
Delay Inala to the Limit

Stretching endlessly in the Guna Caves was a tunnel, with the majority of its route horizontal in nature, when viewed from the sky. But for the person within, it seemed like a long, vertical fall, down, and down, and down they go.

An unconscious figure of Asaeya was currently falling through the tunnel, her body mildly spinning in place. Peeking through holes in the tunnel walls were Shifting Ants, observing her falling figure.

Upon noticing her defenceless state, they judged it wasn't necessary to wait until she splattered at the end of the tunnel. She could be killed right away.

With that thought in mind, a group of Shifting Ants leapt out of the holes and began to fall through the tunnel. They angled their bodies during the fall, taking advantage of their aerodynamic proportions and accelerated towards Asaeya, soon approaching within arm's reach of her.


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