
Keyla on fire

Keyla's situation was not looking the best for multiple reasons. For one, she was somehow caught in the middle of a gang war that she knew nothing about but couldn't afford to divulge her innocence for the fear of being discarded.

However, her apparent stoic demeanor and what appeared to her interrogators as a strong bravado being put on went so far as to misled them into opting for a better interrogation method. One that in fact seemed like it would be most suitable to their taste.

The four men in the room with Keyla could be said to be the high ranking members of the Gecko Brotherhood. The three men in suits were enforcers, tasked with the duty of making sure all rules were enforced and defaulters were punished swiftly. However, the man in the sunglasses was a lieutenant whose primary role was being the subordinate to a leader.

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