
40: Man-Who-Helped

AN: Right, small change of plans. I'm splitting this last chapter into two parts. This is the last chapter for the actual plot developments of the story. The next chapter will be a proper epilogue (mostly fluff and smut). It just makes the pacing work better. And this way, this chapter isn't 20k words or something.


< Stats >

< +1 to Body, +2 to Mind, +4 to Soul >

< Body 68+1=69/100+ (Nice…), Mind 71+2=73/100+, Soul 71+4=75/100+ >

< Combat >

< +6 to Dueling >

< Dueling 59+6=65/100 >

< Magic >

< +2 to Wanded Magic, +2 to Magic Theory, +2 to Black Blood Magic, +3 to DADA, +3 to Dark Arts >

< Wanded Magic 67+2=69/100, Magic Theory 72+2=74/100, Black Blood Magic 48+2=50/100, DADA 67+3=70/100, Dark Arts 62+3=65/100 >

< Social >

< +20 to Notoriety, +20 to Influence >

< Notoriety 43+20=63/100, Influence 40+20=60/100 >

< Creation >

< +2 to Wards, +6 to Ritual Magic >

< Wards 52+2=54/100, Ritual Magic 60+6=66/100 >

< New Title Unlocked: Man-Who-Helped >

< Quest Completed: The Triwizard Tournament >

< Condition(s): Keep Heather Potter alive through the Triwizard Tournament. Quest bonuses will be given for exceptional performance by Heather Potter during the three (3) tasks. Also, deal with Lord Voldemort once and for all… >

< Rewards: One (1) Perk, One (1) Title, +5 to EVERYTHING, Potter Family Magic Unlocked >

< +5 to EVERYTHING >

< New Title Unlocked: Breaker of Fate >

< New Perk Unlocked: Prophecy Smoh-phrecy >

< Prophecy? I barely know her! You and those you love are unbound by tragic fates and prophecies >

< New Discipline Unlocked: Potter's Clay 1+5=6/100 >

I pushed the System notification to the side. Sure, completing the quest felt good, but I hadn't done all of this just for that. The additional rewards were certainly welcome though.

As far as I could tell by just feeling out the Discipline, Potter's Clay was a kind of specialized Transfiguration. One potent enough that it made the already reality-bending art of Transfiguration into something that could only be considered bullshit. I made a note to get Heather into her family's library ASAP.

And the new Title and Perk? Also bullshit. Very welcome bullshit. Especially since the Perk specified 'tragic fates and prophecies'. The coven and I weren't immune to Fate's boons, just her curses.

For once though, I felt the Grind could wait. Voldemort was dead. Heather was free. And the coven had strengthened its bonds. So I could turn my attention to whatever the Hell Hermione was plotting.

"Recently Employed Volunteers?" I asked, half amused and half incredulous.

Hermione raised her nose imperiously, "House Black and the White Coven may or may not be funding and hiring revolutionaries… Narcissa has been very helpful."

"I see."

"We're now the largest part-time employer in Magical Britain."


"You're not going to say anything?" Hermione asked nervously.

I answered her question with a question, "Does your plan require me to actually do something?"

She shook her head slowly, "No, I guess it doesn't. All you have to do is stand in the background, all pretty and leader-like."

"And you're not planning to genocide the Ministry, right?"

"Atlas!" Hermione gasped, scandalized. "How could you think me capable of that?"

I chuckled, "Just checking thoroughly."

She sniffed, "Well, no. I'm not planning a genocide."

"I see no reason to try and stop you then. Hell, I'll even support you."

"You will…?"

"I told you he would, Hermione~" Luna cut in.

"And I didn't want to assume anything," Hermione primly retorted.

"Heh, it really takes 'youthful rebellion' to a whole other level, doesn't it?" Aurora joked.

"Damn," Heather swore lightly. "That's a good one. Why didn't I think of it first?"

"It's okay, Potter," Daphne deadpanned. "We still love you even if you're a little slow."

"I'll show you slow," Heather growled.

"Here, Mon Ange. You'll need this to complete the image as well," Gabrielle said, shoving clothes into my hands.

"My 'supervillain' outfit?"

"Mhmmm~!" Luna hummed, nodding cheerfully. "You're The Black Rider!"

Smirking, I shrugged on the pitch-black cloak and settled the hat onto my head, "Seems as good a name as any. How do I look?"

Fleur shuddered as she checked me out, "H-How dastardly… How dashing… Yes, there is no denying your villainous nature now, D-Devil~!"

Gabrielle giggled at her sister, "You will not find a more shining endorsement than that."

"Yay~! The Black Rider rides again~!" Luna clapped and cheered.

"He could certainly take me for a ride~" Aurora leered.

"Dammit!" Heather huffed. "Two-nil…"

"You're losing your touch, Potter," Daphne said.

"Yeah?! Well-…! I'll touch you!" Heather snapped, barely making any sense before devolving into giggles.

"Cut her some slack, Daphne. She's had a long day," I teased.

"Yeah! Long and hard! Like Atlas' cock!" Heather grinned unrepentantly.

I sighed, "She's trying."

"And failing," Daphne added.

Heather scowled, "I'll get another good one eventually."

"So," I changed the subject. "Has anyone contacted Amelia yet?"

Septima shook her head, "No, but that's a good reminder. I'll get her here immediately."

"Why?" Hermione asked.

"I just think it could be useful to have her and her department be busy with the Death Eaters when you storm the Ministry," I stated innocently.

"Ah… That does seem like a good idea," Hermione blushed slightly at missing the obvious.

"Storming the Ministry is actually step three of Hermione's 5-step Guide to Overthrowing Magical Societies," Luna chimed.

"What's step one?" I inquired with amusement in my voice.

"Luna!" Hermione hissed, blushing even more now.

Luna ignored her, "Find a champion. For our purposes, you and Heather qualify."

"Step two?"

"Defeat the reigning Dark Lord."

I nodded, "And step three is storming the Ministry. What comes after that?"

"???" Luna 'answered'.

I blinked, "I'm… sorry?"

"Step 4: ???" Luna repeated herself.

"… Ah. Of course," Eventually, I just nodded and tried not to think about how Luna made the sound of three question marks and nothing else. "And step five?"


"Seems simple enough."

Hermione groaned, "Oh, how embarrassing. Next, you're going to tell him about my manifesto."

I stifled a snort in a vain attempt to save Hermione's pride. Vain because she realized what she'd said right after saying it. She buried her red face in her hands.

Thankfully, she was saved from revealing even more of how much thought she'd put into revolutions by the appearance of Tonks and Amelia. An entire squad of Aurors came with them, including Mad-Eye. Ignoring the audience, Tonks immediately came up and hit me before wrapping me in a tight hug.

"You crazy bastard…" She muttered into my shoulder. "You actually did it."

Amelia cleared her throat. Tonks jumped back from me, remembering that she was supposed to be on duty, "J-Just checking him over for injuries, Boss!"

Chuckling, I turned my attention to Amelia and gestured to the Death Eaters, "They're all yours, Madam Bones."

She turned her monocle on our Death Eater prisoners, "Sweet Merlin… We'll be here all night. I'm going to need more men."

"I think I can call in a few favors for a bust like this," Moody grumbled.

Amelia nodded, "Do it, Mad-Eye. We need a place to hold them as well. Preferably someplace anonymous and not in the Ministry."

"How about one of House Black's properties?" Hermione suggested.

"You'd allow that?" Amelia asked, addressing me.

I nodded but Hermione spoke for me, "Anything to keep you out of the Ministry for the near future-… I mean… Anything we can do to help."

