
So…. How do you Deal with a Canibalistic Blood Sucker?

"…. I probably done worse…. But I never ate people though…." I mutter to myself as I saw her ripping into the dead body of the lead guards body and devouring his corpse with relish.

I soon walk past the broken and ripped apart bodies before I patted her head, which nearly got a claw ripping through my neck as she rapidly turned toward me if I didn't stop her by grabbing her wrist.

Though seeing me she regained herself as the pillory reformed behind her as her eyes returned to normal, "You can eat as much as you want when we get out of here, I don't care if you snack on some of them along the way but we need to get out of here." I said not taking offense to her attacking me in her beast like state.

"Okay friend! Let's go! Let's go!" She said excitedly as she hopped and skipped as she made her way up the stairs ignoring the bodies as we made our way upward.

"There they are!"

"Take them down!"

They began to rush us but I just patted her shoulder, "Can't let you do it all can I?" I say as I launch myself forward and begin to cut them down before me with ease while thief plate armor did nothing to stop my blade.

"Oh! Oh! Don't leave me out! I want some fun too!" She said getting impatient seeing me cutting them down myself before she went into her beastial form again and joined me in what could only be described as a one sided massacre.

I could have just let her do everything, but I really needed to vent and killing these guards was scratching that itch of mine so we both were working off each other to deal with any and all that got in our way.

I don't know how to describe it, but us working in tandem looked like a primal and savage death dance where with every swipe of her claws, the cut of my blade and the tearing from her teeth ended one life after another before we finally made it to the main floor where they made their last stand to stop us.

But they were clearly terrified as they saw our blood stained bodies making our way up, luckily I was wearing a different set of clothes that was covered in a leather trench coat that let the blood flow off onto the ground, though my face and hair were covered in blood as I flicked the blood off my blade before pulling off my glasses(non-prescription) and wiping them with a handkerchief I pulled out from my chest pocket.

"You know how this is going to end don't you? If you let us go, you'll live to see your families again, but if you don't well…." I say leaving the end left unsaid as we weren't injured at all while roughly two hundred lay dead who got in our way with most in pieces.

I could see and feel the nervousness from their bodies, but they stood firm as no matter what, they can't let that thing leave or else even if they survive, it puts their families in jeopardy and they will be executed for willingly letting such a monster escape.

"…. I see…." Is all I say as I put my glasses in my shirt pocket before using the blood staining my hair to gel it back as I looked at them.

"You chose…." I say clicking my blade out from its scabbard, "…. Poorly…" Before we both leapt into action to kill the rest of the guards blocking our way.

In the end, they didn't stand a chance, both of us easily overpowering them all and cutting them down with no real chance to fight back as the bodies lay before us.

"Let's go, no need to stay here any longer." I say stepping over the bodies with her, though she seemed reluctant to leave so much food behind.

Seeing the metal gate still blocked the way I just cut right through the door as we made our way out, their was no more resistance that stood in our way.

Although I did turn my head and look up to see a camera with a small red light watching us, 'This world has cameras? Or is it scrying magic that looks like cameras?' I think to myself as I stare at it before I cut open the space in front of us and pull her in along with me.

Soon enough we both appeared far away from the prison on the cliff I appeared on, "That was so much fun! Thanks for letting me out of that terrible place! Finally I'm free! Hahahaha!" She laughed in glee as she danced and pranced around.

I just smile and shake my head, "Well I have an offer for you, so you want to go to a place where those people won't try and hunt you down, new sights, new places, new people." I decide to offer her as I can see sparkles around her eyes.

"Ohhh! I wanna go! I wanna go! New friend will take me there right?!" She said as she looked up at me with expectation in her eyes.

"Of course I will, and not only that but I'll let you taste new foods that aren't just people and blood, and maybe be able to sate your hunger too." I say in a matter of fact way to her which makes her even more excited.

"New foods! No more hunger! New friend is the best, Briar will come with you, where ever you go!" She says as she nods her head eagerly to being free of her endless hunger.

"Well Briar, the names Hifumi, and don't worry I'll have plenty of places to show you from now on." I say with a grin as I rub her head before we both disappear from the face of Runeterra for good.



Soon enough we reappeared in my home as she looked around, "Huh…. Your place seems…. Really normal." She says looking over things before looking back at me.

"What? Did you expect my house to be splattered in blood or something?" I ask as I look at her with a questioning look.

"Well…." She says as she looks off to the side as she kicks her foot back and forth as she looks away from me as it seems I guessed right.

"If it was the old me then maybe, but I'm not that person anymore, I keep that stuff out of my house, but first let me fix this without you going crazy." I say looking at her Pillory that was keeping her sanity in check.

"You can unbind me, without making go into a frenzy?" She said as she genuinely looked surprised that I could fix that as well, could this new friend of hers do anything and everything?

"Sure, I should say this but for me to do all of this I should say that we are bound to one another from now on, my life and your life are interconnected, unless someone can kill us both at the same time, we won't die, but it also gave me the power to help fix the problems that are plaguing you." I say this in a nice way to get that she is bound to me for life, though I'm not gonna treat her like a slave or servant of course, though she genuinely tries to kill me her body, mind and soul will be wracked with immense pain as a result.

"Ohhhh, okay! So long as it makes the pain go away and gets this off me then that's fine by me!" She said genuinely happy that everything that made her a living weapon will soon be fixed.

And soon the world will have a new inhabitant, let's just hope we don't get unwanted attention by the larger forces of this world.

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