
My Place Is Here

In Evian's hours of absence, Daria had remained in the Stygian Estate, her attention lost in the Arahant Scripture but then the mobilization of Stygian Knights pulled her out of her focused cultivation.

With the ongoing chatter at the time, it wasn't hard to deduce what was taking place or about to take place, and on a whim, she joined the rallying army who all welcomed her as an asset.

And now, she stood with them, watching the ongoing battle and witnessing the en-masse harshness of war. It wasn't exactly a new sight for her and she didn't really feel pity for the injured or dead regardless of which side they were on. 

But of course, there was one person she hoped to see alive and well. He was the only tie she had to this battle and so she pulled herself away from the Stygians and went searching.

"Elites, join the battle," Lord Stygian commanded in a booming tone, "Captains, stay with me! We shall storm the Estate and strike that cowardly Lord down!"

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