
Chapter 18: Hunt EXP

Chapter 18: Hunt EXP

~Silva POV~

We both made it back safely to Magnolia Town intact as Macao thanked me as we parted ways once we got back into town, "Thanks for the help Silva! If you ever need a team up again don't hesitate to call me for help or advice. I'll see yah later!"

Nodding I waved back and thanked him for the experience and wisdom I learned from the veteran mage.

I learned a lot from the trip being that I alone can't do much on my own. But with some proper timing and training I could but as I am now though…

That's very lacking.

And I have been wracking my brain around gathering allies when I seem to recall something from the original [THE GAMER] had summoning to rely at the beginning.


Maybe I should consider it.

Leaving out of Magnolia Town for a bit I need to summon up a basic elemental summoning circle for it and think of what elemental I need.


Spirits, monsters, devils… all kinds of things can be summoned. In some games, there are characters like summoners, spirit doctors, or necromancer.

Those kinds of characters summoned and control summoned characters to fight for them. But actually, summoners aren't good fights in most cases.

They are mostly used as shields to protect their summoner. This is what I need currently as I have no allies to form parties and no evasive skills at this moment in time.

The four basic elements are the basic of basics in fantasy.

Fire has strong offensive power, water has healing power, wind has the power of to move quickly or be flexible, and earth is heavy and strong but slow.

I wonder…

Maybe there is another way to create an ally without the need of summoning because at the end of the day though summoning requires MP at the end of the day.

But what if I can give life to an object instead?

I do recall Irene using a Personality Enchantment to animate it into a being.

Might see if Fairy Tail, Guild have any Magic with specific materials like those lying around. This is simply a guess, but I want to figure out if there are any skill books to create golems since they are much easier to create.


Frowning at this I have to remember I have no idea where to even begin with this. And add to the fact I need a Rune or book about it this is at best brainstorming around the idea.

There is the idea of doing Celestial Spirit Magic to summon a Celestial Spirit for battle if my knowledge about them is correct they would do just as well.

Since I have no general idea to begin with that how about I just go ahead and try to research the topic myself.

Not like I'm going to figure out anything just by doing nothing. And with the library within the guild, I'm bound to find something.

Although I should restock on some items first before dashing on another training grind in the Great Plains going blind. Best to be prepared for any possible situation and perhaps finish my daily quest while I'm at it.

Guess there's no time like the present than start the grind.

I could use the points and place them where I would need them the most once, I find some Magical Beast on the Great Plains since it's famous for having Magical Beast all around the area the best place to train.

For now, at least it should help me hunt some down. At least till I can get myself a decent level of strength before challenging myself on request on the Guild Board.


You know when one thinks about it currently the Demons of Tartarus are practically able to be revived multiple times by their leader right?

They would work well as EXP farms killing them off wait to be revived then rinse and repeat the whole process.

That could be a good way to farm but for now I should focus on what I can do than go around searching for demons that can one shot me.

Time to start the grind.


Using Mastema to float back to the Great Plains I began to start hunting down any Magical Beast for me to gain EXP. Gazing down on my Rune Sword I made sure to pack things up ahead of time in case I could be stuck here for a while.

Even training and gaining the extra 3 stats points from the daily quest I decided I should invest in these stat points right now currently since I need them for the task at hand.

Adjusting the points here and add a bit there… perfect.

This should do just for this training session and adding more to LUCK would help out in this case, right?



Name: Silva Knight

Class: The Gamer

Race: Human

Title: Fairy Tail Wizard

Level: 7 Exp: 0/100%

HP: 700/700

MP: 350/700

STR: 22+1= 23 (+15)

AGI: 16+2= 18

VIT: 16+2= 18 (+15)

INT: 16+2= 18

SEN: 16+1= 17

LUCK: 4+6= 10

Stat Points: 14-> 0

Cash: 11,000J


Feeling the effects taking place I feel much calmer and more energized than I have entering the forest than before. The difference is small but it's there alright. I can tell the strength I gained changed now from then…

Using my <Magic Sense> I can already detect hostiles coming nearby as I swipe my Rune Sword getting a clearer view of the foes coming out.




I didn't get much to think more on the subject as I see more wolves the same one's I cut down on the forest appear growling at me as I raised my stance as they growl silently at me. Doing so I checked their levels to see if there are any alphas within the group bearing their fangs at me with malicious intent.


[Wolf Lv.10 Beast]

[Wolf Lv.10 Beast]

[Wolf Lv.10 Beast]

There are quite a few of them being as I saw the first of many coming towards me as I waved my free hand out activating Mastema feathers popping out as I have my Rune Sword at the ready as I made a <Slashing Form>.



[<Sword Mastery> LEVEL UP!]

