
Can Rick save Emily? [2]

Chapter - 146

"Aghh!" Rick's anguished cry echoed in the room, reverberating with the intensity of pain coursing through his body.

Gasping for breath, Rick summoned the last remnants of his strength. With a determined effort, he launched himself toward the assailant, his vision blurred and senses dulled by the agony.

In his blind pursuit, Rick's chin collided with the intruder's shoulder, intensifying the pain that already wracked his body. However, driven by a surge of adrenaline, he succeeded in throwing the man away from Emily. The man staggered backward, desperately trying to regain his balance after the unexpected shove.

Rick, on the other hand, leaned on the bed frame to maintain his balance and forced his burning eyes to stay open on the man on the floor. The metallic tang of blood lingered in his mouth. He must have bitten his tongue when he banged his chin.


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