
Rescue Plan

Jack, though not known for being sentimental, didn't hesitate to issue the order. Despite looming security concerns and the potential threat of an unknown virus below, his resolve was unwavering. These people's lives need to be saved for no reason.

The scientific expedition team has taken precautionary measures against biochemical threats before departure. However, the unexpected happened and those safeguards seemed to be shaken. Whether it's due to the great excitement surrounding the uranium discovery, a misstep in the shipping process, or a misstep in the disinfection protocol, finger pointing seems futile at this juncture.

Jack has one focus: saving 500 souls in danger. Of these, more than 300 were tortured and fell asleep, while the remaining 100 struggled with fatigue and hunger, trying to care for their sick comrades. The window of time to survive is shrinking.

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