

The spring wind blew, making the grass behind his house sway.

"Eiji, Eiji. It's hatching! It's hatching!" Lala shouted excitedly.

The gazes of her and the other girls were fixed on an egg now laid in the middle of the grass.

They had placed it quite far away, about ten meters from them.

The egg now did have some cracks and the coating had yellow lightning dancing on it.

The chick... I mean wolf cub was finally ready to hatch.

This was the next day after he failed to eat Utaha and even Aika who didn't seem to mind cooking raw rice with him... It's just that after everything that happened, the girls were shocked to the point that their mood might not be good enough to have sex.

Of course, Eiji knew if he was a little more pushy the girls wouldn't mind.

But he didn't.

A man should know how to go back and forth to make the girls feel more appreciated.

Giving up and doing it another day and getting some positive points from them wasn't bad.

In the end it was the mongrel's fault his arrival interrupted his moment.

He had killed him.

Who was it? He forgot his name.

[It was the Evil God of Zoroastrianism from Persian mythology, Angra Mainyu. Host.]

That's him.

So where's my reward?

Eiji asked about rewards.

Miss System didn't answer immediately...

[Haha host, what reward?]

The woman laughed flatly

Oi don't joke, don't be a toxic system.

[I'm not joking and I'm not a toxic system... After all, although Angra Mainyu is an evil god, he is only a minor character in the Highschool DxD franchise. Nyx and Erebus are still slightly more valuable than him, his death doesn't affect the plot at all. Well actually it only gives you 0.4%]


[To trigger random rewards, you must get at least 1% or more plot advancement.]

When had he heard of this? Eiji was sure this was the first time Miss System had said it!

Miss System wanted to say that this wasn't the first time she had said it. In the past she had said the same thing, it's just that her host's memory was very bad.

But forget it.

Even after her host's genes and power were upgraded many times he still had a poor memory.

It was only good when trying to remember the information of beautiful girls and plots.

*Rumble!* *Rumble!*

"Wahh! Eiji-san, lightning! I-I'm scared!"

Seizing the moment, Asia skillfully threw herself into his arms with the expression of a frightened beautiful girl.

He hugged her soft body.

It was true that the sky that suddenly became overcast and the lightning that thundered right above them, more precisely above the egg looked terrifying.

He honestly wasn't sure why the egg even had a cool entrance.

Even though it was just an Epic monster egg.

Or maybe it was just like that?

Still, Asia...

The former blonde nun's stealing skills were getting better and better. Eiji couldn't believe the girl who not long ago ruthlessly wanted to throw a sharp cross at Nyx was afraid of the lightning rumbling in the sky!

The other girls except Nyx even looked at the blonde girl in disbelief.


The egg finally hatched.

No, it exploded from within!

Yellow lightning soared into the sky.

Enveloped by the lightning, the shadow of a cool wolf appeared.


A majestic howl sounded.

"Wow~!" Lala exclaimed.

Several other girls like Rias, Sona, Akeno, Koneko, Ravel, Ai, Momo, Kyouko and Run also looked at the wolf curiously.

After the lightning disappeared and the sky returned to normal.

The wolf's figure was finally revealed.

Surprisingly even though she had just hatched from an egg, she was not a wolf cub.

She appeared as an adult wolf with a height of 2 meters.

With white fur that had a blue lightning pattern encircling its body.

Her eyelashes were long, and her piercing eyes were blue.

From within that gaze, Eiji could see intelligence and a touch of femininity.

[So this is Wolfkami, according to the legends in the other world, she is the Goddess of thunder in the form of a white wolf. The legend doesn't lie, she really is a female.]


The heroines... No, the women who were watching the egg hatching scene were glancing at Eiji strangely.

What if the wolf was a male?

Considering it was Eiji and in this house there was no one male except Eiji himself, even Peke who was a little robot assistant, according to Lala she was a female!

Who knows what Eiji would do if the wolf was a male.

The girls shook their heads, Nyx who was wearing a maid uniform asked curiously. "Why do I feel Goddess-like divine power from that wolf?"

Oh please... Should we explain it?

Unlike the other women living in Eiji's house, Nyx could not hear inner voices.

It was only natural that she didn't know.

"That's because she's a goddess. A thunder goddess in the form of a wolf." Eiji said.

The Goddess of the Night widened her eyes slightly before nodding. "It makes sense, I've seen a few Goddesses who take the form of animals, but this is the first time I've seen a Goddess who hatched from an egg."

"That's kind of funny."

