
Chapter 16: She's So Soft...


Even though she thought this way in her heart, Jiang Yi's inherent unwillingness to admit defeat pushed her forward, for showing weakness in front of an enemy is to retreat.

Jiang Yi walked up to the glass cabinet and pointed to the Crab Yellow Pastry inside, "I want all of these Crab Yellow Pastries, please pack them up for me."

As soon as Jiang Yi spoke, the two people who were still immersed in their flirtation turned their heads.

Rivals meeting, particularly green with envy.

The expressions on Jiang Yi and Wen Qianqian's faces were not too pleasant.

Jiang Yi let out a cold snort thinking, "Damn, I should have consulted my fortune before leaving home today, it's both a financial loss and a disaster."

"Have you been drinking?"

In the midst of this awkward atmosphere, Zhou Zimu's concern inadvertently slipped out.

Jiang Yi rolled her eyes so hard she nearly made herself dizzy, barely stabilizing herself using the glass cabinet, and retorted, "Whether I drink or not, what's it to you?"

She was too lazy to look at the nauseating couple in front of her again, her gaze fixated on the Crab Yellow Pastries, feeling genuinely hungry at this point.

The clerk interrupted the conversation of the group, asking Wen Qianqian, "Miss, would you like to order anything else? If not, I'll pack the Crab Yellow Pastries for the lady who just arrived."

Wen Qianqian's face turned sour, the rare thing being she didn't cry today.

She pretended as if Jiang Yi did not exist at all and told the clerk with an indifferent tone, "I'm sorry, I just forgot, my sister also likes Crab Yellow Pastries, please pack up all the desserts in the glass cabinet for me."

Wen Qianqian's sudden change of mind somewhat troubled the clerk. But there was no choice, as the previous customer had priority. The clerk looked apologetically at Jiang Yi, who had arrived later.

"Qianqian, we can't possibly finish all these," Zhou Zimu said.

Wen Qianqian suddenly pouted petulantly, in front of Jiang Yi, and said coquettishly to Zhou Zimu, "But I want to eat them all."

Faced with such a Wen Qianqian, Zhou Zimu really didn't know what to say and simply went along with her.

Zhou Zimu stood in front to scan the code for payment while Wen Qianqian received the desserts from the clerk. She deliberately walked up to Jiang Yi and whispered so only the two of them could hear, "Sorry, the man you like is mine; the Crab Yellow Pastries you like are also mine. Jiang Yi, you're such a failure."

After speaking, she waited expressionlessly for Zhou Zimu to come over and take her hand.

When Wen Qianqian left, she bumped into Jiang Yi on purpose, as if she was in the way.

The after-effects of Western alcohol should not be underestimated. Jiang Yi's mind was somewhat blank at this time, her eyes staring blankly at the now empty glass display cabinet ahead.

A moment later, she came to her senses, clenched her fists and cursed, "Damned adulterous couple!"

The clerk was startled and hurriedly came out from behind the counter to console her, "Miss, if you really like Crab Yellow Pastries, our shop will still be making them tomorrow. You can come back then. The ones just now were actually a bit broken, which would have affected the taste anyway. It's not a big deal to miss out, so please, calm down."

When Jiang Yi looked up again, tears were already swirling in her eyes.

The clerk was quite shocked, thinking, is it worth crying over a few Crab Yellow Pastries? They're available every day.

But Jiang Yi was beautiful, and looked so pitifully wronged, soft like a little kitten.

"Thank you."

She thanked the clerk in a sticky-sweet voice, then stood up alone, wiped away the tears still lingering in her eyes, and staggered out of the dessert shop.



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