she couldn't join at that time.

Right now she felt a bit regret, but then she smiled as she remembered how he had adviced her to join a pirate crew that hadn't set sail yet.

"I wonder, when I'll get to meet you, straw hat Luffy." She whispered with a smile as she wondered curiously about the words of Ace.

On Moby Dick, Whitebeard sat while drinking sake, he seemed unbothered.

But his crew were all on their toes.

In front of Whitebeard sat a much smaller man in stature, compared to Whitebeard. He had red hair and a three part scar above his eye.

"So he really betrayed you?" Shanks asked in surpise.

When he boarded Whitebeard's ship, he found that the atmosphere wasn't good at all.

It turns out that the Whitebeard pirates had to change course and took an unplanned route after The Kuja Pirates defeated Big Mom, which led to them finding a devil fruit.

They celebrated their luck but after the first night, the Devil Fruit along with one of Whitebeard's sons had disappeared.

The first division commander angrily went after the traitor. But to everyone's surprise, Marco lost.

Even now, Whitebeard couldn't understand how Marco lost. Marco was as strong as an admiral, and few people could fight him.

They were unaware of the nature of the devil fruit that the traitor, Marshall D. Teach had consumed.

Teach had been laying low for a long, long time, hiding his ambition until he could find the devil fruit he was searching for, and it landed right in his hands.

He was much stronger than anyone knew, he had also reached the strength of an admiral, so his fight with the 1st division commander should've been on equal grounds.

But the devil fruit he ate granted him the Paracemia abilties to control darkness. Yes, he ate the darkness darkness fruit. It has the ability of black holes, darkness, and the most fearsome ability, to nullify the devil fruit abilities of others.

This gave him an edge against Marco as Marco wasn't aware for such a fact.

In the end Marco lost and was taken captive by Marshall D. teach, the traitor of Whitebeard pirates.

Red-haired Shanks put his hand over the scar on his eyes as he felt it pulsate in pain.

"I knew he was hiding his strength, but I thought that he was a secret weapon of yours." Shanks admitted.

Whitebeard took another gulp of his drink, it seemed like he was in a bad mood, especially since he was not aware at all that his son was hiding his strength. Yes, he didn't even try to keep an eye on him, but that was his nature, he trusted his sons, but now it came back to bite him.

Whitebeards just drank while Shanks sat Infront of him.

Although to the both of them, it seemed like they were nonchalantly sitting together, for the other pirates, they were suffocating.

Whitebeard and Shanks were radiating haki to the point that the ground was creaking and the sea was aggressively pushing against their ships.

"Why did you come here?" Whitebeard finally asked.

Shanks put down a newspaper on the table between them.

Edward Newgate simply gazed at it without care.

"You know what this mean right?" Shanks asked. Whitebeard ignored him.

"Kaidou is dead." Shanks spoke the obvious.

"What's that to do with me?" Whitebeard asked, not caring.

The truth was, Whitebeard had once sailed with Kaidou, Big Mom and Shiki under the same flag. But they weren't as much Nakama as they were rivals at that time.

After their crew dissolved, Kaidou had even come after Whitebeards head, so they were never close, although they did have respect for each others strength.

"The Marines are on the move, the world is turning..." Shanks hinted with his words.

He knew that Whitebeard wasn't a good guy, but he wasn't a bad person either. He fiercely protected the countries and islands under him.

Shanks didn't care much for the islands under his flag, but at the same time, he didn't want to see the world burn. He was hoping that he could, together with Whitebeard, put pressure on the new, upcoming forces to calm the sea a notch...

But Whitebeard seemed uninterested to join the chaos.

"This is fate, nothing you do can change that." Whitebeards said as if he knew this would happen. He had known for a long time, that a new generation was on its way to shake up the world.

He, as a major figure of the old generation, could only pave the way, not stop it.

"You might belong to the past generation, but I don't, I'm the chain that connects it to the new generation." Shanks stood up as he said. Whitebeard might not want to get involved, but he had no choice but to get involved.

And Whitebeard understood that as well.

Shanks turned around and left.

Whitebeard looked at the newspaper again. Kaidou had been killed and Wano was under a new person. The man behind it all, Flame Emperor Gol D. Ace.

Whitebeard and Shanks knew, even though the newspaper didn't say it, soon, Ace would be called the new Emperor that replaces Kaidou.

And with big Mom down, Whitebeard wondered how his future would fare.

He knew that with his age, he wouldn't be able to witness all that is to come, but at least he should leave one last tremor, that will help shape the future.

As Shanks boarded his own ship, Whitebeard finally found his own resolve. He had been thinking about what to do about Marco, and he just found his answer and resolve as he stared at the newspaper.


Sorry for the late chapters, in will be slow updates for while as my grandmother is still sick, while I'm juggling taking care of her and work. Alhamdulilah. I am also searching for a wife at the moment, as you guys might now, I am very religious, so building a family is important as a Muslim. Pray for me, and may Allah bless you.


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