
24 Egypt

Ari was a dark skinned house elf with blue eyes. The creature had passes out after our contract was made. As he slept I attempted to open another portal but that was another failure. That's when I started looking around for a ward stone or the exit as either would work. I checked the caves around the entrance that was still blocked by a dense barrier. Using a stick I pushed my mana into one end and visualized a mana absorber as the stick began to lead me toward the wardstone. With the stick now placed in a floating water orb I followed the cave to the stone building. Walking around the large cave the stick kept pointing toward the stone building.

Walking up to the stone I could see various runes around the base and head of the walls. The runes did a complete circle around the cave. I could decipher some of the runes that I already knew but well over 80% of the wall was still unknown. Studying the runes I found more on the floor inside as well. As I was following the line I saw a similar rune to that of time, only the rune had a slash up and down possibly to stop time in the room or to go back in time. Remembering where that was I continued my track of reading the unknown runes and recording the memory for later. Once I was finished I returned to the time rune. Not knowing most of the runes and having been trapped I decided to destroy the rune. Once the rune was destroyed the walls and cave started to collapse as some of the test tube chimeras began to awaken from stasis. I quickly cast a shield charm. Running back to Ari I attempt to open another portal as the rocks hit my shield. Then as normal my portal begins small and widens like doctor stranges sling ring. Throwing Ari on my shoulder, I jump through the portal as a stalactite lands where I was standing I close the portal. Turning away from the portal I see my sister and fiance shifting glances from me and the stones that followed me through the portal.

I could yell my sister was going to berate me for not being safe I quickly vamp speed around them laying Ari on my bed in the house. The two from earlier speed in ready to yell only to now notice Ari. My sister goes down the motherly path of "Awe its so cute, can I keep it." While Randvi goes with the scientist route of asking me a million questions about him. My sister was still building her mind palace but Randvi had finished allowing Floki to give her the Soul Sight Rune Tattoo. Before I knew it Randvi was now asking questions I had no definitive answers to. Using my brothers bed I took a quick nap as the two watched Ari for two separate reasons. Upon awaking I could see Ari was sitting on the floor between the bed and the wall opposite the door.

Upon looking at Ari I noticed he wasn't sitting but was rather kowtowing to me. I activated soul sight and spoke up in a questioning voice "Ari, What are you doing." He began to anxiously play with his fingers as he apologized "Did I do it wrong master?" Before I could deny he had already began hitting his head with a board of wood. Using telekinesis I stopped him as I explained "The people here are my family, you are to help look after them. You are not a slave in this house hold ad I hate slavery. You will work on a set schedule. During the time off your free to do whatever you want. The number one rule is no harming yourself." Ari began to cry as he said "Master is a good Master. My last master ordered me to go in the scary tunnel and to wait for him, only the jellys attacked Ari before master could return. When I woke up I felt that masters bond was gone making happy and sad." Whenever he says something that might offend me the chains on his soul begin to tighten, when he hit himself the chain loosened. This proved to me that someone used a ritual to make house elves.

While I was contemplating my sister ran in and yelled "there you are" as she attempted to hug Ari. He quickly apperated behind me as he begged "Please don't let them hurt Ari master" with his large puppy eyes and his ears drooping to his chin. My sister interrupted "I'm not hurting you.i am trying to feed you and give you new clothes." Ari screamed at hearing about clothes repeatedly asking what he did wrong to get clothes. I had to explain to my sister that he was from a race cursed into slavery and that clothed meant freedom. Then I had to explain that house elves require a contract to live as their cores are damaged and the only way to gain mana is which they feed on is through the slave bond. I explained to my sister that he is to help around but he is not a slave. That's when Randvi came in with a child set of clothes. Ari began to shiver at the sight as I made it clear to him that he can keep the contact as long as he wants but he would have to dress appropriately as all he was wearing was a loin cloth around his waist. After Ari was all settled I helped around the realm for a day before returning to Sicily.

Once back in Sicily I looked for the clearing but nothing was there. When I meant nothing I mean nothing. I a circular patch around the clearing everything was dead. The dirt was the only thing visible. Using a exploding curse on the center of the dead patch I dug down 5 feet only to find more dirt. When I had fallen in the cave roof was thin allowing for a trap door but as I moved my mana through the dirt the entire hill was now solid. This was alarming as either the dungeon was a realm of some how the land had returned to the time before the dungeon was created.

From Sicily I had a short flight to Egypt, but that's where my social anxiety popped up "where to go, who to talk to." I was going to follow the Nile but I don't remember what year the Caliphate conquers Egypt. I am after all a Nordic looking in Arabian Egypt. I know that I need to learn Arabic to talk with anyone. Using my portals I traveled back to Ravenna met with the Vampires and had them source me a book on Arabic. That's when one of the leaders of the coven said "Go and meet with a friend by the name of Amun, he lives in." Before he could continued I asked if he'd show me. He was confused until I opened a portal in the sky above the Nile. I didn't explain and grabbed him bringing the new books along.

He guided me as I flew to his friends house. I was betting on his friend to be a vampire and I wasn't wrong. As we flew I held him with telekinesis giving him the illusion that he is just flying with me. The man explains "My name is Anatoly and my friend Is Amun. He's one of the older of my species. He knows Latin so you can learn easier. He also has some stuff on magic but you better be ready to pay for it. As tough know we Vamps get stronger over the years well I heard that Amun is older than the Voltori. So he lives in a town called Faiyum its not directly on the Nile but it is close to the pyramid. I haven't been here in years, his home is vary nice." Finding the home was easy as the building was massive. He had pure marbled floors with a dark red granite bricks for the walling. He had fine silk hanging in the doors and windows. Walking into the front room I quickly recognized that there was stairs leading downward. He used light runes to power balls of light around his palace. We were greeted welcomingly Amun introduced his coven which was surprisingly larger than in the books at 23 people. Mostly girls as Amun had 5 wives and his adopted son had 3. He also had 2 brothers and adopted neices and nephews. after a little meeting I pushed the Italian Vampire back to Italy with a portal as the other Vampires eyes comicly widen.

Amun then shows me to a room which had a lovely balcony with a stone and wood ceiling. Walking on the balcony I could feel the heat and see the sand lightly blowing through the air. Farther away I could see the Nile when I focus my Dragon sight. I opened a portal allowing my family to visit 700 ad Egypt. My family wasted no time in collecting sand to feel the difference as the sand here is orange compared to our local beach. Of course Randvi was focused on the Pyramid that laid to the north. This costed me a promise to show her the pyramids before or while I'm looting them.

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