
Chapter 771: One Thing Cures Another - Master Lewis' Nemesis

Dr. Zadra, who was accompanying them, quickly called in.

"Dr. Dunn, Master Lewis' temperature is about 38 degrees now. What should we do next?"

Richelle knew that Roy Lewis' body had developed a strong resistance to drugs after years of medication.

Medicine alone sometimes didn't have a significant effect.

"Dr. Zadra, do you know acupuncture?"

Dr. Zadra was somewhat surprised, "Dr. Dunn, I only practice Western medicine. I know nothing about Chinese medicine."

Richelle made a sound of acknowledgment, "In that case, after his inspection, send him to the Central Hospital. Find a Chinese traditional doctor who knows acupuncture. I will communicate with them by then."

Dr. Zadra agreed and asked another question.

"Should you give Master Lewis fever-reducing medication later?"

Richelle replied, "No need for now. After the inspection, just send him to the Central Hospital."

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