She laughed, seemingly underestimating Wolfkami a little. After all Nyx was also a Goddess, she must be comparing her beautiful self to...


"Ahhhh! Smelly wolf, you dare to attack me?!"

Eiji and the others fell silent.

Wolfkami had just shot a yellow lightning bolt at Nyx.

The wolf goddess seemed to be offended by the Goddess of the Night.

Although she couldn't speak, Eiji could see her mocking gaze on Nyx.

Nyx who was electrocuted was not badly hurt, she could still be angry, but her black hair that now looked dreadlocked made the other girls laugh.

"Ara Ara. Good lightning. No worse than my holy lightning. I wonder if she can make a contract with someone?"

"You mean make her your familiar, Akeno?"

"Yes~ Eiji-kun, can you?"

"Wait a minute, Akeno! Why of all people, does the Wolf Goddess have to make a familiar contract with you?!" Rias couldn't keep quiet when she saw Akeno's greed.

The crimson-haired girl also seemed to be interested in Wolfkami.

Though Eiji remembered didn't the two of them already have their own familiars? In the original work they had a one-eyed demon bat and a small Oni that could fly.

Ignoring Nyx who began to wrestle with the wolf, the two threw dark auras and yellow lightning at each other.

Explosion after explosion occurred.

Fortunately Eiji didn't have to worry about his backyard being damaged by the battle. Lala's technology was very useful, not only did it make the backyard as wide as a meadow— it also had the ability to repair damage automatically.

So ignore those two goddesses.

Before Akeno was about to argue with Rias. Several other girls like Xenovia, Irina, Asia, and Ravel also wanted to compete for a pet.

Eiji stopped the girls by saying, "You don't need to argue about that. Actually without making a contract with anyone, Wolkami can serve you all and be loyal unless you provoke her like Nyx. I've already done something about that."

Miss System had done exactly that.

That woman had once said that for this type of creature reward, just as Shadow Garden already regarded him as their master, Wolkami was the same.

Eiji didn't need to add anything more. Of course, he didn't say this to his girls and only said it without mentioning the details because he himself didn't know how Miss System did it.

"Also, don't think of her like a pet. She's a Goddess and of course she has intelligence like people. So if you look down on her too much, she might get angry."

The girls who wanted to fight over personal custody stopped, they nodded.

"I see. Ufufu, what a pity. But one for everyone isn't bad either." Akeno gave in and compromised. She would not insist if her boyfriend had already said that.

The girl looked at him gently which made Eiji satisfied.

He couldn't help but remember Suzaku who was working as the Himejima Clan Chief and Shuri who was now together with Grayfia and the other adult women in the house. If not working, they would usually watch dramas on TV.

Regardless of race, women still have some things that women usually do.

All those gathered here are just teenage girls who are full of excitement and curiosity.

[What about you, Our King?]

Leme... Are you still alive?

[It's rude, Leme is still alive! So far Leme has been online 16 hours and sleeping 8 hours every day unless there is an emergency, she is always watching over you. Our king.]

It's basically the same as people. Diva seems to need sleep too... I just found out. But whatever, I'm just a teenage boy who likes spending time with pretty girls.

Rias and the other girls understand.

Eiji then remembered something and said, "Oh yeah, even so Wolfkami can still make a contract with whoever gives her a name. As long as she agrees, favoritism is inevitable."

After he said that, someone had already done it.

"From now on your name is Wolfy! Hehe your fur is so soft~ Can I ride on your back?"


The Wolfkami who had defeated Nyx howled, somehow she was already standing in front of Lala.

The Goddess of the Night stared at the sky in a daze and kept muttering "I'm Primordial Goddess, defeated by a wolf? How is that possible? Even if that stinky wolf is a goddess...No, how is that possible?"

Wolkami nodded her head, she seemed to agree with the name Lala gave her and allowed her to ride on her back.


Seeing Lala riding Wolfy and the two doing a few laps, the other girls who were previously fighting over the wolf were dumbfounded.

The innocent Lala was quietly sneaking behind them.

Good, very good!


Shaking his head, Eiji ignored the girls chasing Lala. Wolkami was clearly the reward he got from the system, why did that wolf even favor Lala? She ignored her master and made a contract with Lala!

[Hahaha! Host, hahaha!]

This woman... You must be lying about you doing something to it, right?

[No, I'm not lying! Since hatching from her egg, Wolkami did recognize you as her master. But you know she can still recognize others as her master. It just so happens that Lala somehow made the wolf goddess like her.]

Because it's one of her women, Lala.

In fact Eiji didn't really mind this.

