

"Christopher, hold the door for me, I will open up a portal and I am a little bit rusty," Ambros ordered.

Chris nodded and looked at Elsa who was taken aback by the whole situation. He walked in front of the door waiting for whoever was on the other side to come forth.

Ambros clasped both of his hands, forming a rounded shape as though cradling a sphere, and commenced his incantations. "Porta ad dilectum meum mundum aperire… Porta ad dilectum meum mundum aperire..." 

Elsa observed attentively as a yellow mist began to take shape within Ambros' cupped palms. Ambros gradually expanded his hands, causing the mist to grow larger and larger.

The demons finally found the secret door and destroyed it. Elsa witnessed Chris transforming into his manwolf form and was completely stunned by his appearance. It was at that moment that the realization of his being a werewolf truly hit Elsa.

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