[<Style of the Undrawn Long Sword> LEVEL UP!]

[<Mugetsu-Style> LEVEL UP!]

One clean and swipe to the neck and the wolf head died right there decapitated being pulled in by my skills as I made a clean swipe for the neck.

And I haven't been slacking off on my skills during my time with Macao as the guy was giving me tips to better handle my Magic Power along with me not slacking off on my swordsmanship skills practicing my swings and having the frost slow me down with each swing helps keeps my focus intact.

Never leaving my eyes at the remaining wolves they began to come at me trying to sick their fangs at me as I take in a deep breath activating my <Breathing> skill helping me focus trying to perfect my Sword Skills.

With each strike the more I feel incomplete the movement is compared to the previous times I have done it before.

With each level up from my <Sword Mastery>, <Style of the Undrawn Long Sword>, and <Mugetsu-Style> skills the more I feel the need to improve each strike.

It's like I'm getting enlightened of sorts getting better at my swings of my blade knowing which one's I need to make it better.

<Flying Form>.






[You gain 10 EXP]

[You got Torn Hide on your person!]

[You gain 10 EXP]

[You got Chipped Fang on your person!]

[You gain 10 EXP]

[You got Bent Claw on your person!]

Suddenly the wolves in front me were all were cut apart by one quick swift motion from me as Mana erupted from my pores boosting my body and weapon in an instant from my <Mana Burst> as I'm still getting used to the burning sensation but less than before.

But that's besides, the point as I see multiple screens pop up telling me about the drops, I got killing the wolves and EXP I earned.

[<Mana Burst> LEVEL UP!]

[<Mana Manipulation> LEVEL UP!]

Seems like my <Mana Manipulation> is also getting better as time goes on sitting at a nice Lv.19 so far with the amount of control. Not enough to form spells but possibly enough I don't feel like harming myself each time I use my Mana.

Hell, even <Mana Reinforcement> is not harming me as much anymore than it should. The pain is there but not as apparent as it once was. I have gotten better control of my <Mana Manipulation> and <Sword Mastery> skills of course.

Have to thank Macao for giving me tips on how to properly control my Magic Power and demonstrating how he controls his magic. I merely followed what he was saying seeing I could add more steps to my own Mana.

The Magic is the spirit merely letting it flow through nature of using your spirit to flow.

If that made any sense.

I'm still not at a level where I can use Mana to convert it into Magic Power yet but I'm definitely getting there with how much control I'm having with my Mana. How I know is due to the fact of my <Mana Manipulation> skill itself feels like I'm not ready quite yet.

The people in Earthland specifically Mages have their Origins to rely on gathering Magic Power being born with the ability to convert it into Magic Power. My case differs completely because I don't have an Origin.

Relying on my Gate my soul to filter the Ethernano into the purest essence to Mana for me to manipulate or mold how I see fit. Thinking on those lines it's probably why I can't do magic is because of my own body.


Showing control over my Mana I can see a circuit pulsating through the veins of my arm. The burning sensation each time I use it is just the pain receptors feeling the Mana coursing through me to which it also courses through my systems in the process…


Not feeling the difference till now I can see I changed. The weight loss when was the first step while in reality, I thought it was because of the STR stats might've actually been my body reforming into a shape possible for me to use Mana efficiently.

Mana in some terms is still the life force of many things in multiple worlds. By manipulating it I have already achieved a small feat changing the life force of my own injecting more from the environment.

There are many things I want to test out but frankly, they are out of my reach for now. But shaking off my thought of that even remotely or even close to happening I began to check out the other loots I got from the wolves since I got quite a few of them as I checked on each one using my <Observe> skill.



Item: Bent Claw

Rarity Item: D

Type: Beast

Description: A claw, curved from a hard impact. Can be used to synthesize Lacrima.

Item: Chipped Fang

Rarity Item: D

Type: Beast

Description: A fang, chipped from biting into something. Can be used to synthesize Lacrima.

Item: Torn Hide

Rarity Item: D

Type: Beast

Description: A torn beast hide that isn't suitable for clothing. Can be used to synthesize Lacrima.


Seeing the damages done here I could see the wolves died off bleeding as I obtained the items I got from their defeat.

But strangely enough no Jewels from their defeats?

Guess the items here are more precious than Jewels here or that my LUCK stats need to be upgraded to get better drops. But I still have a long way to go before catching up with the rest of the world.

Continuing my direction in this forest section of the Great Plains I began to observe things more carefully as I began to check my surroundings using <Magic Sense> as I entered deeper inside the forest improving my skills.

Proceed with caution and see what I get from this place as a good place to train in peace. Don't overhunt the creatures here or attack them unless in self-defense.

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