Amelia's eyes narrowed at Hermione, "And why would we need to stay out of the Ministry-…"

Moody interrupted her, laying a hand on the DMLE Head's shoulder. He met her gaze, shaking his head with a knowing grin on his face. Some sort of nonverbal conversation passed between the two. Hermione tried her very best to look completely innocent.

"Right," Amelia eventually said. "It seems the DMLE will be too busy here to go anywhere near the Ministry. What a shame…"

Hermione let out a sigh of relief, not picking up on Amelia's act. Amelia raised a questioning eyebrow at me. I just grinned.

"And what will you all do?" Tonks asked.

"Back to Hogwarts, I suppose. We should check in. Then… I think the coven could use a vacation," I answered.

"Wooo~! Roadtrip~!" Heather cheered.

"Silly Heather," Luna giggled. "Portkeys don't use roads."

"What about the revo-!" Hermione began to ask before cutting herself off with a glance at Amelia.

Amelia rolled her eyes and I laughed, "Let's leave Britain to its chaos for the summer. We can deal with the aftermath of defeating Voldemort and arresting a quarter of the Wizengamot after a much-needed break."

"I suppose a vacation does sound nice…" Hermione mused. "I could certainly use one after coordinating cooperation between three schools."

"Exactly. Besides, Heather and I are champions in name and deed only. I'm sure neither of us wants to bear the actual responsibility. I'd much rather rest and relax on a beach with the family," I added.

"The Black family owns a private, warded, and unplottable island in the Caribbean," Bella butted in helpfully.

"Private island?" Hermione perked up.

"Private island!" Heather confirmed excitedly.

"Sun~! Sand~! The Sea~! Tres Magnifique~!" Fleur added her usual dramatics.

"Yes. Let's leave Britain to its dreary upheaval. We've already established Cedric Diggory as a suitable candidate to take Atlas' place," Daphne advocated in a flat tone.

"Will Cedric agree though?" Hermione asked.

Daphne answered, "Doesn't really matter if he does. He's too popular for his own good. People love him. They'll just draft him anyway if he doesn't agree."

"His father is popular in the Ministry as well," Septima commented. "No one will complain about giving Amos' son a chance. Especially not after he embarrassed Fudge so handily during the Third Task."

"Add in Atlas and Heather's support of him as a candidate and the choice gets even more black and white," Daphne said.

"No election?" I asked, curious and amused.

Hermione dismissed the idea with a wave of her hand, "No need. The people are deciding and implementing their will directly. Much less chance of corruption or things not going our way."

I wrapped up our little planning/clarification session, "Well, I suppose that's that then. Good hustle, people. Cedric will be our sacrificial lamb for the chaos. I'll be sure to leave him a way to contact us and complain. Then after the initial wave of change calms down, he and Cho can join us on vacation. Merlin knows they'll need it."

Heather was practically vibrating in place, "C'mon~! The sooner we get this done, the sooner we can get to the beach~!"

"Good luck, Amelia. Tonks. Mad-Eye," I smirked as we prepared to leave. "I'm sure you'll find your job much easier to do without interference shortly."

Turning my smirk on Heather, I asked, "Ready to greet our fans?"

Heather's grin was vicious and fox-like, already preparing pranks to prevent the reaction we both knew was coming, "Oh, yeah~ Let's see them try and push me around now~…"

Amelia stayed silent and watched, taking in everything we were and weren't saying. Moody kept giving her that same knowing grin on his grisly mug. Tonks looked torn between doing her job and begging to come with us.

"I think I'll need to have a talk with Susan about keeping me informed of upcoming political revolutionary movements after all of this is over," Amelia muttered to herself as Heather summoned the cup portkey back to her and we all grabbed each other to be whisked away in a swirl of magic.


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♦ Topic: The End...

In: Boards ► Watch Me...

IceQueen (Original Poster) (Slytherin) (Neutral)

Posted On Jun 24th 1995:

Fire... Brimstone... Death and Fate... The end is nigh...

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►PettyPansy (Slytherin) (Not Not Neutral)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Well, this is dramatic. Very 'goth' though so I suppose it's in character.

►TracingDavis (Slytherin) (Neutral)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

You okay, Daph?

►IceQueen (Original Poster) (Slytherin) (Neutral)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

*Rolls eyes* I'm fine. Just... be sure to watch the chaos...

►IcePrincess (Slytherin) (Princess)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Dapphhhh~nneeee~ Not fair~! I'm supposed to be the one who brings chaos in our family~!

►SherlockBones (Hufflepuff)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

What's going on?

►HeirLongbottom (Gryffindor)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Why did Heather get portkeyed to a graveyard?

►TheYoungestRedhead (Gryffindor) (Weasley)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

I have a bad feeling about this...

►HenchwomanVtuber (Ravenclaw) (LoveGooder) (Coven Member #2) (Shh, It's a Secret)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

You should~! But not for Heather.

►TerribleTwins1 (Gryffindor) (Prankster) (Beater)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:


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►TerribleTwinsA (Gryffindor) (Prankster) (Beater)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Isn't that Peter Pettigrew?!

►TheYoungestRedhead (Gryffindor) (Weasley)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Not even the twins know what's going on?! Oh shit... This isn't a prank...

►SherlockBones (Hufflepuff)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

We have to help Heather!

►Heather'sMinder (Gryffindor) (Brilliant But Scary)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Don't worry. There's a plan.

►BlackWidow'sSon (Slytherin) (Seduction Runs in His Blood)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Coming from a Gryffindor? That doesn't make me feel much better. From Granger? Let's see what happens.

►IceQueen (Original Poster) (Slytherin) (Neutral)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

I helped as well.

►ChangSenpai (Seeker) (Ravenclaw)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Why does Pettigrew have a baby?

►FabulouslyLavender (Fabulous) (Gryffindor) (Queen Bee)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

That's one ugly-looking baby.

►Mummy'sLittleDragon (Slytherin) (Pure-Blood)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

That's not a baby...

►TheYoungestRedhead (Gryffindor) (Weasley)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Do you still have a plan for this, Hermione?!

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►Heather'sMinder (Gryffindor) (Brilliant But Scary)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Yes. Trust me. Everything is under control. Heather will be fine.

►NottaProblem (Slytherin) (Pure-Blood) (Dark)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

The Dark Lord has returned!

►IceQueen (Original Poster) (Slytherin) (Neutral)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Don't sound too excited there, Nott.

►Shiva'sBride (Gryffindor) (Indian Goddess) (Love)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

What'd Nott say? I still have him blocked.

►BlackWidow'sSon (Slytherin) (Seduction Runs in His Blood)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Just the usual Dark nonsense about how he's oh-so desperate to suck off the Dark Lord.

►NottaProblem (Slytherin) (Pure-Blood) (Dark)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Wha-?! I said nothing of the sort!

►FabulouslyLavender (Fabulous) (Gryffindor) (Queen Bee)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Pfft~! It was definitely implied though.

►LovelyFrenchBrat (Guest) (Brat (Affectionate)) (French) (Coven Member #3)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Witches and Wizards...

The White Coven would like to present something spectacular. Here, you will witness history as it is written. Welcome, to the final fall of Lord Voldemort.

►NottaProblem (Slytherin) (Pure-Blood) (Dark)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Lies! The Dark Lord cannot be beaten by some Half-Blood twit!

►IceQueen (Original Poster) (Slytherin) (Neutral)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

"The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches..."

"-And the Dark Lord will mark her as his equal but she will have power the Dark Lord knows not."

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►ChangSenpai (Seeker) (Ravenclaw)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

There's... a prophecy...?

►LovelyFrenchBrat (Guest) (Brat (Affectionate)) (French) (Coven Member #3)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Oui. And Heather Potter has the White Coven at her back. Will Hogwarts join us?

