
The duke's feelings

Luciana felt overwhelmed with what Raziel did. He had gone against the nobles to marry her and make her queen, now he was breaking rules for her. She felt her chest swell with happiness. No one had ever made her feel the way he did. Not even close. He was just too good to her.

It was also overwhelming that she had men and women of nobilities kneeling at her feet. Never had she ever thought of this, nor did she dare to dream of it. The people that would usually look down on her, because she was born of a specie that they classified as inferior.

She turned to him, and he grabbed her waist and gave her a snacking kiss right in front of everyone. She didn't even have the time to protest, and after he kissed her for a while, she didn't feel the need to protest again. She wanted more of his kisses. The people got on their feet, and a round of applause resounded in the hall.

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