
Who the hell?!

Dahlia's parents demanded to see the king and the queen the next morning. Mikael and Evelyn had to choice, but to meet with the Duke and the Duchess.

They came to the throne room to meet the couple in a tensed mood, especially the Duchess whom can't seem to hide her worry, even a little bit.

They wondered what was going on.

"Your majesty." The Duchess quickly rushed to Mikael, while her husband tried to hold her. "We can't find our daughter."


"We woke up this morning and decided to check on her, but she was not in her room." The Duke explained.

"Maybe she just stepped out. Why did you assume that she's missing?"

Dahlia's parents gave themselves glances. They both had the same thing in mind. How would they tell the king that they had an argument with their daughter the previous night, and that she was not interested in marrying the prince?

But the Duchess was quick to think of something and gave an answer.

"We asked her maids where she went, and none of them knew, or the time she left. She must have snuck out in the middle of the night, or early this morning."

"Don't worry Duchess. We will do all that we can to find her. Excuse me, I shall go speak with my son." The king left the throne room, and his wife followed after him.

When they got to Raziel's room, the king knocked on the door, and it took a few seconds before Raziel opened the door.

"What are you doing here father?" Raziel asked with a frown, not bothering to hide the displeasure their presence brought to him.

"Where is she?!" King Mikael questioned his son.

"Where is who?" Raziel questioned back in a rather relaxed tone.

"You know who I am talking about. Where is Lady Dahlia?"

"She does not stay in the same room with me. We are not married yet, remember?"

"Raziel I am not playing with you right now. The Duke and the Duchess are worried. I knew you were planning some kind of sick game. Where. is. she.?"

"I have no idea. If you cannot find her, then she ran away." Raziel stated.

"She would not just run away suddenly. You did something to her. Or you threatened her, or you had people abduct her. So where is she son?"

"I have no idea." Answer answered nonchalantly, and the king gripped his throat in anger. "If she is not back here in five minutes, you will not like what will happen to you." Mikael threatened. He then pulled his hand from him and left.

"Why don't you just say the truth?" Evelyn questioned.

"Did you just speak?"

Evelyn looked at him, and knew that he was in no mood to be provoked, so she hurriedly left, going after her husband.

Meanwhile, Raziel ignored the drama and went back to bed. He guessed Dahlia must have ran away for real.

Later Lorenzo came to him, and he let him in.

"Your highness, Lady Dahlia has not been found."

"Dahlia is okay. She just does not wish to be found."

"Do you know where she might be?"

"Probably in one of the common houses where you won't suspect a person of her status to be."

"Did she tell you?"

"Something like that. She's somewhere close to the castle."

"Why would she be close to the castle? They will find her." Lorenzo said. "Or wait. They won't. No one won't think of searching for her around here, as it would be assumed that she had ran somewhere far." Lorenzo said thoughtfully.


"Your highness?" Lorenzo called, his tone changing to one of nervousness.

"Your father wants you to meet him in the dungeons. He wants to show you something that you won't find pleasant."

Raziel frowned. "What is it?"

"I think you should see for yourself my prince."

Prince Raziel became curious. He got ready and quickly left for the dungeons with Lorenzo.

Lorenzo led him far to the underground pit, and there he saw his father with four soldiers. But what caught his attention was the man on chains, and on his knees before his father.

Thick chains hung on his neck to the ceiling top. There were also thick chains on his wrists and legs, connected to different corners of the room.

Raziel walked to the man, ignoring his father. "Uncle?".

It was the king of Kazeera.

His uncle looked up at him, eyes hooded. He had been weakened.


"Release him at once now father." Raziel said sharply, turning to face his father.

"Tell me where Dahlia is."

"I don't know." He yelled. Dahlia had told him the previous night about her plans to run away. She didn't tell him exactly where she would be going, but she told him that it is somewhere close to the castle.

"If you don't tell me where she is now..." The king lifted his dagger, and stabbed Raziel's uncle's neck, and the man screamed in pain.

Raziel immediately grabbed his father by the neck, raised him up and threw him across the room. The King stared at his son in shock.

"I don't raise my hands against you because you are my father and king, and not because I cannot."

The king quickly got up and rushed at his son, only to have Raziel seize his hand mid air, twist it, while he cleared his legs off the ground.

"You feared I have outgrown your punishments, not knowing that I have also outgrown you in strength and speed. My whole life has been a battle field, thanks to you."

The king moved back, breathing heavily. When the soldiers saw that he needed help, they went to surround the prince.

"Please stop your highness."

They directed their weapons at him, while they pleaded.

"Ask your men to search the areas around the castle." Raziel said. He exposed Dahlia's hide out, because he knew that his father must surely kill his uncle if she wasn't found. And not like it would make any difference. He was still not going to marry her.

"Release him now! I have told you where you can find her." Raziel said.

"No. You didn't. You didn't mention any particular place. You just mentioned an area. It would probably take hours before we find her. Your beloved uncle will only be released when you are married to Dahlia." The king said, and Raziel left angrily. Lorenzo who just stood there, watching and unable to do anything left with him. He wanted to defend Raziel, but he could not act against the king.

The time for the wedding soon reached, and Dahlia was yet to be found. The Duke and the Duchess sent their people to also join in the search. The castle was restless, and the guests began to complain as to while the wedding had not begun.

Meanwhile, Raziel went into Luciana's room. The human kept herself busy with a book, and away from all the drama going on in this castle.

Raziel placed a document in front of her.

"Sign here."

"What is this?" Luciana asked, wanting to read it first.

"I don't have time Luciana. Please sign here."

Luciana just looked at him. She had a lot of questions, but she decided to keep it for later.


She took her writing pen and imputed her signature in the paper.

"Just don't sell me off." She joked.

"Thank you." Raziel took it from her and went away.

Luciana stared at the door he just left through. Something wasn't right. She then shrugged it away when she couldn't think of anything logical. Perhaps it was related to the laboratory and the weapons he was producing. The prince was definitely up to something these few days.

When Dahlia was not found early, the King and Dahlia's parents had no choice but to postpone the wedding to the next day. The guests were angry, and most of them left.

Meanwhile, Evelyn also decided to go through the document of the blood ritual Raziel had undertaken. He was too calm for someone who had taken a blood oath, except he didn't care about his life, which she believed wasn't the case.

Everything was the way it was. She kept turning it back and forth. Before she decided to actually sit and read it. That's when she noticed something. She alerted the king, and showed it to him.

King Mikael looked confused going through the documents. Raziel had fooled them all.

"Who the hell is Luciana?"

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