
Chapter 16

*Louis POV*

A few weeks have passed and Endo keeps talking about how fun his date's with Elsie are and how happy he is that they're back together. Things with Elsie have been really awkward but Endo seems completely oblivious. Elsie would stick to Endo like glue anytime we were all together never leaving his side. And life just continued on like that.


*Endo's Birthday/Lou,Jayden& Endo's Graduation Year*

Endo decided to throw a mini party with his closest friends(I Jayden Elsie Harris and Jacob) for his birthday and he,Jayden and I's graduation that was in a few weeks. Elsie had graduated a year ago.

The party was just game's and drink's, at some point Jacob and Harris left and went into a room, They've been together since sophomore year and were in the same department and level as Endo and Jayden. They were really vibeful people and i loooved being around them,the low-key reminded me of Aster and Naela. I didn't get to see them much since we ended attending different college's but we definitely still kept in touch.

We held the party at Jayden's apartment which had approximately 4 rooms each with it's own bathroom. We'd divided the room's with Endo and Elsie getting a room, Jayden having his room to himself,I getting one and Harris and Jacob getting one. Once everyone had dispersed to do thier own thing I went to the rooftop varenda just gazing at the stars, I've always had a thing for the night sky. After a few minutes Elsie comes up too and the first few minutes are awkward but then she speaks up...

"You're in love with Endo aren't you"

"What?! You know it's really rude to just ask someone that, especially if you aren't close to them"

"I know, but he's my boyfriend so I feel like I have the right to ask"

I keep silent for a few minutes before I respond

"How did you find out and when?"

"It's pretty obvious you know"

I scoff and look away as tears had started forming in my eyes.

"Endo is mine so I hope you get over him soon"

"Ahh...so that's why you came here, you don't have to worry I already got rejected a long time ago."I say and stand up to leave.

"If anyone asks after me tell them I went for a walk"I then take my leave.

As I open the door to leave I see Endo standing at the door...

"Where are you headed?"

"Oh I was just going...for uhm a walk'

"Then just hold on a sec let me grab a jacket I'll go with you"


He heads upstairs and grabs a jacket then returns

"I've told els where we're headed"


He gives me an awkward look then say's

"Shall we?"

I give him a slight nod and an awkward smile before heading out the door.

We walk away few miles in awkward silence and decide to turn around, On our way back Endo begins questioning me about why I seemed down and I tried to just brush it off but he insisted,

"Okay you can't tell me nothings wrong when you were happy during the party"

I just keep staring at the ground as we trudged home

"Come on talk to me Lou, I'm your bestfriend aren't I?, I've known you your whole life haven't I? Your can't be sad and expect me to just look away"

I feel tears well up in my eyes and a lump in my throat so I keep silent.

"Lou talk to me"he says as he holds my hand to stop me from going any further.

My legs give out and squat finally giving in to the tears that had blurred my view...

"You really want to know what the problem is?"

"Yes" he says as he squats next to me patting my back to help me calm down

"You are"


"You're the f***king problem Endo" I scream

"I'm so inlove with you that it's tearing apart but I can't seem stop myself and just end up getting hurt all the time"

"I feel like I can't do this anymore but I keep holding on to you no matter how bad it hurts"

He takes me into his arm patting my head

"I'm sorry Lou, I'm sorry for making you suffer but I hope you get over me and find someone better soon"

After about 30mins of sobbing into his arm I clean my tears and tell him to pretend this moment never happened and never talk about it to anyone before we head home.


I'll be releasing a new novel so please check it out.Also we're heading to the end of this story🥺and it's been so fun writing this book I also hope everyone's had fun reading it so far as well. Anyways I'll see everyone in the next chapter🤭.


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