
Act One: Issue #3-Chapter 9, Part 1

"Go, go, go!" Mother shouted as she, Dilara and her daughters ran for their lives. They looked back and forth while they ran, with panic striking their hearts. "We're going to head back to our mansion!"

"Huh?!" Mother's daughters asked.

Repeating the statement in a much louder voice, she continued, "It's our only way to safety!"

"Right!" Her daughters agreed.

Dilara and her family ran their way as fast as they could, yet they noticed their enemies were not only stronger, but killed the majority of the soldiers at the sanctuary camp. Those monsters were closing in to take over the camp. Dilara needed to find another way for herself and her family to flee to.

Dilara scanned her surroundings for another path while she ran, another way to lose those things. Yet she had yet to find it.

"They're getting close to us, Mother!" Ingrid cried.

"I know!" Mother agreed in a loud voice.

"What are we going to do, Mother?!" Shakila asked.

"I have no idea!" Mother began to have a look around. "I'll think of something!"

Then one of the flying monsters flew downward and blocked Dilara and her family's way. It roared at them and Mother and her daughters screamed, trying to run for their eyes.

While Dilara sighed calmly and was about to aim her palm at her enemy, the monster already stabbed Mother on the chest and Mother collapsed to the ground.

Mother's eyes remained open with some blood oozing on the ground. Ingrid and Shakila screamed at and kneeled down at the corpse, as their tears were raining upon her; Dilara just frowned at the corpse.

Oh, no! That monster just killed Mother before I even get a chance to attack it! Damn, that monster!

Dilara turned to the monster and glared at it. It was definitely going down for sure.

Before that monster even got a chance to stab one of Dilara's sisters next, she immediately aimed her palm at it and calmly chanted her spell. She hoped it works this time. The white light blinded the monster and made it scream in pain, disappearing in black dust. Although she was glad that it worked this time, she hoped it didn't become weak again like it did last time.

Dilara turned to her sisters and pulled them up away from the corpse. "C'mon! We gotta get out of here! One of those monsters will kill us next if we don't get a move on!"

They wouldn't budge, no matter how many times Dilara tried. She just couldn't make them move, which made her both frustrated and impatient at the same time. Her sisters were just as stubborn as Mother.

"C'mon, c'mon, c'mon now! We don't have much time left! Jus' hurry up and get goin' already!" Dilara cried while she shook one of them.

Nothing could make them budge until the monster's roar echoed to the left of Dilara and her sisters. They turned to that monster's sound and saw a land beast gazing at and heading towards them.

Dilara's sisters gasped and wiped the tears out of their eyes, standing up from the floor. They gazed at the thing as it moved closer to them.

Dilara was preparing to aim her palm at the monster, until the flying monster roared at her and her sisters from above. They looked up at the sky and saw the monster charging towards them in speedy light.

It was impossible for her to chant the spell since it was too quick for her. Her sisters screamed at the monsters while Dilara shouted, "Run! Quickly!"

Then the blue laser shot the flying monster and made it explode into black dust particles. Turning to where the blue laser came from, they saw a wounded soldier shooting his gun at the land beast when it was about to charge Dilara and her sisters.

The wounded soldier turned to Dilara and her sisters. "Go on! I'll take it from here!"

Dilara and her sisters grinned at the soldier and shouted, "Thank you so much, sir!"

"You're welcome. Now go!" The soldier was on the lookout for an incoming monster.

While Dilara's sisters shook their heads and were ready to leave, Dilara turned to them with her hand up, wanting to heal the soldier's wound as a reward for saving her and her sisters. "Wait!"

Her sisters turned to her in confusion. "What?! What do you mean, 'Wait?!' The man says we have to go!" Shakila roared.

"Yea, we don't got all night, you know!" Ingrid also roared.

"I know that, but…" Dilara turned to the wounded man and gazed at his wound on his leg. "I want to heal his wound as a gratitude."

The soldier turned to Dilara and grinned at her. "Look, I appreciate what you're trying to do, but please don't worry about me and get out of here, okay?"

"But-" Dilara frowned when she heard him say that.

Then Dilara's sisters turned to one another and back at Dilara. Shakila walked towards Dilara and grabbed Dilara's arm, pulling Dilara forward. "C'mon now, Dilara! You heard what the man said! Let's go!"

Dilara didn't bother to resist. She ran with her sisters towards the mansion, hopefully to survive this hellhole. She turned to the wounded soldier and saw him fired his gun at the monster, seeing him get killed.

Her tear slid down on her cheek while she frowned at that soldier. She hoped and prayed to the gods would allow him to get to Heaven in her head.

She returned her attention to her destination and searched for another way with her sisters. Dilara and her sisters' energy was depleting fast, making them run a bit slower.

They panted with their mouths open and their hearts beated their chests harder, ignoring their pains. They failed to find a new path forward, a new path out of the burning camp.

"Okay, we need to head into the woods and find a hiding spot," Dilara suggested.

"'Hiding spot?'" Ingrid repeated, turning to Dilara in confusion. "Why should we hide? Aren't we supposed to head for the mansion?"

"Yea, but-" Dilara tried to explain.

"Go touch some grass, Dilara!" Shakila roared. "We're going to keep running instead of hiding!"

Dilara growled at and glared at her sisters while they continued running their way throughout the camp. They could barely breathe normally.

These bitches, I swear-

Then the fat land monster blocked their way out of the camp and roared at them, dashing towards them for an attack. It stood on two feet and and grinned at them. Dilara's sisters screamed while Dilara was about to move around Ingrid.

Yet the monster was too fast for Dilara to move, let alone even impossible for Dilara to chant her spell against it. Charging its claws through her sisters' abdomens, her sisters' blood oozed from their wounds and dripped on the floor, causing them to collapse to the ground with their widened eyes.

"Nooo!!!" Dilara cried, turning to the corpses and the monster back and forth. She then glared at the monster when it laughed at her and pulled its claws out of the corpses. She wanted to destroy that thing right now and head back home at once.

When Dilara aimed her palm at the monster, she chanted a spell against it without being calm. The spell didn't respond in her favor.

Then the second monster roared behind her, causing her to turn around. "Huh?!" Dilara cried even more in a louder voice.

This time it was another four-legged beast getting ready to charge at Dilara. Dilara scanned her environment and found nowhere to run away to except into the woods.

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