
Shinigami! I Choose You!

"You got a problem with me you old hag?" I said as the darkness consumed my body entirely.

"A monster like you should stay the hell out of this house!" She said as the malevolent aura began to grow forming an unloaded angry red face as it stared at me with unadulterated hatred.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! What the hell is going on?! Why is turbo granny suddenly going berserk at the sight of Hifumi?!" Momo said confused as suddenly Okura was forcibly being transformed himself, somehow with her anger at an all time high, Turbo Granny was able to reconnect the link between her and him as she began to force him into his full pissed form.

"UUUGGGHHHH!!!" Okura couldn't help but cry out as the possession was consuming his body just so Turbo Granny can fight me.

She then hopped onto his possessed back all while Aria, Momo and Momo's grandma got ready to get in my way.

"Stay the hell out of my way! This bastard is a soul devourer! AND HE NEEDS TO DIE!" Her rage reaching to an extreme that it forcibly sends everyone flying from the pressure alone before she instantly appears before me as if she was about to rip into my body with her massive teeth.

But I'm much faster and land an extremely strong and fast attack on her, sending her flying and crashing to the outside of the house as I head out to deal with her.

*Cough! Cough!* "What the hell is that old hags deal?! And what the hell she talking about?! What does she mean he's a soul devourer?" Momo said as she coughed a bit before she and the rest began to pick themselves up.

"That's impossible, soul devourers are spirits that consume other spirits to gain strength, but they aren't gatekeepers of the afterlife, those who are spirits who devour other spirits to let them move to the afterlife and onto reincarnation, soul devours however eat souls and completely destroy them in the process and separating them from the cycle of the after life and reincarnation, they are feared by normal spirits and despised by yokai who watch over wandering spirits themselves, but they are completely incompatible with forming a spirit connection with a human compared to normal spirits and yokai." Momo's Grandma goes onto explain as she picks herself up and wipes the blood away from her nose.

"Then we have to stop her! She must be mistaken about what she thinks he is! And not only that but while she's using Okura-kun like that he must be in terrible pain!" Aria couldn't help but say as she began to activate her 'Acrobatic Silky' form.

Meanwhile outside.

"What's wrong Grandma? Did you dislocate your hip? You need me to get you to a hospital." I couldn't help but say as I was taunting her all while she was picking herself off the ground with the weird movements that look like she's breaking Okuras bones in the process.

"I'm gonna rip your head off your shoulders brat!" She said before rapidly going out of her way to attack me with all she has using her insane speed to make up for the lack of real strength.

"Holy! I knew he was strong but I didn't know he could keep up with a full powered Turbo Granny!" Momo couldn't help but say in surprise as she and the others could see me react, dodge and counter any and all of her attacks with ease.

"You know it's kinda of funny watching this, it's like watching a car crash in slow motion, she can try and fight him but as he is now, she's way out classed." They suddenly heard an unfamiliar woman's voice from somewhere but they couldn't find the source until-

"BOO!" Suddenly a small round ghost with horns and a crown appeared right in front of Kenta who shrieked like a little girl and fell on his ass.

"BWAHAHAHA! Oh man that never gets old! Haha!" The ghost laughed at the fear Kenta showed while everyone was confused with who that was before Momo's grandma came outside herself.

"What is a Shinigami doing here of all places?" She couldn't help but ask which surprised everyone else here when she mentioned what the ghost was.

"A Shinigami?! Aren't those like, spirits who reap souls like the grim reaper is out in the western world?!" Jiji said with an exaggerated expression like always.

"Yep that's me! The one! The only! Shinigami! And as why I'm here it's obviously because I'm linked between Hifumi and myself, and in doing so he doesn't accidentally devours souls just by living normally, so that granny just jumped to conclusions and thought he's been permanently destroying souls just by existing while I was actually sending them to the afterlife by using his powers as a medium." Shinigami went onto explain to everyone.

Meanwhile I throughly thrashed Turbo Granny as I pinned her underneath my foot while she squirmed around before I reached down, grabbed the stupid cat and tossed her hard back towards the house, slamming her into the wall and ending Okura's possession of the enraged Turbo Granny.

I then got off Okura who was groaning on the ground because I had to put heavy force into my attacks just to put her down.

"You know, it's not very nice to suddenly jump to conclusions little youkai." Shinigami said appearing before the downed turbo granny who was currently still trapped in the lucky cat statue.

"Wha?!" She looked and noticed who and what was talking to her, freaking her out enough that she jumped up, ran with her stubby legs away from Shinigami, but this just made her get an evil smile before summoning her scythe, yes she has a scythe, before chasing the scared Turbo Granny.

"Stay the hell away from me!!!"

"Whaaaaat~ I just want to plaaaaaay~"

"Stop swinging that at me you bastard! I don't want to pass on yet!"

"Go Shinigami! Use Death Slash!" I couldn't help but shout out.

"What is this?! Pokémon to you?! Don't kill her cause we still need Okura's powers!" Momo couldn't help but say as she grabbed my collar and shook me back and forth all while I was laughing at Turbo Granny's suffering.



After awhile of messing around Momo's grandma made a big feast for all of us to which we all began to eat, though much to Turbo Granny's chagrin as Shinigami stayed to eat as well and specifically mess with her since she found it fun to do.

Though as I was eating, Vamola was sitting right next to me, even though I explained the situation to her before the food was ready.

*After the fun outside but while I was alone with Vamola before the food was made*

"Vamola, I can't get married to you, I'm already in a relationship with another girl, not just one but several, and while it's rare in this world that polygamy is allowed, I don't know of the culture of your world and if being with a man with multiple women is even allowed." I explained to her my situation which was obviously strange for most people.

Hearing that she didn't say anything for a minute, as if she was trying to articulate what she wanted to say.

"Hifumi…. I am the last of my kind, the last child of the Sumerians yes?" She asks me which I nod as that is what she told me about herself.

"And that makes me ummm…. A princess yes?" She said which kinda confused me, but being the last of your kind it wouldn't be wrong to say you are your races princess so I slowly nodded in agreement.

"Then what my mother told me about royalty as I grew up on the run with her and the remaining survivors of our kind, it was common for those in nobility to have multiple wives, so even if you are in a relationship with others I don't particularly mind, I mean it seems normal for me that someone as strong and powerful as you to have many women that want to be with you." She went onto say making my face cramp a bit hearing that all.

'Looks like I will have to see what the others think about this later….' Is all I could think about the current situation I was in.

Though now I'm worried about if my little brother is in danger or not with the situation I find myself in.

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