
Rust, Dust & Guts

As soon as the all clear came through we smashed into the facility while inside the HellHound with me at the wheel as I launched the mounted rockets from the top at their turrets while turning the surprised guards into Swiss cheese from the machine guns mounted on the front.

"Suck on this fuckers!" Rebbeca shouted out after pushing the hatch off the top of the HellHound as she held onto a loaded RPG as she aimed and fired at a few approaching mecha.


"Explosions!" Briar popped out next to her as they high fived each other, though they soon ducked when gun fire resumed on them.

But while there were more of them and thus more guns to shoot at us, they were way less skilled than a professional team of Edgerunners in the wake.

"Got into their sub-systems, causing their bots to turn on them." Kiwi said before we began to see their combat robots turn on there own men as well as the few remaining mechs as they fought for us.

I slid the Hellhound into a covered area as we all got out with our guns loaded with Maine coming out while a shiny new Cyberware was attached to his spine.

"Alright! Time to see how this baby works!" He said excited to try out his new Sandi he got as his primary reward for doing this job from the AWG.

Not only that but he was given the AWG's Psycho Breaker drug that makes him immune to getting cyberpsychosis like he would have with putting on this much chrome that surpassed his bodies limits.

"Careful old man, wouldn't want you throwing out your back while using this kind of chrome." I tease Maine a bit as I spin my Liberty in my hand.

"Kiss my ass, I may nearly be a 40 year old man but I still got what it takes to stay in this game." He said cracking his neck before giving me the finger.

"You guys done with your dick wagging? Cause we're gonna go kill some gonks and have all the fun before you even show off that chrome." Rebecca said lugging her shotguns Guys & Glory.

"I love wrecking things!" Briar shouted out in a cheery way as the two two crazy short chick high fived each other.

Me and Maine looked at each other as he pulled out this huge sledgehammer hammer and held it over his shoulder, "Well let see if they can keep up with us huh?" He smirked before activating his Sandi as he spun like a tornado with his sledge, bashing off the skulls of several guys that had been shooting at the SUV

"Oi! I want in on this fun too!" Pilar said feeling left out as he hefted up his custom gold painted grenade launcher as he took aim at the nearby mechs with his ricochet cybernetics as he bounced the grenade pills off several surfaces to hit and explode several of the robotic soldiers and nearby mechs as a result.

"Hey! Those were my kills asshole!" (R)

"You snooze you lose baby sis!" (P)

"Weeeeee!!!! I'm going to tear you to shreds!" (B)

"Am I the only sane one here?" (D)

"Oh come on Dorio, you gotta live a little, besides it's either us or them you know what I'm sayin?" (H)

"Guys we have a problem." (S)

"What's up Sasha? We getting enemy reinforcements already?" (M)

"No they are still cut off and Militech isn't coming to help still, no that thing inside the base, it's beginning to move." (S)

"That big fuck off thing that is too big to be a tank?" (H)

"Yes that!…. Oh shit it's-"


Suddenly the ground was smashed open as dust obscured our vision of all around us and killing/destroying multiple people/robots/mechs that were standing in that area, same for Maine but he was able to use his Sandi to reorient himself mid flight and used his cybernetic legs to Cushion the heavy fall as he grouped up with the rest of us as we reached the Hellhound once again.

"Sasha! You alright?!" I shout out over the comms, even though she is equipped with the best netrunner gear there is, that doesn't mean she can't get hurt from counter attacks it's just very hard to do that but not impossible.

"I'm fine, something tried frying me but my Black-ICE blocked it, Kiwi you good?" Sasha said before asking Kiwi as she was helping her deal with the sites network protocols.

"Fuck! That shit burns!" Kiwi cursed out as she felt like her insides were burning but it wasn't a complete burnout or else she'd be dead.

"I got you." Falco said as he pulled out a coolent injector before inserting it in a slot near her deep dive neural port and injecting her to rapidly cool her body, something every Netrunner needs to keep nearby.

"Ugh…. Thanks, Sasha I lost visual, you got eyes on that thing?" Kiwi asked but only saw a wide eyed Falco hand her a set of binoculars.

She took them and looked as her eyes widened too, "Guys get out of there! It's-"

"Those MOTHERFUCKERS!!!! Oh they are so going to pay for this!" Shie shouted out as he had drones watching every battlefield across the states.

And all the other sites, barring two, we're going smoothly that is until this very moment, and without hesitation he made the call.

"Vegas Team! Chicago Team! Delta the fuck out of there right now! You guys aren't equipped to deal with shit like this!" He shouted out as he looked at the two screens showing both battlefields.

Out of the smoke two extremely large mechs that were easily taller than the standard house appeared from out of the smoke.

"Get in the fucking car!" I shout out as we all run as fast as we can as the 'eyes' of the huge ass mech light up with a sinister red light.

We all get in the Hellhound and book it out of the facility while the AV takes off and away from the base in Chicago with everyone over there on board.

"Why the fuck is that thing here?! Shie! The fuck is going on!" I shout out at him as I was confused why 'those' mechs were here.

"They must have gotten some of the schematics from across the Blackwall to make their own versions, I'm detecting a fail safe activating on them, those Mechs don't have a pilot but are being controlled by rogue AI's, if those things go on a rampage a lot of people will get killed but not only that but our image will be badly damaged as a result." Shie said to me while he was pacing back and forth in his office.

"What's the plan? Cause that thing is looking for something, anything it can use as a weapon right now." (H)

"It's tearing apart the base it's at on my end, clearly pissed or some shit." (D)

"Alright both your groups get ready then as I know how to deal with these rogue mechs." He says before clicking on two open areas nearby where both our groups were at.

"Prepare for Titanfall."

Next chapter