

I wake up to Kacey stumbling over my sleeping body in the early afternoon.

"AHHHH, what the fuck?? Lacie!"


Groggy and confused I stare back up at the surprised face of my best friend. Her eyes stretched wide as she gapes at me lying on the ground.

"What are you doing lying on the ground?"

I sit up, looking around me. There's a sofa cushion under my head and I'm being covered by the extra blanket we keep on the couch. Did I do this??? Why would I-

Oh shit.

The memories all start flowing back.

Marry me!


I groan and fall back down onto the carpet before and scream into the pillow. Kacey watches me above for a second before plopping onto the ground next to me. I scream for a little more before just lying face down on the ground with my face buried between my hands.

She prods me with a well-manicured finger.


"Go away."

"Heyyyyy Lacieeeeee."


"What happened? You can tell me!" She grins.

"Nothing." I sniffle, scooting away from her.

She pokes me again and I turn around the glare at her. She watches me silently, waiting for an answer. I want to tell her, I really do, but at the same time its so damn embarrassing. I asked Ryden to marry me! And he kind of agreed?

Wait...he kind of agreed?

"I asked Ryden to marry me." I blurt out.

Kacey starts laughing, "That's a good joke babe."

I roll my eyes waiting for her to stop laughing.

"I'm not joking Kacey, I asked him to marry me and he almost said yes."

She stops laughing and stares at me, jaw on the floor. "What the fuck?? My cat almost dies, and then it turns out he was just a fat ass and ate some raw dough with yeast in it so the damn thing just kept on growing in him and he shit everywhere. But I still have to stay with the little glut until he's let out of the very because Reese has 'important' meetings."

She takes in a deep breath, "And then I finally come home after a day of dressing up my best friend and I, going to some boring ass party, and staying up all night with my stupid cat. And I come home to trip over my best friend who tries to marry the person I stopped her from marrying in the first place?"

"Yeah...you get the gist." I say guiltily.

"LACIE WHAT THE FUCK? HOW DOES THAT EVEN HAPPEN." She sounds both flabbergast, exasperated, and like she's trying to hold back the shit-eating grin that I just know is about to spread across her face.

"You know," she bends down and grabs my face, squeezing my cheeks so that my lips pucker out, "out of all my friends, I never imagined you would be the problem child. She lets go of my cheeks and pats my face lightly before reaching out a hand to help heave me up.

We walk over to the kitchen hand in hand and I sit down on a wooden chair as she pulls out some mugs from the cupboard and begins to brew some tea.

She slides me a steaming cup and smirks, "Well? Spill sis."


Sitting at the table with our now cold cups of tea, Kacey stares at me with a mixture of delight and pity.

"So you pestered the poor man into just going along with whatever you said. And then made him walk you all the way up here and putting you to bed..." she gestures at the living room, "...on the living room carpet?"

I nod vigorously.

"He does not get paid enough for this." She sighs.

"He gets paid?"

We both laugh at the stupid joke.

"I wish none of that had ever happened. That was so embarrassing! I'll never be able to meet eye-to-eye with him again. You better not invite me to any more of your get-togethers."

Kacey smiles, "Whatever you want."

I sense a hint of mischief in her voice and shoot her a warning glance.

"He said he'd contact me, but there's no way he meant it, right?"

"What, Ryden contacting you?" Kacey shakes her head, "To be honest, I'm not too sure. He's not the type to go back on his word, but also, he was dealing with a drunk maniac who kept on pestering him to marry them, so he might've just said it to get you off his back."

She leans forward and rests her chin on her hand, "But you're pretty hot, so maybe he was actually interested."

I feel my cheeks heat up. I never know how to receive or respond to compliments like that.

"And you're shy," she leans back into her seat. "If I were a man I'd date you."

"Don't let Reese hear that."

"Reese wouldn't want me if I was a man."

I look over at the time, 3 PM.

"Shit Kacey, what day is it?"

Kacey checks her phone. "Monday."

We look at each other as comprehension dawns on us at the same time. "We have class at 3 today!"