►AdrianPukey (Slytherin) (Dark)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

As if anyone could stand up to the Dark Lord. You're just digging your own graves.

►HeirLongbottom (Gryffindor)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

I'll stand with Heather.

►Heather'sMinder (Gryffindor) (Brilliant But Scary)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Heather would have done the same for you in a heartbeat, Neville.

►IceQueen (Original Poster) (Slytherin) (Neutral)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Funnily enough, the prophecy could have applied to Longbottom as well.

"-Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies..."

►NottaProblem (Slytherin) (Pure-Blood) (Dark)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

*Scoff* The Squib?

►SherlockBones (Hufflepuff)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

The heir to one of Britain's oldest Pure-Blood Houses. The Longbottoms were leading British tribes and clans long before the Romans arrived. Care to take a guess what House Nott was doing at that time?

►TheYoungestRedhead (Gryffindor) (Weasley)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

He's also not a squib. Like, at all. Anyone with eyes can see how much power he has. Especially since he started working with Atlas

►NottaProblem (Slytherin) (Pure-Blood) (Dark)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

What does it matter?! He will die before the Immortal Dark Lord for ignoring his Pure-Blood roots! Just as Potter will!

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►BlackWidow'sSon (Slytherin) (Seduction Runs in His Blood)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

The same Potter who's currently mocking the Dark Lord?

►Heather'sMinder (Gryffindor) (Brilliant But Scary)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Dammit, Heather...

►TerribleTwins1 (Gryffindor) (Prankster) (Beater)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

She's not the sharpest tool in the shed...

►TerribleTwinsA (Gryffindor) (Prankster) (Beater)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

But she's sure as hell got spirit!

►HellsBells (Gryffindor) (Chaser)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

I guess no one can say Heather entered the tournament on purpose now... Not that many believed that anymore anyway.

►SoftPads (Ravenclaw) (Quiet Twin)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

How can she keep talking back to the Dark Lord like that...? I would have wet myself.

►Shiva'sBride (Gryffindor) (Indian Goddess) (Love)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

You're not alone there, Pads. Even for a Gryffindor, Heather's got balls of steel.

►NottaProblem (Slytherin) (Pure-Blood) (Dark)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

More like the courage of a fool...

►IceQueen (Original Poster) (Slytherin) (Neutral)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

That too. But she's got Hermione and Atlas to do the thinking and planning for her. So all she has to do is be her usual Gryffindor self.

►TracingDavis (Slytherin) (Neutral)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Where is Professor Atlas, Daph? He wasn't here before the task either. Doesn't seem like him to miss something like this...

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►IceQueen (Original Poster) (Slytherin) (Neutral)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

You'll see...

►ChangSenpai (Seeker) (Ravenclaw)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Scary... Is it even possible to conquer Fate?

►NottaProblem (Slytherin) (Pure-Blood) (Dark)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

The Dark Lord can do anything. Resistance is futile. Give in and accept your Pure-Blood masters already, sheep.

►TheYoungestRedhead (Gryffindor) (Weasley)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Fate sounds like a bitch.

►HeirLongbottom (Gryffindor)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

She kind of is.

►IcePrincess (Slytherin) (Princess)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Woooo~! Nice comeback, Heather~!

►PettyPansy (Slytherin) (Not Not Neutral)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Did... the Dark Lord just quip back at Potter...?

►DrunkIrishman (Gryffindor) (Irish)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Uncool, man.

►BlackWidow'sSon (Slytherin) (Seduction Runs in His Blood)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

You know, I wasn't expecting the Dark Lord to have a sense of humor.

►TracingDavis (Slytherin) (Neutral)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

He seems almost... Human?

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►IceQueen (Original Poster) (Slytherin) (Neutral)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

He's not. Not anymore. But this just shows even Dark Lords can have layers.

►SherlockBones (Hufflepuff)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

That's a good question, Heather.

'What is even happening' at this point?

►ChangSenpai (Seeker) (Ravenclaw)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:


►IcePrincess (Slytherin) (Princess)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

*Gasp!* Dark Lord Tom! The horror! The terror! The fear-or!

►TheYoungestRedhead (Gryffindor) (Weasley)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

I still hate that name.

►IceQueen (Original Poster) (Slytherin) (Neutral)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Tom Riddle Jnr. Half-Blood son of a Squib mother and Muggle father. Hogwarts Head Boy of 1945.

►PettyPansy (Slytherin) (Not Not Neutral)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Holy shit.

►NottaProblem (Slytherin) (Pure-Blood) (Dark)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Lies! That's impossible!

►IceQueen (Original Poster) (Slytherin) (Neutral)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

*Shrug* He's confirming it himself right now.

►ChangSenpai (Seeker) (Ravenclaw)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

This conversation is surreal.

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►TheYoungestRedhead (Gryffindor) (Weasley)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

She's not wrong though. A graveyard is kind of cliche.

►AdrianPukey (Slytherin) (Dark)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

I'm sure the Dark Lord has his reasons.

►IcePrincess (Slytherin) (Princess)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

*Giggle* Heather is still playing him like a fiddle.

►BlackWidow'sSon (Slytherin) (Seduction Runs in His Blood)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Maybe Potter's more Slytherin than we give her credit for. Astoria's right. She's manipulating him masterfully. Right into admitting-...

►PettyPansy (Slytherin) (Not Not Neutral)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

►LovelyFrenchBrat (Guest) (Brat (Affectionate)) (French) (Coven Member #3)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

There you have it. The Dark Lord who champions blood purity has a Muggle father. Tom Riddle is nothing but a false shepherd.

►AdrianPukey (Slytherin) (Dark)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

It's... true...?

►Mummy'sLittleDragon (Slytherin) (Pure-Blood)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

He's tricked the entire Wizarding World. Called it.

►PettyPansy (Slytherin) (Not Not Neutral)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Oh, bullshit. No way you had any clue what was going on, Draco.

►Mummy'sLittleDragon (Slytherin) (Pure-Blood)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Not exactly. But it makes way too much sense in hindsight. Think about it.

Voldemort isn't exactly a noble or Pure-Blood name. I've never heard of a 'House Voldemort', not in England or in France.

And this isn't something I like talking about but you have to consider my father as well. Malfoy isn't the oldest or most prestigious Pure-Blood name in Britain. Sure, we have roots in France, but my line is basically a branch family.

So for my father to be Voldemort's right-hand man? Over Rosier? Over Carrow? Over Parkinson, even? Doesn't quite make sense, does it?

But what we did have was money. So obviously, Voldemort doesn't actually care about blood purity. He cares about what he can take from you. He cares about power.

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►ChangSenpai (Seeker) (Ravenclaw)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

"Though I suppose that goes to show that blood isn't everything..."

►PettyPansy (Slytherin) (Not Not Neutral)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Holy. Fucking. Merlin-buggering. Shit.

►BlackWidow'sSon (Slytherin) (Seduction Runs in His Blood)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Svetlana is good for you, Draco. Before her, I could never have imagined you saying half of those things in such a reasonable manner.

►Svetlana (Pure-Blood) (Durmstrang) (Russian)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Thank you. I try. My little Dragon is more than meets the eye, yes?

►BlackWidow'sSon (Slytherin) (Seduction Runs in His Blood)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Looks like Potter's 'Mind Healer' manipulations have failed.

►SherlockBones (Hufflepuff)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Is it weird that I have a bad feeling about this ritual?

►NottaProblem (Slytherin) (Pure-Blood) (Dark)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

*Scoff* No, that just shows that even Blood Traitors can see the obvious when it is right in front of them.

