
Start Of A War part two

"Witchcraft?! Su-Ho!!!!! That bitch I'll kill her if I lay my eyes on her." said Ha Joon in a low angry tone.

" Hyun can you get us out of here?" said Sung Ho calmly.

"It's not easy to escape a witch's trap, a witch's trap requires a lot of power, a type of power that is almost equal to a god but I'm not a god not even a tribal god. But if any of the gods give me some power I can open it." explained Hyun.

"I'm a tribal god and and Sung Ho is a descendant of the Goddess and as tribal gods maybe we can help." he said

"No." said Sung Ho in a low tone.

"What do you mean no!" yelled out Ha Joon.

"It's forbidden for tribal gods to share their power." said Sung Ho.

"You do realize that she'll kill Mi Young, right!" said Ha Joon.

"I was messing with you." chuckled Sung Ho as he released his aura and closed his eyes for focus, his aura became a visible dark green light spreading all over the hall

"You're such an ass." mumbled Ha Joon under his breath.

Ha Joon continued to focus his energy.

The more he concentrated the more his aura grew brighter and stronger to a point where it became too overwhelming for some of the beasts except for Ha Joon.

"Sung Ho, isn't that power to much for me to handle?" said Hyun.

"If you're too much of a coward then I'll be more than happy to volunteer." said a well dressed tall beasts man a nine tailed fox, with brown hair, eyes and two cute orange ears and tail.

He was a creature/ male that was most desired in the five major kingdoms, standing at a hight of 8 ft 5 inches with a muscular well built body (Toji kind of body).

"Did you think I'm going to give you my power no. Not when I'm alive." said Sung Ho as he blew away the door with an energy blast that blew a hole between space and time to get though the witch's trap.

He was successful and the trap got blown away.

"What didn't you ask if you knew that you could do that with no effort at all?" said Ha Joon

"I like being mysterious." he said look straight in Sung Ho's eyes floating away.

"And I thought I was the cocky one, but he as never been like that I guess Mi Young's appearance in his life changed him." thought Ha Joon.

"Hey Sung Ho do you two really share a mate?" said the fox beast

"How did you know we shared a mate?" asked Sing Ho.

"Well I heard you talk about a Mi Young, and I have heard rumors of her being delicate little thing." he said.

"Don't ever talk about Mi Young Ever again because she belongs to me and me only." said Sung Ho as his face darkened his eye flashing red.

"But you share her with Sung Ho." he said

"Not for long. " he said with a twisted smile on his face as he walked away from him.

"I don't have a good feeling about that reply." he said.


Mi Young was preparing a meal for when the boys will eat, when buttercup appeared.

"Mi Young it's been a while, how are you doing?" it said.

"Oh, hi why are you here?" she said.

"I get wanted to show you the progress you've made." it said.

" Oh my business has been going great and I think I have collected enough stone." said Mi Young.

"Congratulations you have collected 200 black stones, 150 blue green stone, 20 red stones, 600 silver and, only 2 white stones?" said buttercup.

"Yeah merfolk really don't come out frequently." she said.

"Okay, some new products have arrived in storage do you wish to buy them?" said buttercup.

"No I just want to see my mom I'm worried about her, I just want to see how she's doing." she said.

"Okay, you can see her but only see her you have an hour until your time runs out." said buttercup.

"Okay, so how I'll I get there since I'm dead." said Mi Young.

"Your soul will be transferred to a person who is near your mother." said buttercup.

"Okay, I'm ready." the moment she said that she found herself in the body of a young psychiatrist, and in front of her was a woman her mother she sitting parallel to her starring back at her.

"Doctor what's wrong, did I say something wrong?" she said.

Mi Young couldn't hold back her tears and hugged her mom tightly.

"I've missed you mom." said cried out.

"I'm sorry but I'm not your mom I only have one daughter Mi Young, I haven't seen her in a long time and I miss her so much but she's dead now." she said holding back her tears.

"I'm sure she's happy and would like to see you happy too, besides I'm sure that wherever she might be she's happy ." said Mi Young as she pulled away from her mom.

"Yeah I know she's happy." said the mom.

The two spent the rest of the fifty five minutes Mi Young had together but as her time was almost up her mother said.

"Thanks for coming back for me Mi Young."

"What?!" said as Mi Young got transferred back to the beast world.

"Did you enjoy your visit?" said buttercup.

"Yes but how does my mom know that I was Mi Young?" said Mi Young in a confused tone.


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