
Chapter 10: Q and A…and what do you mean I'm stuck here!?


The ride back to the plumber base was quiet, surprisingly. There hadn't really been any attempt to strike up any conversation.

After a couple of minutes, they arrived at the base. Naruto and Merlin were pulled aside so that they could fill out some paperwork, showing that they were allowed on the planet. The process was a tad bit tedious, but it was part of the system. Naruto also had to get a few inoculations, just in case.

After that, Max had Naruto stripped of his armor and weapons. Naruto felt somewhat naked without them, but he was told that no one was going to do anything with them. Naruto was then outfitted with a special bracelet that would keep track of him as he went through the base. If he went into any areas that were considered restricted, they would be alerted, and he would then be arrested and sent down into the holding cells. They also took a sample of Naruto's blood, mainly to get a sample of the nanites flowing in his system.

Naruto now clad in some regular jeans and a plain white shirt now sat with Ben, Gwen, and Kevin. Merlin had pulled off by Azmuth and Max to go see someone by the name of Chadzmuth, who was a Galvan lawyer.

Naruto sighed in boredom and they sat together, all of them drinking down smoothies that Ben had gotten from the base cafeteria. Naruto had to admit they were good. They didn't have anything on ramen, but they were still good.

Naruto's attention was caught by a new report on TV. It featured a man with a black suit and tie, glasses, and brown hair with gray on the sides. His name being Will Harangue. There were images of the destroyed forest from beyond yellow tape, as he spoke. The voice was muted so Naruto couldn't hear what he was saying.

"Well, I'll say it," Kevin said, "This is getting boring."

Ben said, "Yeah. So, whiskers. Why don't you tell us about yourself? It isn't like we have much else to do."

Naruto answered, "You first. How did you get that thing?"

Ben sighed and said, "Well, okay. I was born in a log cabin-"

Naruto quickly interjected and said, "I said I wanted to know how you got the fancy wristwatch, not your life story."

Gwen sighed and said, "We know. Ben stop joking for once."

Ben sighed and said, "Okay, it all started when I was ten."

Ben proceeded to tell Naruto about how he had first gotten the omnitrix. How it was originally supposed to got to his grandfather Max but performed a U-turn after detecting him. Ben admitted that he wasn't that responsible with the watch at first, where Kevin interjected saying that he wasn't very responsible with it now and told that he had improved over the years. He told Naruto of some of his enemies, some of the more ridiculous ones, to the more dangerous ones. He also explained how he met Kevin. Naruto was shocked to find that the boy was half alien.

"I take it that alien human hybrids are a common thing on this planet?" Naruto asked, "I shouldn't be surprised. Merlin told me that human DNA is extremely adaptable."

Ben nodded and said, "Yeah. The stuff could sell for thousands on the black market if you can get some."

Naruto said, "So you've see what I do, what do you do?"

Kevin answered, "I absorb stuff."

To emphasize his point, he placed his hand on the table and absorbed the material, a layer of white metal covering his arm.

He said, "I'm half osmosian, a species that can absorb all kinds of energy."

Naruto whistled and remembered someone back on his planet who could do the same.

"Does that include living beings?" Naruto asked.

The former criminal answered, "Yeah, but it is considered forbidden because draining the energy kills the victims."

Ben added, "Not to mention it kind of drives you crazy."

Kevin gave Ben a light glare as he didn't want to remember the whole incident when he was Kevin Eleven, original or ultimate.

Naruto decided to leave that be as it seemed to be a sensitive subject.

Naruto then turned towards Gwen and asked, "So what is your story? What was that glowing pink stuff?"

Gwen answered, "It is mana. Our grandmother was an anodite, a being of pure energy. The pink stuff was mana manipulated into form. I originally thought I was a sorceress or wizard when I first got my powers."

Naruto nodded and said, "Huh…sounds like some weird version of chakra."

Gwen cocked her head to the side and asked, "Chakra."

Naruto blinked and thought about it for a moment saying, "Hold on. I'm not that good at explaining things…oh!"

Naruto then held out his hand and formed a small rasengan in his palm. Gwen, Kevin, and Ben all stared in shock at the sight of the glowing orb.

"I remember that," Ben said, seeing the orb, "Damn that thing hurt, even as Chromastone, and he's one of my more durable aliens."

Naruto answered, "It's called the Rasengan. A technique that my old man made before I was born. It took a lot of work for him to make it and this isn't even the completed version."

