
Chapter Twenty-Three: Seeds of Madness

Chapter Twenty-Three: Seeds of Madness




I paced the floor of my office. It wasn’t what I wanted to do. I wanted to storm into the room where Mentha sat, tied to a chair. If I had done that the moment I could have, I would have killed her.

If I killed her, I would have killed the only lead I had to Lavender. Cerberus knocked before he entered. His body was tense and his cheeks had pinked in irritation.

“Did threats work?” I knew before I even asked, I wouldn’t be that lucky.

Mentha had played her part in all this under the delusion that she and I could be something. If threats didn’t work, I would need her to believe her, and I could be more no matter Lavender’s existence.

He shook his head confirming my suspicions. I had been expecting that answer. In fact, I wouldn’t let myself believe that I could get the answers without some play into her delusion. So why did it level me?

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