►TerribleTwinsA (Gryffindor) (Prankster) (Beater)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:


►TerribleTwins1 (Gryffindor) (Prankster) (Beater)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:


►TheYoungestRedhead (Gryffindor) (Weasley)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

... Well, this is awkward.

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►DeanyDean (Gryffindor)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

It's like the worst Mexican standoff I've ever seen.

►PrincessAnya (Russian) (Ex-Princess) (Guest)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

As deplorable and insane as he is, the monster is correct. It is very hard to find good help. I imagine it would only be harder without a body.

►HenchwomanVtuber (Ravenclaw) (LoveGooder) (Coven Member #2) (Shh, It's a Secret)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Not if you build your own coven~!

►PrincessAnya (Russian) (Ex-Princess) (Guest)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Hmm... Victor my beloved?

►KrumNumber1 (Durmstrang Champion) (Durmstrang) (Guest)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

We will talk about it. I am just glad to see you alright, My Anya.

►FabulouslyLavender (Fabulous) (Gryffindor) (Queen Bee)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Huh, when did the champions come out of the maze to join us?

►FrenchFlower (Beauxbatons Champion) (Guest) (In Denial) (French)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Alas~! I could not win~! Victory was within my grasp~! Ripped away by this undead monster~! No matter~! My coven and I shall strike him down~!

►LovelyFrenchBrat (Guest) (Brat (Affectionate)) (French) (Coven Member #3)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

It's okay, Fleur. We love you even if you are ultimately a loser~ *smirk*

►FrenchFlower (Beauxbatons Champion) (Guest) (In Denial) (French)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Aak~! My ego! My pride! Nooooo~! The only one who may tease me so is the devilish Rogue who holds my heart~!

►IDon'tSparkle (Hogwarts Champion) (Hufflepuff)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Not that long ago. Getting me out of that strange illusion thing took the longest. But now I feel like searching for the Holy Grail, for whatever reason...

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►ChangSenpai (Seeker) (Ravenclaw)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Ceddy Bear~! You did good, baby. I'm proud of you. Were you the one directing the illusions or was that something else? Either way, I think you made some of the audience introspective with your performance.

►IceQueen (Original Poster) (Slytherin) (Neutral)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Hmm... Hermione. You know Atlas isn't going to want the job, right?

►Heather'sMinder (Gryffindor) (Brilliant But Scary)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:


►IceQueen (Original Poster) (Slytherin) (Neutral)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

I'm just saying-...

►IcePrincess (Slytherin) (Princess)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Cedric for Minister~!

►SherlockBones (Hufflepuff)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

He's got my vote.

►DrunkIrishman (Gryffindor) (Irish)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

And my car bomb!

►Heather'sMinder (Gryffindor) (Brilliant But Scary)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Operation R.E.V.O.L.U.T.I.O.N stands ready...

►HenchwomanVtuber (Ravenclaw) (LoveGooder) (Coven Member #2) (Shh, It's a Secret)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Soon~... Muahahahahahahaha~!

►IDon'tSparkle (Hogwarts Champion) (Hufflepuff)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Wait, wait, what?!

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(Showing page 12 of 15)

►ChangSenpai (Seeker) (Ravenclaw)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

You'll do great, Ceddy! Everyone already loves you and you'll be able to make an actual difference! Just imagine, "Cedric Diggory, The Youngest Minister"

►BlackWidow'sSon (Slytherin) (Seduction Runs in His Blood)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

I certainly take Diggory over Fudge. Though that's not saying much at this point. Look at the fool bastard, still trying to deny what he's being shown. He would stick his head in the sand until the Dark Lord takes over at this rate.

►TracingDavis (Slytherin) (Neutral)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

So how many Ravenclaws and Slytherins are currently writing down this ritual?

►NottaProblem (Slytherin) (Pure-Blood) (Dark)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

*Hiss* None of your business, Half-Blood!

►SoftPads (Ravenclaw) (Quiet Twin)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

*raises hand hesitantly* I don't think it's very useful outside of specific situations but intellectually, it's very interesting.

►Shiva'sBride (Gryffindor) (Indian Goddess) (Love)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

His hand?! Oh, Merlin, I'm going to be sick!

►ChangSenpai (Seeker) (Ravenclaw)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

"Bone of the father" - creating a stable base to build upon? It invokes concepts of birth and lineage as well.

"Flesh of the servant" - Willing sacrifice. Playing off and utilizing the devotion of others? It should probably give him a closer connection to his servants.

"Blood of the enemy" - Note: not 'forcibly taken'. Any blood should have worked.

Conclusion: Voldemort is a drama queen.

►AdrianPukey (Slytherin) (Dark)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

It doesn't matter now. He is reborn.

►NottaProblem (Slytherin) (Pure-Blood) (Dark)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Witness the source of your doom and damnation, Mudbloods and Traitors!

►FabulouslyLavender (Fabulous) (Gryffindor) (Queen Bee)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

I'm going to be sick as well now. That boy's not right.

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(Showing page 13 of 15)

►TheYoungestRedhead (Gryffindor) (Weasley)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Voldemort or Nott?

►FabulouslyLavender (Fabulous) (Gryffindor) (Queen Bee)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Both. But I mainly meant that body. It's so... wrong. Corrupted. It Shouldn't Be.

►BlackWidow'sSon (Slytherin) (Seduction Runs in His Blood)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Merlin... The first thing he does is torture the man who brought him back to life. This is the Lord you dedicate yourself to, Nott?

►NottaProblem (Slytherin) (Pure-Blood) (Dark)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

He rewards devotion. See? Pettigrew's hand is restored. I wouldn't expect you to understand, Zabini.

►IceQueen (Original Poster) (Slytherin) (Neutral)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

"Society bows to men like me"

I don't think we'll ever get a clearer look into Voldemort's mind.

►AdrianPukey (Slytherin) (Dark)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Death Eaters... So many still answer his call.

►ThiccMilly (Slytherin) (Pure-Blood)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

I hate that my mum and dad are probably there now...

►PettyPansy (Slytherin) (Not Not Neutral)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

It's okay, Millie. No one blames you for them. If they do, they'll have to talk to me.

►BlackWidow'sSon (Slytherin) (Seduction Runs in His Blood)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

And me. The sensible half of Slytherin will stand with you.

►NottaProblem (Slytherin) (Pure-Blood) (Dark)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:


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(Showing page 14 of 15)

►TheYoungestRedhead (Gryffindor) (Weasley)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Heh, the heroine slips free as the villain monologues. Seems about right.

►SherlockBones (Hufflepuff)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Uh, did anyone else notice that Dumbledore stunned Snape and Karkaroff? They looked to be in pain before he did.

►HenchwomanVtuber (Ravenclaw) (LoveGooder) (Coven Member #2) (Shh, It's a Secret)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Snapey is, like, a double or triple agent or something equally convoluted. It's something left over from the last war.

►KrumNumber1 (Durmstrang Champion) (Durmstrang) (Guest)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

The Headmaster has turned his back on the Dark Lord but he still bears his mark...

►FabulouslyLavender (Fabulous) (Gryffindor) (Queen Bee)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Go, Heather, go!

►ChangSenpai (Seeker) (Ravenclaw)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Oh no!

►NottaProblem (Slytherin) (Pure-Blood) (Dark)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Ha! Escape or not, she's still screwed.

►Heather'sMinder (Gryffindor) (Brilliant But Scary)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

*Groans* Really, Heather? A pun? Now?

►SherlockBones (Hufflepuff)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Oh yes! Professor Atlas!

►PettyPansy (Slytherin) (Not Not Neutral)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:


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(Showing page 15 of 15)

►DrunkIrishman (Gryffindor) (Irish)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Merlin, look at them go...

