

Author: AvipBr
Anime & Comics
Ongoing · 676.1K Views
  • 29 Chs
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The protagonist was reincarnated into the body of Jaune Arc with a powerful Creation Semblance. He can make anything, weapons, armor, food, magical items, and much more as long as he pays with Aura or Magic.

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Chapter 1Make a better world



I opened my eyes as soon as we landed, although I never had motion sickness problems in my previous life, the reality of this body is different... at least meditating with my eyes closed prevents me from vomiting in the middle of the aircraft.

As soon as I breathe the fresh air outside, I start to feel better, but I can't enjoy the moment of tranquility because an explosion catches my attention.

"This is my cue."

I ran towards the gothic girl with red streaks lying on the ground, relieved to see that I hadn't missed my introduction to the canon.

"Welcome to Beacon..." muttered the girl lying on the ground.

There she was, the protagonist of RWBY, Ruby Rose, and she is beautiful, with a unique gothic style in red and black. Her short black hair with red tips contrasts with her pale skin, highlighting her silver eyes. But despite being beautiful, I'm not interested in getting involved with her.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked, extending my hand to the girl. "My name is Jaune."

[Ruby Rose]

"Ruby," I replied, accepting the hand of the blond boy with blue eyes.

Jaune looked like a typical 17-year-old teenager, and despite carrying a red and blue shield on his back, he didn't seem to have the muscular mass of a trainee Hunter.

"Wait!" I exclaimed, examining him more closely. "You're the boy who was sleeping sitting on the transport, right?"

With a serious expression, he nodded his head.

"I was circulating my Aura while meditating, I need to do that whenever I travel. Otherwise, I get nauseous."

"Wow, that sounds like advanced Aura training." Maybe his fighting style is focused on his Semblance rather than his body.

"It's something I learned from some Aura theory books."

"Wow, my uncle Qrow said I was still too young for advanced Aura training like that, so I didn't even try."

"You were trained by your uncle?"

"Yes, he and my father were teachers at Signal, the preparatory school I attended."

"Hmm..." He replied, murmuring.

Why is he grumbling? Is he already bored? But how? We've been talking for less than 5 minutes.

Think, Ruby, try to talk about something interesting.

"So... I have this."

Ha! Nothing is more anti-boredom than my baby Crescent Rose.

"Wow, is that a scythe and a high-precision rifle?" Jaune said, examining my creation. "A combination for close combat and long-range fighting, an excellent mechashift weapon from what I can tell."

Yes! It worked.

"And what do you have there?" I asked, looking at the circular shield on his back.

In response, he opens his coat, revealing a simple 9 mm pistol and a knife.

"These two are common weapons, a hunting knife and a pistol, but I see you're interested in my shield."

Pulling it from his back, I get a better look at the shield. It's round, a perfect circle, painted with 2 red stripes, 1 white stripe, and in the center, it has a blue sphere with a white five-pointed star in the middle... and nothing else?

No complex mechanisms, no folds, just a shield with a buckle to attach it to the arm?

"Simple, right?"

Embarrassed, I took a step back.

Was my disappointment that obvious? The first person who talks to me at Beacon, and I've already been rude to him?

"No... it's just that..." I need an excuse. "I just find this combination of shield, pistol, and knife unique." Ha! I did well.

He smiles at me, but I turn my face to the side, feeling embarrassed.

"This shield may not look like much, but it's practically indestructible."

I froze for a second, did I hear that right?

"You said indestructible?" "Yes," replied the blond boy with a proud smile on his face.

"Impossible!" I exclaimed, disbelieving.

"100% true."

"But what if someone shoots it with anti-tank ammunition?"

"Nothing will happen."

"A shot from an anti-aircraft battery?"

"Maybe it'll scratch the paint."

"And Dust effects like fire, ice, and electricity."

"At most, it'll get dirty."

I lean over the shield, tapping it with my fist, trying to guess its material.

"Please, tell me what it's made of."

"Okay, girl, I'll tell you later, just stop drooling over it, please."

Drooling? Oh my, he's right, I've been drooling over it. Jumping back, I try to apologize again, but Jaune says it's no big deal.

"It's alright, Ruby, I know you didn't mean any harm." Despite me acting weird, he didn't seem bothered. "But I want to know where we are."


Looking around, I notice that we've been wandering aimlessly and ended up near a garden with an artificial lake.

"I was following you."

Jaune stares at me, raising an eyebrow.

"Don't judge me."

"I don't judge anyone." Phew. "Out loud." Darn it.

He laughs, shaking his head.

"Follow me, everything's fine, crater face."

"Okay." Wait! "Did you just call me what?"

[Professor Ozpin]

"It's truly intriguing how the start of the Beacon school year still manages to fill me with hope," I thought aloud.

After my speech, Professor Goodwitch and I met in the elevator that provides access to my office.

"In what sense, Professor?" my vice asked.

