
Shower sex (R18)

"Her sexual interest in me is at 20%? So she does have thoughts going along that direction. 20% percent because it's just on one bar now, there are five bars here that I can see so when it fills it all up, it would be a 100%!" Kan analyzed.

[Yes, genius. But it can drop any minute now. The reason it's even that high in the first place is because you currently doing something she likes] Hela said.

"What's that?!" Kan asked

[She likes being massaged. Although it's not up to the level of becoming a fetish as even without it, she'd be aroused anyway. The thing is, she has a very feint desire for your cock, make that desire flame up till it burns away her sense of reasoning!!] Hela apparently then was tutoring.

"Relax, I know what I'm doing!!" Kan responded in his head.

"Aunt layla," Kan called out as he continued to rub her back diligently.

"Yes?" Aunt Layla responded.

"What do you think about getting married?" Kan asked ever so innocently.

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