
Time to let go

When they reached home, Jade went straight to the bedroom and lay on the bed while looking at the ceiling, she had thought that Avianna would be a place where she would make something out of her life and forget the hollowness that was in her young heart. She had lost the only family she grew up knowing, and now; it seemed like she would need to be away from the people who had accepted her wholeheartedly. Why was life punishing her this much!

"I will miss this place." She said and got up so that she could tell Mrs Lowrence about her plans. Not finding either Lydia or Mrs Lowrence in the kitchen,Jade went at the backyard to look for them only to find Joseph who sat on the log while watching the sunset. Joseph never talked much ever since they came into that house but Mrs Lowrence had told them that it was his nature so they never had a one on one talk. When Jade saw him, she slowly turned around but Joseph had already seen her.

"Jade, why don't you join me. It's not everyday one is able to watch such a beautiful sunset." Those were Joseph's words that reminded her when she was young. She and her father would always go at the lake just to watch the sunset and her father would always tell her to make a wish. Though she never said it out loud, she always wished to see her mother. Those were just faded memories, and instead of her wish to be fulfilled, she lost her father.

"Jade are you okay?" Asked Joseph who got up from the log and walked up to Jade who had shed a drop of tear that she wiped with the back of her hand. "Yes I'm okay, it's just that the sunset reminded of someone who was very special to me." Jade replied while looking at the horizon. Though it was not that windy, Jade's hair was blown by the little amount of wind revealing her gentle features that Joseph had always admired.

Joseph had always tried to avoid her ever since he came to realize that he had developed feelings for her, but when he had seen her walking at the backyard he had noticed that she was sad and disturbed. He knew he had to put his feelings aside and become a friend that she needed at the moment. "Is it your father?" He asked. He had heard her talk to his mother about her father who she really missed on several occasions but he never meddled in any of their conversations.

"Yes. When he was alive, we always watched the sunset together and he always told to make a wish and silly me...." she said with a small lough "I always wished to see my mother but up to now I have never seen her, and to top it all up, I lost him." Jade replied while smiling bitterly. "Maybe I have never experienced what you went through but I also lost my father and brother when I was seven years old and up to now, their memories are still fresh in my mind. This was the last place where I saw my brother and every time I come here, I feel like he is still here hiding in some place that I can't find but this scar reminds me that he's no longer here. He's long dead." He said while looking at the scar that was on his wrist. When he was told that his brother was dead, he tried to kill himself by cutting his wrist with a sharp knife. Though he did not die, he had fainted due to loss of blood.

"But it's all in the past now Jade, and as much it hurts me to say this maybe it would be the best time for you to let go. There are many people who care about you. I'm sure your father would want you to be happy." Joseph said as he looked intently at Jade who broke into tears and Joseph didn't hesitate to comfort her with a hug. It really pained him to see Jade cry so uncontrollably. If only he could take her pain away, he thought as he continued to hug her tightly.

"You are right. Maybe letting go would give me peace of mind." She replied and at the same time, she withdrew from the hug. "Thank you Joseph." Jade said and walked back into the house.

Though Jade felt relieved after speaking her heart out, the same couldn't be told about Joseph who was left standing at the same place. When the right time comes, he would confess his feelings to her. He thought and sighed heavily.

When Jade walked back into her bedroom, she went into her word robe and removed a small box that contained parchments that she had written about all that she used to do with her father when he was alive. "it's time for me to let go." She said while running her fingers gently at those writings. Jade walked to the fireplace that was still burning and threw all the parchments in the fire and watched them until they burnt into ashes.

When Joseph walked back into the house, he found her mother standing near the window. Mrs Lowrence had seen jade and Joseph talk but she never got to hear anything because of the distance. "Son, why don't you tell her how you feel." Mrs Lowrence said while still staring at nothing in particular through the window. "Mother, it's not the right time for that yet. Jade is going through a lot right now. I wouldn't want to add more to her stress." That was Joseph's quick reply. but for a mother, Mrs Lowrence was worried about her son. She wanted him to be happy....Jade was a beautiful girl and she had a very good heart and Mrs Lowrence knew that in no time men would start courting her that's why she wanted her son to tell her about his feelings before some other man would do that.

"You better do that as soon as you possibly can because I'm sure that you are not the only one who has feelings for her son. It's not that easy to find such a nice girl." Mrs Lowrence said and before her son would say anything she left.

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