
Chapter 5: Meet God

Chapter 5: Meet God

~Silva POV~


A gust of wind soon appeared and I felt the nice but cold breeze of the wind passing through my face and my skin I look at the map checking if the direction was correct since it was really a big distance apart from here.

Fortunately, I didn't run into any trouble yet, so I'm practically cleared of any trouble hopefully enough, but I did get to see a plethora of plants and trees so magical and foreign to me. Really makes it a fantasy land to be real.

Looking around more carefully I began to look around as I can see that I'm still in a forest and not in a village or town yet.

Glancing my eyes around the place I began to move ahead as I have to be wary of any dangers that may come after my life since I'm still in the forest that any bandit, rogue wizards, or Magical Beast could harm me for sure.

I can't fall into fear what I need now is a calm mind and a sound body right now in this situation I'm in. Stay calm I need to think of this carefully since I'm in a dangerous situation.

Wandering around in a forest was certainly not the first thing I would've done but staying with a bunch of cultist corpses isn't better either. However, I hear the sounds of rustling nearby causing me to be alerted jumping back and preparing to use <Sprint> to leave immediately…


Hearing the sounds of rustling around I began to hear the sounds of someone passing through here as I decided to take some cover and run when they least expect it… Just please don't let it be a powerful level person.

Coming out was an animal that was a small rodent-like creature covered in pink fur full of polka-dots. They have large eyes, small ears, and a large tail. I have no idea what I'm looking at but better to use my <Observe> skill to see. Really hope it's friendly…


[<Observe> LEVEL UP!]

[Goblins – Lv.1

Description: Goblins are small creatures from Earth Land who are capable of wielding makeshift weapons. Goblins appear to be friendly sociable creatures, as they seem to travel in groups. They can be found in green fields and lands.]


Overlooking the information from my skill it's friendly at the very least. Knowing that I began to leave while immediately as I don't want to have a fucking heart attack too soon.

Moving my head in disappointment I hurried along to find any civilization nearby and I have been using my <Observe> skill to help me through the thickness of the forest.

When I began to move around, I saw that I finally reached town I smirked seeing it and looked over the map I got from the place as I couldn't help it anymore that this town is close by to Magnolia.

In front of me, I found a city in the plain open area with some forest life around its borders. And here I thought I was a goner here staying the night in the forest. Now then according to the map…

By heading past this part of the dirt road I should be able to view it from this part of the mountainside soon enough.

Fuck walking is a pain…

Pushing past my own insecurities I look on to finally see a normal town of sorts with buildings of the medieval era along with white stone homes made. But what caught my attention was the town itself making my head think.

Looks pretty normal but when I used my <Observe> skill on it I was somewhat surprised to see what town I was in exactly if the map provided is accurate enough.


[Magnolia Town

Description: Magnolia Town has a population of 60,000 inhabitants and is a merchant city that has been prosperous in Magic since the ancient era. Such reputation was supported by the fact that the town, houses the strongest Guild in Fiore, Fairy Tail.]


My eyes widen seeing this as I couldn't help but be amazed to see this place in the flesh as I couldn't help but be amazed to be here. But right now, that's not my issue because I'm supposed to be meeting a god next –

"And right you are?"

Hearing the sounds from behind I turned around to where the voice originated and I saw a guy that I never saw before pop, up the guy in front of me has golden and purple eyes along with horns to match.

I mean this is my first time meeting an actual god as I took a look at him for curiosity…

<Jack Nights Lv.? The God of GAMES or… THE GAMER>

My heart paused seeing that as I recall him as Being X as he turns his head towards me with a smile speaking to me, "You're Silva Knight, right? We have lots to talk about. But not here in my realm."


With a snap, we were both gone…




Suddenly I'm now in sitting down and looking at a person in front of me as I was suddenly called here by a literal God or in this case previous Gamer or Player.

And said being is now sitting behind a desk with a bemused grin on his face in human skin as he began to talk to him lightly, "So… You're Silva Knight? Did you manage to unlock your magic huh? Good! It's a pleasure to finally talk without any world will interfering. Nice to meet you, kid."

World Will?

Blinking somewhat confused Being X – Eh…

I mean God of GAMES confused what he meant as he laughs at my confusion waving it off with his hand the being began to talk to me in a calm tone, "No worries kid. I understand this is all new to you and everything and I promise to explain to the utmost of my ability here. Let's start with introductions I'm known as the God of Chaos in my world or to you God of GAMES but you can just call me Jack. I prefer my real name then God really gets annoying."