Gwen stared at the orb, transfixed. It felt like mana, but it felt different as well.

"What is it?" she asked, "some form of mana?"

Naruto shrugged and said, "Well, chakra is believed to be a mix of physical and spiritual energy. Your mana feels like it is only half of that, but I can't tell if it is raw physical or spiritual energy."

Naruto then blinked and said, "Wait…does that mean Ben can shoot pink beams too?"

Ben sighed and said, "No, unfortunately, I didn't get the spark, as grandma Verdona called it. In hindsight, it is probably a good thing. The last time that mana and the omnitrix mixed…it was a not a good thing."

Ben shuddered slightly as he remembered turning his parents into aliens, turning Azmuth into a Way Big, and the resulting fight that came from Azmuth's old man.

Ben shook the memories from his head and asked, "So…you said that you were a ninja. Do you come from a planet of them?"

Naruto nodded and said, "Yep."

Kevin said, "Oh now this I got to hear."

Naruto proceeded to explain things to his new allies, telling them about the ninja system, the ranks, and an abridged version of his history, mainly because he had slept through most of his lectures. The kids were surprised that kids were made part of the military. Of course, they had been part of the hero/villain business since they were close to ten, so they probably weren't in much place to complain.

"Wait, so your guys are made to join the military when you are just barely teens?" Kevin asked, shock clear on his face.

Naruto said, "Hey, there are some of us who actually excel at it. My teacher Kakashi graduated the academy at the age of five and became the next rank up at age 6."

Ben said, "The test to move up couldn't be that hard could it?"

Naruto looked at Ben and said, "I went through it once. The first part included being, essentially, mind attacked by a master of torture and interrogation, then being sent in blind into a forest filled with large creatures and enemy ninja, and then a tournament where everyone fights each other , one by one."

There was a moment of silence as everyone processed this and Kevin said, "Your species is hardcore."

Naruto shrugged and said, "I think so."

Gwen then asked, "How did Merlin come across you, anyway? It doesn't sound like alien recruitment goes on a lot on your planet."

Naruto sighed and said, "To put things simply…he saved my life."

Naruto proceeded to explain that he had been the victim of a conspiracy that had caused him to run from his home in fear of being committed for a crime he did not commit, being picked up by his so-called elders of the village so he could be turned into their personal attack dog, and then, during his escape was attacked by a duo from a terrorist group, who, no doubt, had less than noble intentions. He also mentioned how he was saved by Merlin before he could be captured.

Ben and his team were shocked at what they heard. They were also angry that hey wanted Naruto framed, just so they could turn him into an attack dog. Though they were glad that they got their comeuppance, but they did pale somewhat when Naruto mentioned executions.

Gwen asked, "What did they want to turn you into a weapon? I mean the energy you give off is incredible, but, according to you, it doesn't seem to be much different from other people."

Naruto gained a serious expression and said, "That is a story for another time."

Naruto may have liked these guys, but he didn't want to tell them about the fox just yet…if at all.

Gwen frowned slightly at the answer. She, unlike the others, could sense energy and despite Naruto's outwards appearance, and the calming energy his chakra gave off, there was something else. Something…malevolent down within him. She had a good idea that is what those two were after.

Unknown to Naruto, all three had their communicators on, and the information as being relayed back to two of the magisters.

In another room…

Max and another plumber, Magister Patelliday, a pisciss volann, were listening in on the conversation. In front of them was the badge, allowing them to listen on to what was being said. Nearby was a room, where Merlin sat with Chadzmuth right next to him.

"What Naruto is saying does line up with what Merlin is telling us," Max said, crossing his arms.

Patelliday answered, "There is also the chance that the two simply had time to go over their stories to get them straight. They have been together for months now."

Max sighed and nodded in agreement that was a possibility. Max closed his eyes as he focused on the situation at hand. He had two unknowns in his base. One was a Galvan who rivalled Azmuth in intelligence and had been banished from his home world. He had seen people hold grudges over less. He also had a boy who could go toe-to-toe with his grandson's more powerful aliens, and win. Then again, Ben didn't go Way Big or Alien X, much to his internal relief. However, the boy was a formidable fighter, with incredible weaponry, and was all but a mystery to them since he didn't come from a planet of known origin.

"So what is the plan, boss?" Patelliday asked.

Max thought for a minute and said, "We'll send Merlin back to his home planet. There, he will undergo trial for what happened, and an investigation will be launched into his crimes…if there were any."

