
Chapter 6

*Louis POV*

"You should really turn that off If you don't want to take his place"

I pretend to think about it for a few seconds and reply..."I really don't think I can do that"

The boys exchange looks then one of them chuckles and starts heading towards me...I begin to panic trying not to let it show as I keep filming them, The boy reaches out to grab my phone but I step away from him and take off heading straight for the principal's office. With the boy still hot on my tail I run into the secretaries office.

'Huh...Kid's this days and thier manner's' mutters the secretary..."Well miss Louis, how many I help you?"

"Uhm I'd like to see the principal,I have something important to report to him"

"wait here I'll go and inform him"

"Thank you miss Barnes"I say smiling at her.

Miss Barnes is a 29 year old who graduated from an Ivy league university...but she managed to get herself fired from so many jobs with her pessimistic and sarcastic yet honest remarks that she ended up here working for her uncle.

"You can go in now"

I nod slightly and head in...I explain what had happened earlier to him and show him the video.

"Thank you miss Louis, the secretary will give you note on your way out so you don't get in trouble for being late... I'll take things from here"

"Thank you principal Barnes"...I get the note he mentioned earlier from the secretary and head to class.

Towards the end of class I hear the principal calling them to his office and later on I find out that they've been expelled since that was thier last straw.

'In Endo's car on thier way home'

"Lou are you okay?,I heard what happened"said Elsie..."those jerks were from my class, they're know for bullying underclassmen including girls"

Endo who seemed not to have heard asked Elsie what she was going on about, she told him and he began to nah me 'as always'

"What were you thinking? I told you not to get on thier nerves. What if they hadn't gotten expelled?Do you have any idea how miserable they'd have made you?"

"Fine I get it you can stop sounding like my mom now"

"Lou this isn't funny...you can't keep acting recklessly"

"I said I get it"

Elsie who found our bickering funny for some reason kept laughing till we dropped her off. I'd pretty much gotten used to having them act lovey dovey around me,it still hurt but I'd learned to hide the pain.

We get home and Endo begins question me

"Did they hit you? Or threaten you?"

To be honest...this hurts even more. Him worrying this much about me and me knowing it's because he see's as his younger sister and feels the need to protect me. That more than anything else hurt's...

"I'm fine,I took off before they could do anything... I'm gonna get going now,see you around"I say and step out of the car.

"Lou if any of them bothers you, you have to tell me okay?"


As soon as I get to my room I break down to tears, thankfully my dad isn't home...I'd hate for him to see me like this. 'Who knew having a One sided crush could hurt this much?!"


Hellaur everyone😁I know this chapter isn't really long and it feels like I'm making the story vague and stuff(I am actually)but it's because this is a short story and nothing that happens at this point in the story is actually important. Also Incase you didn't notice it's been a year, which means Endo will be graduating soon. I hope you're still enjoying the story tho🤭.


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