"After 80 years of training Remnant's protectors, any normal person would assume a certain degree of apathy would be present."

I replied, sighing, to Professor Goodwitch.

"But no, every passing year I still have hope in the new generation, especially this year with a silver-eyed warrior among the freshmen, perhaps the last one on the planet."

With an arched eyebrow, the professor questioned me.

"You have great faith in this young woman because she's Summer's daughter?"

"Silver eyes are notorious in the fight against the Grimm, with a few years of training, Miss Rose could be capable of reclaiming Mount Glenn."

Reclaiming Glenn would erase the kingdom's biggest defeat against "her," we would have an outpost connected to the capital by an underground transportation system, and the increased morale of Vale's population would keep the Grimm at bay for months, if not years.

My optimistic thoughts were interrupted by a shocking scene when the elevator door opened, revealing my office with a young man sitting in my chair, with his feet propped up on something metallic on my desk.

"You have 5 seconds to explain yourself, young man," Glynda threatened, pointing her weapon, The Disciplinarian, at the boy.

The young man with blond hair and blue eyes stared at Goodwitch without flinching and replied.

"I apologize for putting my feet on your desk, I was just bored and used my shield to keep it clean."

Does he think we're concerned about him dirtying the desk?

"That should be the least of your concerns. I don't recognize you, so you must be one of the initiates, right?" He answered, nodding his head. "Consider yourself eliminated and consider yourself lucky not to leave here in handcuffs, boy."

He smiled and looked in my direction.

"Brave and loyal?" Was he talking to me? "That's why you have her as your second in command, huh, Ozma!" The boy responded in a cynical tone, looking me in the eyes.

Glynda continued with her lectures and threats, but I didn't pay attention to them because in front of me was someone who knew the name of my first incarnation.

The mysterious young man kept smiling at me as if he hadn't just blurted out one of my best-kept secrets.

"Professor Goodwitch!" I exclaimed aloud.

Glynda paused in the middle of her lecture and looked at me in surprise. This was the kind of thing she dealt with when it came to a student misbehaving, but this was no ordinary student.

"I just remembered that I have an appointment with this young man." If he were an agent of Salem, he would have already attacked us. "Apologies for my lateness, once Professor Goodwitch leaves, we can begin." Despite my suspicion, Glynda was loyal enough to follow orders without questioning.

"Don't even think about it, you Dumbledore with a scarf."

"Dumble-who?" I tried to question the comparison, but the young man simply kept talking.

"She stays." The mysterious young man pointed his finger at Glynda.

"May I know why you're arguing about my presence without even considering my opinion?"

The boy got up from my chair and placed a knife and a pistol on the table.

"I came here to help you, Ozma." He walked towards us. "But Glynda needs to know."

"What do I need to know?" Glynda asked, sounding unsure.

"Everything that Ozpin didn't tell you about the secret war, why Salem wants the relics, his relationship with the Grimm queen, the Gods, and my favorite part." He cleared his throat before continuing. "Salem cannot be killed."

[Glynda Goodwitch]

It can't be true...

The secret war we fight for humanity is just a lovers' quarrel?

If the relics are brought together, they will summon the Gods who will judge us... and given the current state of Remnant, we will all be destroyed.

And worst of all, even if we manage to invade Salem's castle, it will be futile because the Grimm queen is immortal!

Not a limited immortality like Ozpin's reincarnation, but a true immortality that rebuilds flesh and bone regardless of the injury suffered.

"I know it's a lot to absorb all at once, Professor Goodwitch, but it's important that you know." The young man's voice carried compassion, while Ozpin stared at him with icy fury.

I always thought that Ozpin could have more secrets, but nothing this... impactful.

"Forgive me for not sharing this information with you, Glynda, but Salem's immortality has caused..." The Professor took a deep breath, his gaze filled with sorrow. "I've been betrayed countless times because of it."

It made sense, his enemy was an immortal witch with an army of monsters at her disposal, it's evident that many would despair upon receiving this news and betraying her greatest enemy could earn them favor with the Grimm queen.

"But Glynda is different." I looked in the direction of Jaune Arc, now identified. "I know Qrow is your best field agent and one of the best fighters in all Remnant." He pointed in my direction. "But when it comes to integrity, loyalty, commitment, intelligence, and above all competence, there is no one better on this damn planet than Glynda Goodwitch."

I blushed and felt a little embarrassed by the compliments the boy gave me.

"I appreciate the kind words, Mr. Arc, but still, what gives you the right to reveal Professor Ozpin's secrets?"

"Look at this, Ozma! I just revealed your dirty laundry to her, and her first reaction is to defend you?" The boy laughed out loud as if he had heard the most absurd thing in the world. "You really don't deserve her."

The redness in my face became more apparent, and I decided to stay silent to try to center myself again.