Patelliday said, "You know the Galvans may not like this."

Max sighed and said, "I know. For as intelligent as they are, some of them can be pretty prideful."

There was a moment of silence as they considered potential consequences of their actions.

Patelliday then asked, "Do you think we could send Blukic and Driba back with him?"

Back with Naruto and the group…

"Are all of the villains you fight that lame?" Naruto asked.

Ben said, "Some are, but some can be pretty dangerous."

Before the conversation could continue, Max walked in.

"So…what's the verdict, old man?" Naruto asked, with the upmost seriousness.

Max raised an eyebrow at the old man remarks but brushed it off and said, "Well, first, we'll be sending Merlin back to his home planet to face trial, this time so he can clear his name. With Chadzmuth's help, he'll probably wind up back in a week or so. Depends on how much the Galvans want to fight this."

Naruto nodded and said, "What do I do in the meantime."

Max sighed and said, "Your armor and weapons will be confiscated until I say different, or when Merlin returns with an innocent verdict…if he gets one. Until then you are to stay on this base, and you are only allowed to go out when you are accompanied by Ben and his team, or when accompanied by plumber."

Naruto sighed and said, "In other words, I'm stuck here until Merlin and his lawyer get back."

Max said, "Yes. I also need you to go over some guidelines, and fill out some paperwork, mainly so we know that you are allowed on this planet, and so you are up to date on some laws and policies involving aliens on the planet."

Patelliday then came in with a huge stack of paperwork which he dropped on the table with a loud thud. It was at that moment, Kevin, Gwen, and Ben decided to take their leave.

Naruto stared at the stack for a moment and thought, 'You're laughing in heaven aren't you, old man Sarutobi? You're watching from heaven, and you are laughing.'

The fish-like alien sat down as he handed Naruto a pen. With a groan, Naruto began reading through the guidelines.

Meanwhile back on Gaia…

Pain's Deva path looked down around the massive tree a several clones of Zetsu began appearing from the base of the tree.

"This is the tree you crawled out of?" the path asked, somewhat surprised.

Zetsu nodded and said, "Yes. Thanks to the use of Hashirama's cells in Danzo's arm, we will be able to produce more of these."

Pain nodded and said, "A spy network would be of great use to us in the long run. Now let us be gone, disperse the Zetsu as you see fit, and keep the others in wait. We don't want to tip our hands just yet."

Zetsu nodded and glanced up at the top of the tree. Inside was the shirtless body of Danzo, the discoloration around his arm spread across his body. The Sharingan eyes that remained in it had been removed at the behest Zetsu, as they may interfere with it.

"At least we got some new use out of the old man's corpse," Zetsu said, "The secrets of Konoha will be useful when it comes time for the nine-tailed Jinchuuriki to return. Not to mention those sharingan eyes. Sasori look very happen you presented him with the remaining ones after giving two to Itachi for surgery."

The deva path said, "We may be behind schedule, but we have grown stronger because of it."

With that the Deva path left, glancing back at Danzo's body in the ancient tree.

'In death you will prove to be a great tool to me, Danzo' he thought.

Meanwhile in a dark corner of space…

A figure stood hunched over a table lab table, the sound of machinery and material working was heard. The man stood over his machinery with a smirk on his face.

"The new cores," he ordered holding out a hand.

"Yes…master," a zombie-like voice said as it handed him two glowing red objects, using a dark purple claw.

The man smirked as he stood over his bench, he placed the cores in the objects with a chuckle and then laughed as he stepped back. On the table, were two watch-like objects.

The first was more a large brace that you would wear on the back of your hand, was bright red, and had a scarily familiar hourglass symbol on it.

The second, was of a similar design, only the shaped like a hexagon, and the symbol looked like an open mouth with sharp teeth.

The man smirked as he said, "Two pieces of the puzzle have been taken care of. Now, I just need the others."

The man then proceeded to laugh, the sound reverberating off the walls.

Cut! Sorry this was short, just wanted to give an update on what was happening on Naruto's planet and a new figure is moving in as Naruto goes through things on his planet. I can see some strange things happening in the future…10 at least. Anyway, now Naruto is stuck on Earth until the whole thing with Merlin and his planet are pulled through. Now the reason for this is that Merlin is still believed to be a traitor, and for all of the intelligence they have, some Galvans are probably going to be stubborn and refuse to admit that they were wrong, especially the guy who convicted Merlin in the first place.

Next chapter