
Part 9 - 273 AC (II)

273 AC

(Escanor POV)

How annoying. I wasn't able to witness Mother thrashing my siblings for their early incestuous behaviour. What a drag to not be able to walk on my own. These maids are everywhere I tell you.

Overall I understood the situation anyway. And from my memories, I knew what was happening anyway.

What happened was similar to what I knew from the story. Cersei and Jaime started to 'experiment' and try out different sexual things. Nothing major, but they still explored their sexual characteristics. The only explanation for why seven-name-day-old children would do something like this would be that humans in this world develop faster than in my last one.

People do marry with like twelve name days and women have children with fourteen, not that that is healthy, as is shown in the high mortality rate during birth.

But my goodness ... that is so disgusting. Imagine your brother and sister being intimate to that degree is just ... *barf*

So Mother went to the room and found both Cersei and Jaime sitting in the room and waiting for her. It would appear that they at least understood that they might have made something that was wrong.

When she entered Mother asked them about what happened to get their version of the story and then she asked Leyla to compare their stories. She got extremely angry with both of my siblings and things changed for them after that.

Jaime's bed chamber was moved after this fiasco. His new chamber was now located at the other end of Casterly Rock. That was quite the distance I tell you. It probably took him 10 to 15 minutes to walk the way to break his fast in the morning.

Cersei the darling had a constant guard in front of her room now. That must have been quite frustrating for her. A constant cockblock in front of your room ... oh my.

Mother warned my dearest siblings to never do those things with each other ever again. She told them that only married people do those things when they love each other during marriage.

Hah ... that was not very smart on her part. They'll just tell themselves that they DO love each other and simply continue at a later date. And should my mother still die, they will continue anyway.

I hope I grow up fast enough to stop those two from ruining our entire House. The groundwork has already been laid.

The servant girl ... I haven't seen her since then. She simply vanished and I have a suspicion that Mother knows where she went. It's impossible to just vanish like that. It appears that she was very unfortunate to catch those two in the act and be honest enough to tell Mother. That's what you get for being honest in this world.


The time has come ... Mother is in labour right now. She told us children about the guests that are supposed to arrive soon. The Martells are coming and if I'm supposed to believe my mother's soliloquy, then there are one if not two marriage proposals in prospect.

Ariella Martell is the Princess of Dorne and she has three children, Doran the oldest, Elia and Oberyn the youngest and wildest of them all. Apparently, Mother and Ariella have talked about marriage between our houses for a while now and since Elia and Oberyn are of similar age as Cersei and Jaime ... well somewhat similar, both women thought about having them marry.

I'm not sure whether this is such a good idea, to be honest. Oberyn is going to be a very passionate man and he will never be truly faithful to only one woman. He of course doesn't make a secret out of it. The Dornish have a different culture. Still, my sister wouldn't understand or accept this.

The same would be the case with Jaime. He would never be able to deal with the passion of Elia. But unlike Cersei, he is a beta and would do what he was told.

The only problem is that Ariella is unsure whether Aerys II Targaryen would want Rhaegar to marry Elia. And to be honest ... I don't know who I'd choose.


Father has not arrived in Casterly Rock yet. I believe that Maester Creylen has sent a Raven to King's Landing but I'm not sure. He'll be here though, that I'm certain of.

I'm of course in my room right now. Thanks to my training with my energy and magic, I grew quite a bit faster than a normal one-name-day-old child should.

Both my siblings are in their rooms as well and nervous about the birth. As am I, if I'm being honest. Her last labour didn't go well and she almost died. And now she was once again giving birth.

Let's hope she makes it. If not I'll be very sad. She is the glue that keeps this family together. Tywin Lannister is bearable this way but without her, he'll become a bitter man and even worse than he is now.

Hours pass. I can't sleep even though it's deathly silent in the castle. It's like the whole castle and its inhabitants are holding their breaths.

After a long time close to bedtime, I can hear a loud cry coming from somewhere down the hall.

The cry pulls me out of my thoughts and surprises me. I take a moment to realise who the voice belongs to. It's not the first time I heard this cry. The last time was when Jaime was taking his first horse riding lesson and fell from the horse because he wanted to go faster and hit the horse. Cersei cried so loud and hysterical that I almost lost my sense of hearing.

She screamed and ran onto the field shouting to have the horse killed as it was trying to kill her brother and other such stupid things. It took Mother hours of assurance and Maester Creylen's expertise to assure her that Jaime wasn't going to die. Cersei stayed at Jaime's side that night and refused to leave. Needless to say, this was before the servant girl caught them.

So this is Cerse who's screaming. And if Cersei is crying then ...


... Mother didn't make it.

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