►IcePrincess (Slytherin) (Princess)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

Woooooo~! Go, Big Bro Atlas~! Kick their stupid, stinky, death-eating butts~!

►IceQueen (Original Poster) (Slytherin) (Neutral)

Replied On Jun 24th 1995:

The downfall of the Dark Lord begins not with a bang, but with a pun. I expected nothing less from Heather Potter.

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The WWO fell silent as Heather, Atlas, and Bella carved their way through a small army of Death Eaters. The students were in awe, captivated by the battle. Every eye was fixed on their WWO parchments.

It was so far beyond anything they could have reasonably expected. It was like watching a natural disaster. Or three of them. One for Atlas. One for Bellatrix. And one for Heather Potter.

The scene they watched was bloody. It was vicious. It was beautiful in an awesome way that took their breath away. Spells they didn't know, power they couldn't have imagined, the trio on their parchment went about rewriting the way the students saw the world.

Heather was efficient, taking down Death Eaters more than twice her age with a single powerful and consistent spell. Bella was ruthless, striking down her enemies in ways that made them wish they'd never been born. Atlas was creative and varied, subduing his targets with a different spell every time and doing things that seemed impossible even for a Wizard.

All three of them were power, made manifest. They were electric. Even through the broadcast, the students could practically feel the magic that must have been pouring off them in waves. They were glorious. Myths and legends took shape before the students' eyes.

Outside the students and the WWO, the crowd's reaction was similar. Most were on the edge of their seats. Some were even standing. Some couldn't bear to look. Others couldn't look away.

They watched on a big screen as Heather Potter was kidnapped and used in a twisted ritual. They watched the reveal of Lord Voldemort, both in his temporary form and his newly reborn body. They watched as the situation turned on the Dark Lord, so quickly and in spectacular fashion.

"Oh, the humanity!" Witches gasped.

"My word…" Wizards were left speechless.

"Merlin on a bicycle! What a turn of events!" Ludo Bagman took up his one and only job: providing commentary.

"The Dark Lord seems to be on the back foot! How has this happened?! Was it planned?! How marvelously coordinated! I truly believe we are witnessing history here, folks!"

"This can't be happening… It can't! It can't! Cut the spell! This must be some kind of prank!" Fudge stuck his head firmly into the sand.

Of course, no one listened to his commands. Everyone was enraptured, entranced by the events playing out before them. Fudge was left to scramble, trying to cut the spell himself and failing miserably.

"This can't be happening! He's dead. Dead! He can't be reborn! Oh, we're doomed! I'm doomed!" Fudge muttered frantically to himself.

On the screen, Atlas, Bella, and Heather moved as one. Pure might and power. Proficiency and skill. Control and capability. As far as anyone watching could tell, they were masters of magical combat. Or at least close enough that no one envied the Death Eaters against them.

Heather sent her targets flying with simple stunners fueled by her potent magic. Something most in the audience didn't even know was possible. Atlas whipped up a storm of spells they'd never seen before. Bella utterly destroyed any who dared to face her.

The battle was miles away. Yet it was right in front of them as well. The world seemed to shake with the weight of every spell. The sounds of combat were deafening. Screams and shouts, bangs and booms, concrete and fleshy impacts, the whiz of spellfire, those two dreaded words starting with A and K.

It was all anyone there could hear, all they could look at, and all they could focus on. Three people — one of whom hadn't even earned her OWLs — were facing down Voldemort and his followers. And as far as anyone could tell, they were winning.

The judges for the Triwizard Tournament were rendered obsolete for the moment. The Third Task was completely forgotten about. Bagman made himself useful with commentary, describing the scene for those listening over the Wizarding Wireless.

"Good Merlin! How much magic does the Girl-Who-Lived have?! She's sending Death Eaters flying left and right! It's like her stunners are banishers!

"And the things Bellatrix Black is doing-! Well, I can't rightly describe them to the public! Dragonfire and Unicorn Dust! That man is deader than dead!

"Atlas Black is a man on a mission! Those spells! That power! He's here to strike fear, take names, and wreak havoc! Sweet Morgana's Tittymilk! Where did he learn that one?!"

Crouch had outright fainted. It was out of character for the gruff hardliner. But Voldemort had clearly implied that 'Crouch' helped rig the tournament and task to bring Heather before him. With no one in the know willing to explain his son's involvement, Crouch Snr just about had a heart attack and passed out cold.

Dumbledore did the honors of stunning Karkaroff — as well as his Potions Professor Snape — when Voldemort called for his Death Eaters. But so far, that was the only finger he'd seemingly raised in assistance. Meanwhile, he'd called for a House Elf to bring him a bucket of popcorn so he could enjoy the show.

"Should we not help?!" Madam Maxime worried.

"They're doing a wonderful job of it so far. And it's their plan. I have faith in them," Dumbledore answered dismissively.

"Plan? You knew this was going to happen?!" Madam Maxime asked incredulously.

Dumbledore didn't bother to answer other than a twinkle in his eyes, changing the subject completely, "It seems Bella still holds something of a grudge against those that once pulled her strings."

Professor McGonagall stormed over to the Judge's Table, "Albus! Do something! If my lion gets hurt or heavens forbid, killed because ye sat on yer old wrinkly ass, Ah will piss in yer tea!"

Her crude broguish threat made Dumbledore break out into laughter, "Hahaha~! Oh, Minerva. Come, sit with us. And as the youth say, 'chill'.

"Everything's under control. Atlas and Bella are with her. They have a whole plan complete with contingencies in case of failure. Heather will be fine."

McGonagall was still mad, practically steaming out her ears. Dumbledore tried another method of placating his old friend, "Fire Whiskey, Minerva?"

She huffed, "Yer damn straight, Albus! And the moment they falter, I'm dragging ye with me to wherever they are!"

She sat down, pushing Crouch's unconscious body out of his seat without giving the fainting judge a single moment of consideration. Aurora and Septima joined the group soon after, having heard the commotion.

"They'll be fine, Minerva," Septima assured. "The whole coven is behind her. And Albus himself helped more than he's letting on."

"Need one of Pomona's green rollies?" Aurora offered.

McGonagall snorted flames, having downed an anxious gulp of Fire Whiskey in the meantime, "Nae, lass. I'll manage. Maybe you can soothe my nerves with a bit more information instead?"

Septima nodded, "Of course, Minerva. We were tipped off to Voldemort's schemes beforehand. Atlas had the high risk, high reward idea of setting a trap for him-…"

While Septima explained the coven's plan, Voldemort finally made his move on the big screen. The crowd screamed and cried at his mere presence. Even removed from the situation, they could all feel how corrupt and wrong the Dark Lord was.

They'd been close to cheering. So many Death Eaters had fallen before the trio. The tides seemed to be flowing firmly in their favor. Then Voldemort stepped up and shifted the playing field altogether.

Dark magic, the darkest of the dark, flowed from him and his wand. Witches and Wizards alike in the audience shivered, practically feeling the accursed spell.

Death rebelled at Voldemort's whim. The dead began to rise. Inferni swarmed the graveyard, rushing for everyone but their Dark Lord.

The trio were backed into a corner. Back to back to back, they fought what looked to be a losing battle.

There were too many. An entire graveyard of Inferni. Sooner or later, they would be overwhelmed. Even Bella's Fiend Fire didn't seem to be enough to save them.

Then Atlas set the world ablaze with a roar. Flames poured forth from his wand into great storm clouds overhead. The clouds grew and grew, beginning to swirl into a vortex that surrounded the trio and annihilated everything in their path.

