
Chapter 685: I protect him, just like he protects me

Having successfully resolved matters with Harris Dunn, Richelle Dunn returned to Kindur. Instread of going home immediately, she had the driver take her to the hospital.

The elder, delighted to see her, began to argue about wanting to be discharged from the hospital again.

"Grandpa, you need to behave this time and recuperate well in the hospital," said Richelle.

The elder's overall health indicators had already returned to normal levels. However, Richelle Dunn and Roy Lewis took extra precautions and asked the director and several experts to conduct a full set of examinations on him, supplemented with a complete 72-hour monitoring check.

The elder seemed lively and his speech also returned to a tenacious form.

"There is no need for any recuperation. I am very healthy. If it weren't for that darn Alexander Lewis upsetting me, I'd be at home playing chess with my great-grandson right now," grumbled the old man.

Richelle handed the man a peeled apple.

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