
What Are You?

Evian's lips twitched uncomfortably,

"What's that supposed to mean?" he asked, not even indignant, just curious.

Frida Renan shrugged,

"You exude an otherworldly feel," she said.

Evian adjusted his pose in the chair just so he could lean forward. He had brought his twitching lips under control and now attempted to adopt a confident smile to hide how amazed he was by the Lordess's perception.

"What makes you say that?" he asked.

Frida paused, and then her blue eyes raked over his body, her attention seeming to go right past Evian's clothes to the well-formed body underneath while her expression remained neutrally detached,

"You appear to possess the physical strength of a Third Order Knight but you lack even a smidge of Spiritual energy. You give off an air of spirituality and again, there is no sign of Spiritual Pressure coming off your body.

The only real way any of that is possible is if you are in fact, not human."

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