Even under the crimson and gold light of the flaming clouds, Atlas glowed. His skin sparked and crackled with magical energy. His eyes were brilliant pools of violet, lighthouses in the firestorm. He stood strong and tall, a colossus in the eye of a hurricane.

 A grimace of complete concentration played across his face. It utterly failed to detract from the stirring scene. The audience was floored by the breathtaking feat of magic and control. It was unimaginable. Awesome in every sense of the word. 

Fudge, still trying and failing to cut the broadcast spell, had the most front-row seat to the scene. He paled. He stumbled. He fell on his behind. Doom flashed before his eyes. If it wasn't the Dark Lord, it would be Atlas Black.

Dumbledore smirked smugly at his Transfiguration Professor and longtime friend, "I taught him that spell."

Much looser with a bit of whiskey in her, McGonagall rolled her eyes, "Aye, and I'm sure he casts it much better than ye, old man."

Dumbledore chuckled, "He reminds me of myself in my prime."

McGonagall eyed him suspiciously, stating more than asking, "Ye have something planned."

"Perhaps," Dumbledore's eyes twinkled. "I just need him to kick Tom's skinny pale arse first."

"Are ye sure he can?" A bit of anxiety still played on McGonagall's nerves.

"Honestly, Minerva? Tom has no idea how badly he's fucked up."

The audience did cheer now. After something like that, they couldn't not. Spirits rose. The momentum swung firmly back in the trio's favor… Then Voldemort walked through the flames like they were nothing.

It wasn't what he did. It was how he did it. Any one of the Witches and Wizards in the audience could have done the same with the Flame-Freezing Charm. None could have done it so well, so menacingly.

Instantly, reality reasserted itself. This was still You-Know-Who. This was still Lord Voldemort. A fact that the Dark Lord was quick to remind everyone of, "Witness my glory! I am Lord Voldemort!"

There was only a brief moment of respite. Bella's animation of the graveyard's statues was impressive. Even to the Dark Lord. Her reaction to Atlas calling her 'Momma' received a few nervous chuckles and plucked heartstrings. But soon enough, the attention returned to the coming duel.

Even miles away from the graveyard, the tension was palpable. Heather Potter faced off against her fated rival. Lord Voldemort stared down his supposed vanquisher. This was Prophecy. This was Fate.

Those sitting found themselves standing. Those standing felt themselves lean forwards. This was it. The Girl-Who-Lived and You-Know-Who. A destined duel.


"Avada Keda-…!"

"Coel Disrumpo!"

The world blinked in shock. Space itself, torn asunder and weaponized to disrupt destiny. The audience couldn't believe their eyes. They were struck silent, stunned.

Dumbledore's eyes twinkled knowingly at McGonagall, "I told you so~"

The first noise to break the shocked stillness was a laugh. One of disbelief and tenuous relief. It spread like wildfire through the crowd. Cheers roared as Voldemort stayed down. The laughter joined them as Voldemort raged impotently.

As ridiculous, as unbelievable as it was, Voldemort was defeated. He was nothing but a torso and head. He could rage and rage as much as he wanted. What damage could he do if he couldn't even hold a wand?

Drinks were raised. Sparks were shot from the tips of wands. People hugged and kissed. They hadn't even been in danger, safe miles away from the battle. But just the sight of You-Know-Who had brought back bad memories.

For the second time (that they knew of), he was defeated by Heather Potter. And like the first, the only thing that could logically follow for most Witches and Wizards was riotous celebration. Only a few — including the students — continued watching with their full attention as Heather and Bella took care of the rest of the Death Eaters.

The cleanup was relegated to the background. The main focus of the broadcast switched from Heather to Atlas as he sat down for a 'civil' conversation with his defeated foe. Still full of revelry, the crowd watched and listened as Atlas taunted the petulant Dark Lord.

The more cautious in the crowd felt shivers run down their spines at what Atlas revealed. He could break prophecy. Or at the very least, interfere with them. That shiver doubled amongst the most knowledgeable and cautious when Voldemort's Horcruxes were revealed.

Still, the majority paid the additional information no mind. Belches of Fire Whiskey flames filled the air. They drank and reveled, toasting Atlas Black and Heather Potter.

The full prophecy was revealed and the crowd just laughed. It might as well be an empty poem now, after all. Then came the Dark Lord's reaction to the full prophecy and the cheers redoubled. That was the true moment of his defeat.

The Death Eaters were dealt with. Heather skipped back over to Atlas. Atlas left Voldemort to wallow in his failure. The coven was summoned to their side.

The coven itself was new information for the majority of the public. It helped clear up the course of events though. Heather Potter had a plan going into this and a whole coven at her back. This wasn't a victory of luck or opportunity. It was a trap all along!

The ritual — so key to the entire plan — was revealed. The audience watched as it was carried out. The good mood faltered slightly at the blood sacrifice, only soothed at all by Atlas' clarification. Voldemort's shame at his defeat being witnessed certainly helped as well.

Though illegal and borderline Dark, the ritual was met with smiles of relief. As was the prospect of the Death Eaters facing justice. The chance to witness a coven's handfasting sent the mood skyrocketing even higher than before.

It was touching enough to make Witches swoon, young and old. It was intimate and private enough to make Wizards avert their gaze. It was the happy ending the audience was waiting for. It was the cherry on top of Voldemort's banishment and defeat.

The broadcast on the big screen stuttered and cut off. That didn't stop the party. Britain was safe and Dark-Lord-free. Nothing could have stopped its Witches and Wizards from celebrating.

On the WWO, a new thread opened. Operation R.E.V.O.L.U.T.I.O.N. The gears began to turn. The End of Voldemort was only the beginning for the students of Hogwarts and their guests. They rallied. They prepared. They waited for their champions.

They didn't have to wait long. Atlas, Heather, and the rest of the White Coven portkeyed back onto the scene. Immediately, the crowd tried to swarm them, wanting to give congratulations and shake the hands of the saviors of the Wizarding World.

They quickly found out that wasn't a great idea. Atlas stood tall in front of his coven. Heather stood at his side. He looked out from under the brim of a black hat, his eyes glowing on his shadowed face. His aura pushed back the swarming Witches and Wizards on its own.

He cut an intimidating figure. Swathed in black and shadow, the darkness of the night seemed as if it was being subsumed into his aura. His glare had even more of an effect than the power that cloaked him, making people step back unconsciously.

Beside him, Heather was Atlas' opposite. She was the light that cast his shadow. She stood as tall as she could. Which wasn't much. But the light of her aura — free, victorious, and unconquered — more than made up for her physical stature.

They came in hot. The crowd was reminded of what they'd just watched. What they'd witnessed. These two champions had defeated the Dark Lord. The crowd took another step back, almost as one. They gave the coven the space Atlas wordlessly commanded from them.

Dumbledore approached their group, parting the twinned auras like they weren't even there. He had a satisfied and slightly smug smile on his face. He stopped right in front of Atlas, 'facing off' like two titans. The Wizarding World held its breath.

Then McGonagall came bowling in to wrap Heather in a tight hug.

"Aak~! Professor?!" Heather exclaimed in surprise.

"Hush, lass," McGonagall shushed her. "If you can face the Dark Lord, you can bear to deal with a hug from your father's godmother."

Heather fell silent at that, "… Huh. Does that make you my great-godmother or something? Why was this never mentioned before?"

"It didnae come up," McGonagall answered broguishly, her voice rough with emotion as she pulled Heather even tighter against her bosom. "And technically, no. I don't think the title of 'godmother' passes through blood like that."

"Doesn't matter!" Heather declared, making the hug even tighter. "Just try and stop me from claiming you! You're family now!"