Nodding my head in understanding Jack continued as he put his hands together in business-like fashion getting into it, "But we aren't here for that we're here about what comes next. But first any questions Silva?"


Right, what comes next?

Clearing my throat and trying to be casual with Jack with me in a normal manner, "Ok… let's start with why? And what investment first?"

At that, he claps his hands together as he responded happily getting down to business with a disgust-filled tone, "Oh. Good ones. For your first question the reason why. I sent you here because some idiot in a Yuri anime world will named 'The Executioner Way of Life' thought it was best to kidnap innocent people for its own advancement. Although I couldn't stop the process since it was already done the best, I could do is send you here while I 'dealt' with that world."

Blinking in surprise I honestly thought that this guy here was the cause.

Then again, I lacked any real information to prove otherwise but I do feel relieved that this issue won't be a problem anymore.

That's something at least.

Next was when Jack began to explain the purpose, I was originally going to gain my ability of [THE GAMER] much to my surprise, "Intentionally I was planning on giving you the ability to see how you would react and test you. I was planning a test but when you suddenly got isekaied all of a sudden it was best to give you the abilities early to survive."

Test run?


Can't say I'm not going to argue about using me in a test if that ability was [THE GAMER] giving me the edge to run away, as he continues, "As for the second. Well… the investment is more for me than for you. I was planning to talk to you about this first before I offer but then that happened that made my original plan a moot point after that."

Raising my eyebrow at that Jack began to explain what he meant about the investment in greater detail easy enough for me to understand.

Essentially whatever levels or skills I gain this guy here also gets them easily and in the likely event that I die all the strength I have over time goes to him since the ability he gave me would return in the likely event I die.

Placing my hand over my chin though the thing was 'if' I survive long enough as I decided to ask another question, "Ok. So basically, whatever strength I gain only a small portion of it will be transferred to you? But what of an event that I will somehow be immortal or still be alive for long periods of time?"

At that he casually shrugs at me leaving me surprised by how nonchalant his response as he shakes his head, "I will do nothing. The investment is that if you die, I will gain all your abilities. Assuming that I will try to kill you while you become stronger than me will get me no gains. Besides I do plan to make new Guild of Gamers starting with you being the test run. I decided to see if the setup would be an ideal example."

Ideal example?

Confused by what he meant Jack further explained to me what he meant by using himself as an example, "You know? The skill I blessed you <GAMERS PATH>. Although I did tweak the ability a bit on the Status change of WIS to SEN, this is a test run of course. With the experimented ability of [THE GAMER] I have to see where this goes with you being I guess be a beta tester. I have to see where this goes trial and error no?"

I am okay…

Where do I even go with this guy giving me a customized gamer ability but then again though he did save me from being killed in that world so…

That was when Being X –uh I mean Jack talked more explaining why he won't kill people like me with the ability of [THE GAMER] as it would be counterproductive to him, "It would be ill-advised that I do this killing my members this way. In the end, I already got small portions of your strength why add more when I'm busy with my job being God and loving husband? After all being immortal with nothing to do will lead to some problems down the line. So I thought best is to see if my idea in making a Guild of Gamers would have merit helping other worlds/dimensions/timelines would benefit."



I actually don't have a reply because his already that strong.

He didn't need to save me or give me the ability as it could belong to someone else but at the same time, I'm thankful he gave it to me when he did.

Damn, that's manipulative but I understand what he means though.

Why give someone the chance to grow stronger than you over time or the fear of them betraying you with the same ability only that time will catch up to determine if you become strong enough?

To my surprise, though he nods with a shrug agreeing to my words being honest about what I thought was protecting my thoughts, "True. But like I said this is only a test run. Word to the wise try getting a defensive mind skill soon since others can still read your thoughts you know Magic and bullshit like that. Just word to the wise."


Ok true…


Really need to get a mind defense skill in the near future alright…

Like that Jack began to talk to me with a smile on his face as he began to give me some words of advice, "Seeing that we're just about done with the talks I think we should end this here. If you ever want to go back home though I suggest finding your means to do so since the world your in should be possible. Till then I hope you enjoy the full gamer experience. Okay bye."





Blanking out a bit I found myself to be around Magnolia Town entrance seeing the distance time was cut short.

Is this Jack's doing?

Looking around a bit more I could only sigh at this but smile at this new chance I'm given. If I'm going to enjoy my new freedom, then I might as well enjoy this life I have.

Its not everyday someone offers you that kind of deal. And to be frank being in a magical world does fill me with excitment than my old world being useless.

Here I can be whoever I want really without the constraints of society at the back of the corner of my mind.

This time I want to truly live my life to how I want.

Next chapter