
Chapter 584: A social engagement led him to accidentally find a treasure.

In the afternoon, Timmy's situation was much better than in the morning.

Because the afternoon was a time for auditing students to ask questions and discuss with the masters on stage. After four or five auditing students had finished their questions, Timmy also raised a question, and Professor Steve provided a serious answer.

The two started a back and forth discussion, although he was just a small kid who barely reached an adult's shoulder, those complex and obscure professional terms flowed out of his mouth with ease.

An old and a young, on and off the stage, had a discussion for nearly ten minutes.

Most unbelievably, during these ten minutes, it was not all Professor Steve who was offering his opinions.

The little boy, who had to stand up to match the height of the seated Alfredo Mitchell next to him, boldly presented his questions and ideas for Professor Steve to judge and discuss without any shyness.

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