
Hot Search

The unexpected overnight viral success of Viona's dancing video took everyone by surprise, especially since she hadn't employed any tactics to artificially boost her popularity, like purchasing a "hot search" spot. Unlike some of her peers who actively tried to market themselves to gain a larger following, Viona had never even contemplated recording her dance routine in the first place.

Hence, when her phone began ringing incessantly in the early hours, jolting her from slumber, Viona was utterly bewildered. Still rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she fumbled around her bedside table in search of her phone, a task made slightly difficult by her grogginess.

"Morning," Viona mumbled sleepily as she finally answered the call.

"Goood Moooorniiiiingg!! Viiiii, you're famous!!!" The exuberant voice on the other end caused Viona to promptly move the phone away from her ear. Her eardrums tingled from her friend's exalted screeching.

"Kia, it's way too early! I don't need a wake-up call that involves a megaphone," Viona quipped, the remnants of sleepiness rapidly fading from her.

"But you're famous now! Your video is all over the place, and the comments are overflowing with praise. I'm telling you, just wait till you sing my song – you'll be even more famous!" Kiara's enthusiasm was palpable.

Viona blinked, her brain slowly catching up to the conversation. "What are you blabbering about?" Viona inquired, stifling a yawn, while simultaneously using her phone's speaker function to allow her hands to arrange the disarray on her bed.

"Are you seriously still half-asleep? Your video went viral, Viii. Viraaallll!!!"

Viona's skepticism was etched in her flat response. "How is that remotely possible?" she queried while slipping into her school uniform.

"Remember the performance you gave yesterday that had everyone mesmerized? Well, a bunch of people recorded it and shared the video across every social media platform known to mankind! That's how you became the top trending topic!" Kiara elaborated, her excitement undiminished.

"Ohh," Viona responded with a nonchalant shrug, her attention divided between the conversation and her preparation for the day ahead.

"'Ohh'? Is that all you've got to say? Viiii, you're not grasping this – it's an amazing opportunity for you! If you had started off this famous, think of how much smoother your TV debut would be!" Kiara exclaimed, her words brimming with admiration.

"You're talking as though you're the one who's gone viral," Viona remarked dryly.

"Hey!!! I'm just thrilled for you, okay? Nobody in our school can be prouder right now. Remember, I'm your only friend!" Kiara's voice carried a sense of pride.

Viona couldn't help but sweatdrop at her friend's dramatic display. "Are you complimenting me or mocking me? Make up your mind!" she retorted playfully.

"Definitely a compliment! You're an extraordinary singer and dancer. Oh, by the way, I just got struck by an idea for a new song. Catch you later!"

Staring at the now-black screen, the aftermath of her friend's abrupt departure, Viona couldn't help but chuckle. "Tsk tsk tsk. Someone's been raiding the candy aisle, it seems," she muttered before grabbing a towel to head for her shower, feeling invigorated by the upcoming day at school.


During her daily commute to school, Viona finally had a moment to investigate the news that Kiara had so energetically mentioned earlier. With a furrowed brow of curiosity, she tapped on the first article that popped up, and she was immediately taken aback. For the first time, her name was in the headlines not because of some scandalous tale perpetuated by unreliable gossip sources.

A thin smile graced Viona's lips as she continued scrolling through the article. It outlined the unexpected surge in her popularity, detailing the positive reactions flooding in from viewers across various social media platforms. It was a surreal experience, reading about herself in this context.

Having absorbed the news, Viona's next step was to locate the video Kiara had been raving about. Naturally, she turned to the official school YouTube account, where the video was prominently featured.

As the video began playing, Viona was instantly impressed by the impeccable quality. If she didn't already know better, she might have assumed that the performance was a meticulously arranged debut for an aspiring idol. Beyond the technical excellence, the camera angles were surprisingly professional, capturing her dance routine from all the right perspectives.

Viona distinctly recalled the stage being crowded with performers and equipment, which made it all the more bewildering to see the video presenting her gazing provocatively into the camera multiple times, perfectly aligned with the song's lyrics and her dance moves.

Watching herself on screen, Viona could feel her cheeks heating up with embarrassment. She instinctively shielded her face with her hand, even though there was no one else around to witness her reaction. With a mixture of mortification and fascination, she continued to watch, captivated by this virtual version of herself.

However, the pull of curiosity was irresistible, and Viona lowered her hand to scroll through the comments section beneath the video. A cascade of thoughts and emotions flooded the text, ranging from admiration for her talent to admiration for her confidence. The overwhelmingly positive responses were both affirming and slightly overwhelming.

Feeling a mixture of humility and gratitude, Viona couldn't help but let a genuine smile break through her initial embarrassment. Her fingers danced along the screen, absorbing the kind words from strangers and well-wishers.

Keina: holy sh- who is she?!

That brief comment received 173 likes and 51 replies. Out of curiosity, Viona opened the reply section and blushed again due to the comments she saw.

Save Me :): oh my- whoever it is! I want this pretty sister's contact info soon!!!

Meureun: her name is Viona Amethyst, how do you not know?

Lollipops: Amethyst?! THE AMETHYST?!


Save Me :): my reaction exactly, yay

Puririn: Wow. Her moves are so smooth. Her voice is great, perfect Korean pronunciation. Impressive stamina, confident expressions. From now on, I'm a fan of Viona!!

This time, there were even more, with 271 likes and 119 replies. Viona smiled awkwardly and chose not to click on the replies. She continued scrolling down to see more comments she received.

Blink hardcore fan: Is it just me, or do Viona's moves remind me of Jenny, Lisa, Rose, and Jisoo.

Viona accidentally clicked the like button, immediately raising the like count to 736. Despite her embarrassment, she decided not to press like again. She opted to check the reply section, which contained nearly a thousand responses.

Jenli is real: I miss them :(. Will they make a comeback this year?

La La La Lisa: aaaaaaa Blink is here. I miss them too :(.

This time, Viona refrained from replying. Even though not many people knew her YouTube account, she didn't want to draw more attention to herself than she already had.

Lost in reading comments, the car stopped in front of her school. Viona got out of the car and thanked the driver before heading towards her classroom.

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