
Chapter Sixteen: Seeds of Conflict

Chapter Sixteen: Seeds of Conflict


POV: *Lavender*


Aggression laced the room like wildfire causing chaos wherever I looked. I lost track of the tattooed man in the crowd as elbows and fists flew through the air.

I couldn’t move. I too frozen by my fear to even attempt to find a safer spot. Within only moments, it didn’t matter.

Two giant arms snaked around my waist and I grabbed ahold of the corded muscles as he pulled me into his hardened body.

“Let me go,” I demanded but the man only laughed, amused.

“I dreamed of something very similar to this,” he purred into my ear, his breath tickling the sensitive skin of my neck.

My breath caught in my chest. My thighs squeezed together on instinct. I wondered how different our dreams had been. I wondered if he knew my bite had caused it.

“Do you often dream of things you can’t have?” I argued, and he grinned against the skin of my neck.

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