We make a scramble to our rooms to get our stuff and run to make it out of the door.


I wake up to my phone alarm going off. I hit the snooze button sleepily with a well-practiced swipe and bury my face back into the pillow.

After what seems like a few seconds, the alarm rings again. I go to hit the snooze again but Kacey's annoyed voice trails into my room, "That things rung like five times already, get up you fat cow!"

I groan and try to drown out the sounds of the alarm and her voice. It doesn't work. Counting down to three, I drag myself out of bed and sit up with my feet on the ground. I hit the stop button on my alarm and subconsciously swipe to the notifications center.

It's the fourth day since I woke up to the memories of my eager proposals to Ryden. The memories are no longer as fresh as they were before, but the feeling of embarrassment has certainly not died down. However, a few new emotions have cropped up in the meantime.

For instance, eagerness. For the first two days I woke up the second my alarm rang and would check my phone immediately, hoping for some sort of follow request or message from him. By the third day, I'd learned to ignore the urge to perform that particular action.

The second emotion that was slowly building up was resentment. I know that Ryden owes me nothing. And as Kacey put it, everything he did that night was to appease a very inebriated me. But still, some little part of me wished...no, expected that he would at least somehow acknowledge my existence.

I know that it's stupid to have my mood rely on the attention of a man that I'd known for maybe a couple of hours. But I couldn't control it.

What I can control, however, is me not checking the notifications on my phone every morning.

At least thats what I tell myself each time I get the urge to scroll through messages. I toss my phone onto my bed and walk out of my bedroom, leaving it behind. I don't need Ryden for me to have a good day.

Walking over to the kitchen I pour myself some milk and cereal and try to eat it slowly, savoring every bite. But its so hard to do that when I could be scrolling through my phone instead and wondering if Ryden is looking at my social media at this very moment.

Even the strawberry marshmallow cereal, my all-time favorite, is feelings quite bland at the moment.

I scarf down the bowl and hiccup from downing it so fast before rushing towards my room. Just as I reach the door, Kacey barges into my vision with a bottle in hand.

"Lacie come try this, it's a new perfume that I just got."

I impatiently let her spritz it onto my wrist and take a sniff.

It's citrusy and I hate citrus anything, but I lie through my teeth, "It smells great."

"Really?" She takes a sniff at it as well, "I don't know...I'm not really feeling it."

She looks down at the notes written down on the bottle and raises an eyebrow, "Citrus? I thought you hated it."

"Well, this one's okay." I say distractedly, trying to edge toward my room.

"You sure? Do you think Reese would like it?

"I don't know, why don't you ask him?"

Kacey's expression brightens up, and she turns on her phone to call him. I quickly enter my room and jump onto the bed, grabbing my phone as I flop onto the soft mattress.

Opening the notifications bar, I see that I only have 4 unread notifications. My heart sinks, of course, what was I expecting? Feeling something welling up inside. I'm about to hit the clear notifications button when I notice that one of the notifications has a little icon next to it. A follow icon.

My breath catches in my throat, and my heart starts to beat faster and faster.

Could it be?

I click on the notification and wait with bated breath for the page to load. I've never been so impatient in my life before.

The profile loads and I see a faceless photo of a shadow on the ground. The name of the account is R. H. and it has over 600 followers but only follows around 40 people. It's a private profile but just from the R. H. alone I know that it's Ryden.

I scream and jump out of my bed, bursting through the door and knocking frantically on Kacey's door.

She pulls her door open and looks around wildly, "What?! Is it another cockroach? Cuz I swear to god I will burn this place down to the ground if I have to!"

I jump up and down waving the phone in front of her face.

Reese's concerned voice floats from the speakerphone in the background, but I don't hear whatever he's saying.

Kacey's eyes scan the profile before she grabs my phone and hits the "Follow back" button. She grins and tells Reese something about calling him back later before blowing a kiss into the phone.

The next second shes jumping up and down with me.

I can't believe he actually followed me!

A new notifications dings on my phone.

"[Follow request accepted.]"

My phone dings again.

"[You've recieved a message from a new follower.]"

Next chapter