From the beginning, Wolfkami was planned to be given to his woman. Or else, she would become the guard dog of his house.

"It's okay, I still have Ophis after all."

Ophis who was playing with Kunou in the house suddenly... Looking at Eiji from the window with a blank stare.

"...." No one knew what the Infinite Dragon God was thinking.

The loli was still mysterious at the moment.

Before ending the little plot in his backyard, Eiji did not forget to share another reward he got from the system with his girls.

He offered them to study the "Eight Inner Gates".

Of course, not all girls were suited to the technique.

In the end it was as he expected. Only Koneko was interested in learning it.

Like a cultivator, Eiji only needed to put his finger on the white cat girl's forehead and she only needed to familiarize herself with it.

That's so cheating... If the people in the original work saw Koneko who mastered the Eight Inner Gates in less than half a minute, they would probably vomit blood.



It was noon.

Rias and all her peerage members who were wearing school uniforms on a red date were looking at him.

Can you guys wear other clothes?

Although he knew Rias had many sets of school clothes to change into. Akeno, Koneko and the other two were the same.

Still, there was no harm in making special uniforms other than school uniforms for supernatural activities or something!

"What's wrong?" Eiji's lips twitched, since it was a red date, school was out...

Originally he wanted to invite Utaha on a date so they could continue the things they did yesterday and... cough, beautiful night.

But here comes Rias, I don't know what she wants before I'm about to leave the house in the spring clothes prepared by my beautiful secretary, Rossweisse and go to the garage to drive my Rolls-Royce.

She and the others blocked my way.

Of course, Rias and the others who saw his appearance that was so neat and more handsome than usual were stunned.

Ignore Yuuto and Gasper who had drama-watching expressions, dammit.

Rias, Akeno and Koneko narrowed their eyes.

"Hm... Before that, where are you going?"

"Ufufufu. Eiji dressed up very handsome this noon. Where are you going?"

"Senpai, where are you going?"


Eiji could hear some giggling in the kitchen. It was Noel and Jeanne. There were also a few other girls in the other room who secretly glanced at this awkward scene.


In this situation. If it was the other protagonists out there, some of them would sweat and stammer.

Then lie.

But him?

"I want to go on a date with Utaha. You guys got acquainted with her on the school roof yesterday, so you should know."

[Wow~ really, a bastard answer.]

[As expected from the Harem King! No lying and very honest!]

You two, be quiet.

The three girls were silent for a moment. But instead of being angry, except Koneko who looked like a jealous cat and was on the verge of activating the Eight Inner Gates.

[No, Koneko, don't do that just because I taught you this morning.]

Hearing this... Koneko snorted, but obeyed like a good cat.

Rias and Akeno walked over to him and put their hands on his shoulders. He was surrounded by the two most beautiful Onee-sama in Highschool DxD.

However, Eiji was used to their beauty — after all he had eaten them many times. His resistance naturally high, he looked at the two calmly.

"I see, I see. Utaha is indeed beautiful, I'm not surprised that Darling likes her."

"Ufufufu. We did talk to her yesterday and have no problem with her joining Darling's harem."


Eiji wanted to go to Utaha's apartment immediately, he knew the address from the girl herself.

But Rias grinned and said, "Even so, I'd like to invite Darling to the Underworld with us. Do you remember what day it is?"

"Thursday, a red date, a national holiday. Green Day where many people in this country enjoy the beauty of nature that is green in color."

"Ara, that's not it. Pfft! Stop saying green repeatedly... Geez."

I'm just stating a fact...

Eiji complained without activating his inner voice in his heart.

Rias pinched his chin, making him look at her beautiful face. Where did she learn this technique?

"Darling, you forgot... This is the day of my peerage promotion test."

"Ah about that." Eiji widened his eyes slightly, just remembering. But said, "With the power of all of you, I'm sure you won't have any trouble with the promotion test. Should I come along to watch?"

Rias shook her head. "Not really, it's true that this test is easy for us. We're confident we'll make it."

"Then I'm sorry-" Eiji was about to refuse.

But Rias quickly said, "But Darling, my mother asked me to invite you. She wants to watch our promotion test with you."

"Okay, I'm in." Eiji quickly changed his mind which made Rias' lips twitch and Akeno giggle.

"Ara Ara, I knew it."


"No, Koneko. It was my mother-in-law's request. It wouldn't be good if I refused, right?"

Koneko still said, "Pervert Senpai."

Eiji shook his head, whatever...

Incidentally, he also missed his brown-haired mother-in-law.


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