
Chapter 672: Fierce Baby in Front of People, Sweet Baby Behind People

Richelle Dunn didn't refuse or agree, but just waved at the two little ones who were still drinking water from their cups on the side.

Timmy and Timothy ran over with their cups in hand, and as soon as they did, they were like boneless creatures, flopping down and sticking to Richelle.

Timothy raised his left hand and, with a babyish voice, whined to Richelle.

"Mommy, my hand is so sore..."

Richelle's face showed a smile, knowing her baby son was just making an excuse. Yet, she still played along, kissing his chubby wrist and then gently blowing on it.

"There, the pain is all gone now!"

Timothy's face broke into a smile, and he chuckled, raising his hand to hug her neck and giving her a loud kiss on her cheek.

"Thank you, Mommy!"

Meanwhile, Timmy was more direct, waiting for his little brother to finish fussing before looking up at Richelle, seeking praise.

"Mommy, our answers just now were pretty good, right?"

Richelle nodded with a smile, "Yes, very good!"

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