McGonagall gave a sniffling chuckle into Heather's hair, "Oh dear. Whatever shall I do… I'm glad you're okay, Heather."

Hermione tried to shy away from the pair, hiding the tiniest twinge of jealousy. She failed, squeaking as Heather grabbed her hand without looking and pulled her into the hug.

"I'm proud of you too, Miss Gran-… Hermione," McGonagall said, holding both of her lions close.

Dumbledore chuckled, his smugness softening at the scene before returning as he turned back to Atlas, "So, Atlas, how does it feel to be the slayer of a Dark Lord?"

Atlas gazed back at him with a deadpan expression, "Tiring. I can already feel my self-control for the worshipful public wavering. So I'm leaving the rest to you, Albus."

"Ha!" Dumbledore barked a laugh. "Yeah, right. I'm not managing that chaos again. One Dark Lord in my life was more than enough."

Atlas smiled as if butter wouldn't melt in his mouth, "But, Albus, that just means you're used to it. Are you saying you won't act as an advocate for your staff and students?"

Dumbledore's eyes narrowed ever-so-slightly, "… No, of course I will. But I can't help but feel you're taking advantage of an old man's generosity."

"Oh, no, no, of course not," Atlas shook his head 'innocently'. "I would just like you to manage the inevitable rewards for me and Heather and explain your part in the plan to the public."

After another moment of narrowed eyes, Dumbledore's face brightened with an idea, "Anything for my students, staff, and… successor."

Atlas nodded, "Good man. The coven and I will be taking a-… I'm sorry, successor?"

It was Dumbledore's turn to act innocent and he blew Atlas out of the water in that category, "Nothing, my friend. Nothing for you to concern yourself with just yet, at least. You were saying?"

Atlas' eyes narrowed in suspicion but he still answered, "… I was saying that the coven and I will be taking a vacation."

"Ah, a marvelous idea," Dumbledore nodded. "What with summer upon us and all. I wish I could join you but I'm afraid I'll be… busy."

"I'm not sure I like the idea of you staying here and pulling strings behind my back…"

"I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about."

"Successor, Albus?" Atlas asked pointedly.

Dumbledore hummed, "Hmm? I'm afraid I can't quite hear you. You'll have to speak up, Atlas. Old age and all, I'm sure you understand."


"Ah, I'm sure it wasn't important."

Dumbledore's eyes twinkled with mischievous amusement. Atlas suddenly felt a premonition pool in his gut. But no matter how much he glared pointedly at Dumbledore, the Headmaster wouldn't budge. He just kept smiling that 'too-innocent' smile of his with those twinkling eyes.

Cornelius Fudge had been run through a whole gamut of emotions. Embarrassment and shame to pants-wetting fear to awe and back to fear again. Now, he was afraid of fading into irrelevance.

It seemed to be an inevitability though. He'd firmly 'fudged' up the Third Task, making Cedric's portion of it into a public humiliation session for himself and the Ministry and losing Heather, even if that part wasn't in his control. Then the Dark Lord returned to life in front of everyone. And even when he was dealt with, Fudge couldn't claim any of the acclaim!

He was on the back foot. No, he was so far past the 'back foot' that he'd fallen on his ass. His position was hanging on by the thinnest thread. There was a blatant challenger, one that seemed set to rival even Dumbledore's prestige.

A very slim few could claim to have defeated a Dark Lord. Even if the burden for that achievement was split over a whole coven, Atlas and Heather were the obvious champions.

Fudge wanted to do anything but give up his power. There had to be a way out of this corner, he thought. And if he didn't act now, he wouldn't get another chance. His mind worked frantically but no brilliant solution presented itself. Eventually, Fudge settled for doing what he did best: lash out.

"Sorcery!" Fudge accused, stomping his way through the crowd. "Aurors, citizens! The Ministry demands this man's arrest! A bounty! Yes! 20,000 Galleons for whoever takes down this wretched sorcerer!"

"Really?" Atlas asked incredulously. "You can't read a room at all?"

Fudge could. He knew the public's opinion was firmly behind Atlas and the White Coven. But he was also desperate. Desperate to sway that opinion before it could set in and desperate to keep his position.

Dumbledore just sounded disappointed, "Cornelius… We're Wizards. We use magic. That's what we do. Sorcery is just about the exact opposite of a crime."

"B-But-," Fudge sputtered. "Ah! Rituals! Black magic rituals are illegal in Britain!"

"Would you rather we didn't banish and seal Voldemort while we could? Hell, we were even merciful enough to not kill him."

"Aha! But you killed the Death Eaters! And you sacrificed their blood! If that isn't Black magic, I don't know what is."

"Self-defense. And you're right. You don't know what Black magic is."

"See?! He doesn't even defend himself!"

"That's because you're right entirely by accident. It was Black magic. Black Family Magic."

"A-A-… Oh…" Fudge quickly ran out of ideas for accusations, recognizing a wall when he slammed into one.

The glares from the crowd were practically physical, stabbing into Fudge. He quailed and shrunk in on himself. He sputtered, trying to discreetly back away and make his escape.

Everywhere he tried was blocked by another section of the crowd. Angry Witches and Wizards encircled him. Seeing no other option, Fudge squeaked and apparated out in a sudden rush of air, immensely glad that the Hogwarts wards were temporarily relaxed to make attendance easier for the same crowd that threatened him.

The crowd fumed amongst themselves, resentment boiling — stoked by a few opportunistic student revolutionaries — over the treatment of the freshly-dubbed 'Girl-Who-Won' and 'Man-Who-Helped'. They were whipped into a frenzy until riot, protest, and revolution were the only options that would satisfy them.

Suddenly, Dumbledore made a big show of stumbling over a long, long piece of rope, his voice effortlessly rising over the din a moment later, "Oops. Oh dear, how clumsy of me. Where did this mass portkey directly to the Ministry where Cornelius Fudge has undoubtedly run to hide in his office come from?

"Oh well. I'm going to bed, leaving this portkey unattended and free to be used by any who desire to. The activation phrase is 'Fudging Coup'. But I'm sure that won't be needed."

Even after Dumbledore's performance, a few in the crowd had to be clued in. It was almost pathetic but thankfully, the affliction of Wizarding Density only seemed to apply to the older generation among them. The students were quite ready to put their plans into motion.

A voice from the crowd piped up to be heard over the crowd, "Black for-!"

"No," Atlas cut them off before the words had the chance to grow into a chant. "Just no. The coven and I are taking a vacation. You can deal with Fudge on your own. You have my approval so long as you don't completely lynch him.

"In fact, c'mon, girls. Let's get going before they try to draft us anyway. Sun, sea, and sand await!"

The coven quickly voiced their approval. Anything to escape unnecessary responsibility for an entire country being foisted upon their shoulders. Their first destination was soon decided and they began apparating out to prepare.

Hermione, Heather, and Atlas were the last three to leave. Heather puffed herself up dramatically, declaring, "You have nothing to lose but your chains! Cast them off! Prepare a Wizarding World for the Girl-Who-Won to approve of when she returns! Your savior commands it!"

Atlas chuckled, "You're having way too much fun with this."

Heather grinned at him. Hermione turned to her First Revolutionary Lieutenant — Susan Bones — and instructed in a hurry, "Proceed with Plan C.O.U.P! I'll keep in touch!"

"How will we contact you?" Susan asked frantically.

"WWO!" Hermione answered before the last of the White Coven disappeared for better things.

"Bollocks!" Susan swore. "She left us! What are we supposed to do now?"

"Can you blame her?" Tracey Davis chuckled.

"Beach time with Professor Daddy? Hell, no! Sign me up!" Pansy exclaimed.