"While I agree with you, sir, regarding Miss Goodwitch's qualities, she is right." The Professor of Beacon approached the young man, taking firm steps, looking down at Jaune. Ozpin asked with a heavy voice, "For what reason did you reveal my greatest secrets? How did you come to possess that knowledge? And how can we trust someone who appears out of nowhere, sowing intrigue and discord within my inner circle?"

It's rare to see the Professor get straight to the point. He usually prefers to tell a story and draw a parallel between the situation and a tale or one of his experiences, but this boy stripped him of his deepest secrets and put him on the defensive.

Smiling, the young Arc replied, "I'll make you a proposition." Jaune walked over to the table and picked up his weapons and shield. "I have nothing with me, no money, scroll, clothes, not even food."

Strange, how can someone with so much information be so... unprepared?

"All I have with me are my weapons and the clothes I'm wearing. In fact, I'm not even a candidate for Beacon Academy."

"You didn't attend a preparatory school?" the Professor asked.

"No, I had an accident a few months ago, and my aura was awakened by my mother as a way to save my life."

That caught my attention.

"Months! You've only had your aura for a few months? That means you have no training as an apprentice Hunter."

He nodded affirmatively.

"I have some Aura training thanks to some books I read in libraries and bookstores before getting kicked out for reading without paying."

"And how does that relate to your proposition, Mr. Arc?"

"Oh, right! I almost forgot." How can someone just forget something in a conversation about the fate of humans and faunus? "You're going to let me participate in the initiation, give me a monthly allowance to cover my expenses, and Glynda will give me private lessons on aura control."

Private lessons with me?

"Why would we do that, Mr. Arc?"

"Because I'm on your side because I have a semblance that can turn the tide of the war against your ex, and because if you accept this, I'll tell you who the three people were that attacked Amber, the Fall Maiden."

A deathly silence filled the room, tension hung in the air and could be cut with a knife.

"You know who attacked her?" the Professor asked incredulously.

Jaune smiled and raised three fingers.

"There were three people, I know their names, appearance, and their semblances." Pausing dramatically, Jaune clenched his fist and looked deep into Ozpin's eyes. "And most importantly, I know when and how they will come to Beacon to take the rest of the Fall Maiden's power."

"You're a deserter of Salem?" I blurted out without thinking. "Is that why you know so much?"

He shook his head.

"I've never been one of her servants." He swallowed hard, thinking deeply before continuing. "As for how I know this information, I'll tell you on another occasion. Verify if my information about your enemies is correct, then I'll tell you my story."

Without thinking, Ozpin reached out his hand, and Jaune shook it.

"Get a pen, Glynda, Beacon has just gained another candidate."

The Professor was apprehensive, but at least he was still hopeful.

[Original Point of View]

"Finally, a decent bed," I muttered quietly to no one in particular.

Being alone in an isolated room, I could finally get some good rest for the initiation tomorrow. This room, scroll, and 10,000 Lien were a small gesture of gratitude from Ozpin for helping deal with so many "nuisances."

We spent 2 hours ironing out the details to handle Cinder's team, Leonardo Lionheart's betrayal, and the hacking of the CCT.

Glynda wanted to tackle the problems head-on as quickly as possible with three teams of experienced Hunters, but with Ozpin's help, we managed to convince her that it's better to proceed with caution.

I start tossing and turning in bed, trying to find a comfortable position.

The mattress was good, but the pillow was thin, like a folded sheet.

"I won't be able to sleep like this..."

I shouldn't abuse my semblance, but I need a good night's sleep, and it's already late.

"M.C.S. on."

Multiverse Crafting System

What would you like to make?

Magic: 14 Points

Aura: 100%

I look at the floating screen in front of me, and it finally dawns on me.

"My semblance is similar to The Gamer's. How did I never realize this before?"

Of course, it's not as powerful as his. It only allows me to create items using Aura or Magic.

Even though I may have reincarnated in Jaune Arc's body, I'm still the absent-minded, scatterbrained person with ADHD.

"M.C.S., make a memory foam pillow."

Multiverse Crafting System

Which resource would you like to use?

Magic: 14 Points

Aura: 100%

If I use Aura, it won't last forever. It will probably disappear as soon as I fall asleep. Now, if I use magic, it will last forever, but I don't replenish those points in the same way I replenish Aura. I need to consume Dust to gain magic points.

I look at my shield leaning against the wall.

To make Captain America's shield, I had to spend the money Jaune had set aside to buy fake documents and everything else the boy had.

Comics, computer, scroll, video games, books, and even furniture.

"M.C.S., use Aura."

In a golden mist of energy, a pillow materializes.

Multiverse Crafting System

What would you like to make?

Magic: 14 Points

Aura: 99,7%

Did it only cost that much? If I had used magic, it would have cost 3 or even 4 points.

As soon as I rest my head on the pillow, my body relaxes.

"M.C.S. off."

The window closes, and I fall asleep hopeful... that breakfast will be good.

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