
The Mansion Siege (2)


With quick thinking and fast reflexes, Gillert knocked the Spear aside and took on an attacking stance.

With a smile, Captain Donan simply pulled his Spear back and struck out again but Gillert moved out of the way and successfully avoided getting stabbed through only to retaliate with a kick into Donan's midsection sending the Captain sliding a few feet back.

Donan grinned as he slid to a stop and with excitement in his eyes, he put on a burst of speed to charge again at Gillert who was ready with his fists raised and his stance strong.

Fists however hardly had the range that Gillert sorely needed to counter Donan's spear. With an impressive show of agility of his own, the Captain dodged Gillert's thrown jabs and slammed the stem of his Spear into his side.


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