A ghostly cat appeared before Pansy, bearing a Patronus Message, "Pansy. You and your mother are invited along on our vacation under House Black."

With a girlish squeal, Pansy began sprinting back to the Castle to pack. The revolution lost one of its best gossip-… Ahem, information-gatherers…

Neville came up to Susan's side and took her hand. She went stiff for a moment before relaxing and leaning into his touch. He stood strong, a support for her to rely on. For a moment, he could have been mistaken for the revolution's champion.

Taking command, Neville answered Susan's half-rhetorical question, "We stick to the plan. Everything's prepared. It's about time we do something for ourselves."

"Who will be Minister if not the Man-Who-Helped?!" Someone called from the crowd, the new title sticking almost immediately.

Cho Chang was the one who started the chant that soon followed, grinning mischievously at her boyfriend, "Cedric Diggory! Minister of Silly Walks!"

The chant spread like wildfire through the crowd. Soon enough, the whole Quidditch Pitch was chanting Cedric's name. He sighed. Then he caught his father's eyes in the crowd. Amos Diggory was proud as a peacock and entirely on board with the idea. That sight all but guaranteed Cedric's acceptance.

The crowd rallied. In a strange twist of the usual, adults found themselves being led by the students, parents led by their children. All three schools of the Triwizard Tournament were represented in the student uprising. International cooperation in the face of incompetent tyranny.

In Hermione's place, Neville stepped up. His nerves were frayed every second he stood before the crowd. But stand he did. He dug deep and found himself taking the role of the revolution's champion alongside Cedric. Susan stood by his side, marveling at what the boy she'd been crushing on since First Year had become.

Victor led the international students, his princes-in-exile at his side. Cedric didn't so much lead as he was led, dragged along by a giggling Cho who thought the whole thing was hilarious. Of course, she also knew it was a good opportunity. It was as much a prank on her boyfriend as it was her pushing him to be the best man he could be.

When the crowd arrived at the Ministry, courtesy of Dumbledore's 'forgotten' portkey, they were met by a very confused employee at the front desk. Neville — the proper gentleman that he was — went about signing them in.

Surprisingly enough, the Ministry of Magic had standardized forms for events just like this: Permission Forms for Revolutionary and Riotous Crowds 1-3B.

Despite how late it was, there were still people working in the Ministry. Almost all of them had been listening to the events of that night on the Wizarding Wireless. They came to watch the crowd as it stormed through the Ministry's Atrium.

Most were still in shock, both from this student-led uprising and the prior return and defeat of the Dark Lord. Some knew that change was coming, having been discreetly tipped off of the machinations inside of Hogwarts. Now that those plans had spilled into action, they put down their jobs and joined their children.

The crowd grew. Things stayed relatively peaceful. Only the already thoroughly wasted adults caused any trouble. The students found themselves keeping those few troublemakers in line more than they were 'rebelling'.

Every elevator in the Atrium dinged at the same time. The crowd poured into them, all pressing the same button. As if by magic, the elevators actually complied despite the lack of approved wand signatures. They moved as one down to the floor the Minister's office was on.

Cornelius Fudge had fled the crowd mere minutes before. He holed himself up in his office and began frantically packing up everything and anything of value.

His time as Minister of Magic was over. Through! Done with! Of that much, he was sure. He doubted he would live through the night. His only option was to flee the country, looting everything his greedy hands could carry in the process.

He didn't make it out of his office before the revolution came knocking. His only saving grace was that Atlas had instructed them not to lynch Fudge too badly. Still, three minutes later, Fudge was thrown onto the streets of Muggle London — completely naked except for his trademark bowler hat.

Back in the Minister's office, Cedric was installed. Almost immediately after that, the crowd began to disperse now that there was actual work to be done. It was a surprisingly bloodless revolution, more like a switching spell than a beheading coup.

Cedric and the main students responsible for organizing the revolution alongside Hermione sat down in the Minister's office, broke out Fudge's good drink, and tried to figure out what the hell went into running a country. Just that one meeting went on to be more productive than anything Fudge had done in office…

For the rest of the Wizarding World, the party lasted long into the morning. Voldemort was defeated. For good this time! Fudge was deposed. Good riddance! There was drink to be had and magic to be cast! Such marked the night of the Bloody Good Fudging Coup.


A bit more than 15 years in the future, something extraordinary took place. Something related to the main cast and Atlas' story by only the slimmest of threads.

What was achieved was extraordinary enough. A strange collision of people and ideas that furthered the fields of exploration and science. What was found was even more so.

A crew of Muggles set out to do what only two men had done before. Their mission was to reach the deepest point of Earth's seabed: Challenger Deep. To that end, they built a vehicle, a submersible named 'Deepsea Challenger'.

They had the funding, with corporate partners and sponsors. They had the passion, with most of the team as avid divers and experienced engineers. And they had their pilot.

James Cameron. A Canadian film director. On the surface, perhaps the strangest choice for a pilot the mission could have taken.

The man was passionate about the ocean, loving shipwrecks in particular. He'd done good work in the form of activism and promotion with his movies. He'd contributed to the project, both in funding and in technological advancements he'd used previously during filming for 'Titanic' (underwater filming and remote-operated vehicles).

But did he have the skills? The steel will? Apparently… yes. He became National Geographic's explorer-in-residence. He took the first step of exploration using the Deepsea Challenger submersible. He dove into the crushing darkness of the ocean's depths.

The achievement of being the first solo pilot to reach the deepest point of Earth's seabed was already beyond impressive. What James Cameron found there though… It had to be censored and classified immediately.

"-We… have… touchdown," James Cameron reported over his radio, practically reverent at the chance he'd been given.

"Congratulations, James," The radio answered. "What do you see?"

"Exterior camera's working as planned. Picking up bits of life. A whole lotta sand. And-… what in the world…?"


"Please tell me someone else is seeing this. And that they know what the hell 'this' is. 'Cause it can't possibly be what I think it is."

"Shine the light a little to the left."

"It is…"

"A torso and head? It looks… wrong but how is it still seemingly in pristine condition? Scavengers or the pressure or even just water damage should have gotten to it in minutes if not seconds."

"It's screaming…"

"What? That's not possible. You feeling okay, James?"

"It's screaming. I can hear it. I can feel it…"

"Jesus! I-I'm pulling you out, James. We're pulling you out. You've already got the record. No documentary is worth this creepy shit."

"Yeah… Let's leave this thing to the crabs."

The Deepsea Challenger began its ascent earlier than expected. As it did, the impossible screaming outside took on elements of sobbing.

Voldemort (or what was left of him) had spent 15 years at the bottom of the sea. 'Tartarus' was worse than Hell for him. His surroundings were so pitch black that he didn't even realize he was in the ocean until now. Every so often something came along, unseen in the darkness, to pick at his body. He couldn't do anything about it.

The pressure was beyond crushing. His lungs were constantly filled with what he now knew was water. He couldn't breathe. He couldn't stop screaming. And yet, he couldn't die either.

He was stuck there at the bottom of the ocean in crushing darkness forever. The Deepsea Challenger was the first bit of light he'd seen during his seemingly infinite torture. Just as quickly as it had arrived, it left him blind and alone again.

Even if he was found again, he knew he wouldn't be saved. Not by Muggles that wouldn't be able to overcome the magical component of his seal. He would be there until the seas boiled.

In the freshly returned darkness, something tried to nibble on his body. It didn't make a dent in the magic that kept him alive and whole but he could still feel every second of it. Who knew what else lurked in the dark…

Still sobbing, Voldemort resumed his only 'entertainment' here in 'Tartarus', "499,873,542 bottles of beer on the wall~, 499,873,542 bottles of beer~!"

Next chapter