
Making the Most of Our Powers(1)*

Soon enough we were all down in a bunker area after carrying Okura and securing him in a safe spot while the rest looked over the place while Mr. Shrimp for some reason brought down the home phone if there's and connected it to a landline connection down here in the bunker.

"I asked him to bring it down, if this is as big as I think this could be then calling my grandma might be a good idea." Momo told me as she removed that alien device on her arm that helped healed up her broken arm before I got here and fixed it completely.

"Hmmm…. Maybe getting that Mecha guy here might not be a bad idea either." I said but Momo and Aria scowled.

"Ew, not that perv, I mean sure the giant Mecha thing might be useful but even him moving it around made me and her feel like we were going to throw up." Momo said while Aria nodded.

"Must have not thought of adding Gyroscopic seats, that way no matter how the mech moved you wouldn't get sick as your position would always feel the same to you and anyone else, but if need be I can call out some Mechs of my own that are more oriented for single pilots." I say which makes Jiji excited.

"Sweet! A mech just for myself! I was so into Gundam as a kid and I always wanted to pilot one, I liked it when I was in Kenny's giant mech but I turned into Evil Eye before I could do anything…." He said which he couldn't help but sigh.

"Evil Eye?" I say before looking at him as my eyes go white and see the spirit inside him, making me squint my eyes as what I was looking at why trying to make me go insane.

"Fumi? You good man?" Jiji couldn't help but ask but I shake my head as my eyes go back to normal.

"Nothing, I was just looking at that spirit lodged inside you, you really got a piece of work you know that? I'm surprised that thing is letting you keep your mind in tact in the first place." I say while he scratches the back of his head with an awkward look.

"Well the problem is if cold water or any cold liquids touches me makes me lose control and Evil Eye takes over me, but having him has helped me get some cool powers! Check this out!" He said before he took a deep breath to calm himself, placed his hands in a position that remind me of a kamehameha as I felt some energy forming before it projected outwards with his hands as several shelves were pushed back slightly from what he did.

"Well look at that, you made a slightly strong gust of wind, but as is that's not going to do jackshit against heavy armor." I say which makes him sigh.

"I know, I was only able to slightly make the sniper alien I faced lose focus so he couldn't get a clear shot on me and Aria." Jiji explained to make as I rubbed my chin.

"Say Rokuro, you have tech that lets us face off against what these guys have faced right? Is there a way for us to study what they can do from what they saw?" I asked the injured Serpo who was working on the tech we needed to make them fuctional.

"They can, I will let them scan all of their retinas to see what Jiji, Aria and Okura faced off against." He said finishing his repairs as several drones flew around them while Mr. Shrimp opened Okura's closed eye as they all got scanned.

Soon enough the bunker was crowded with these strange aliens in mechanical Exosuits that seemed based upon insects for some and others ancient artifacts from around Japan and the world over.

"Oi Vamola! What's wrong?!" Momo called out as Vamola, currently out of her Kaiju suit and in her 'EVA' suit, was holding Momo tightly and shivering in fear while tears were welling in her eyes.

"H-He…. He's the one…. The one who lead to the destruction of my people…. And the one who killed my mother….." She said as she shaking pointed towards the one standing in the middle with its arms spread wide with the rest of the aliens standing around it.

The exosuit that the alien was wearing was lengthy in height, shown to stand taller than an average human. Its head had a thin shape with very large black eyes, small nostrils and a slit for a mouth.

Its upper body had a shell-shape that split from the back and possessed two holes on the back. The opening of the shell where the head is had dark cords around the neck area that runs down to its small abdomen.

It also had reptilian features such as a long tail and scaly arms with three clawed fingers, including metal shoulder pads, along with that it also had a loincloth with a scale pattern similar to its arms though the suit's legs were very long in comparison to the upper portion of its body.

Seeing Vamola scared and sad like this pissed me off just by looking at it, "Rokuro, show us the powers that it used on Okura, have it target me, I will tank whatever it can dish out." I say switching into my first ever use of my combined Spiral/Anti-Spiral Form.

The pressure I was radiating in this form was so intense that the others couldn't help but step back in fear as my body looked otherworldly.

"Impossible! No humanoid mortal being could withstand this kind of power without being forced into the forth dimension!" Rokuro could help but shout out as he saw my form.

My face lost its human shape and looked more akin to a screen made from star dust that was bending forward and creating folds on my face to resemble horns, my clothes also shifted and seemed more like robes with a leather pauldron on my right shoulder but my body was made of purple cosmic space dust and in my center of mu chest hovered a spinning black hole as a representation of my Anti-Spiral powers while the space dust was the representation of my Spiral Powers.


"Nothing is possible, but also everything is, it's all a matter of perspective you know? Now then Serpo! I want to see what this asshole and the rest of them can do!" I say cracking my knuckles and my neck.

After all with discovering the infinite and understanding who and what I am my Spiral Powers finally pass the first major threshold I needed to progress and now I found an actual reason to use it while see what I can do.

Spiral/Anti-Spiral Being(Teenage) -> (Adult)

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