
God Marduk

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It has been two weeks since I arrived here, Let me tell you something Mesopotamian Gods live with their own people, and there is no difference in the living arrangements, except the respect given to the gods, and the food of the gods is made by gods themselves As it provides them with immortality.

On my abrupt welcome, By the two gods and being literally thrown through space to my new teacher, God Marduk Was not an experience. I would like to share with anyone or would like anyone to go through it. All my power was useless. All my strength was useless. They could incinerate me without even blinking, and I was nothing in front of them.

I first thought I was powerful, but this was a humbling experience.

My new teacher God Marduk Is a magic enthusiast, on arrival, the first question, he asked me what type of magic I used and to show him every thing. Well a new forest was formed in the Mesopotamian land, but looking at it he looked at me as if I was some sort of idiot and asked me why I was wasting so much of my magic energy, how much of it was leaking away, and not even being used that if I was kicked in the head by a donkey when I was little.

well, let me tell you being embarrassed is nothing when you stand in front of God of magic you are either or an expert in magic or you are nothing. My training started first I was taught how to control my magic how to infuse magic in the nature from the beginning, how to mould soil how to mould water how to mould air every thing around me was the nature and my magic was nature, magic, green magic, fungi, magic, I could control both organic And in organic components of the nature and I had been stupidly just growing trees. I could control the air. I could control the water. I could control the land itself. Not just the trees. Well that's with my teacher said it was hard to believe but when you stand in front of a God,his will should be obeyed .

After one year.

Well, the year has been quite productive. I have learnt how to control my magic how to infuse it into things and how to extract it from them. Now I have control over every single drop of my magic and none of it is wasted according to God Marduk this is the basic every magician should know, and without this, they are just throwing a bucket when all that needed is a drop.

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