
Chapter 7. Pandavs and Kauravs.(3)

Few days later..

In Hastinapur city, everywhere rumours going around about Eldest Kaurav 'Suryodhon'. All citizens discussing about him, all people started to call him 'Duryodhon', that he is evil incarnation, and doom of Kurubanhsi.

Meanwhile 7 days after birth of 'Suryodhon' 2nd Kauravs born who called 'Dushsasan'.

After th at all Kauravs born at the interval of 7 days.

'Karna' always helping around in neighbourhood. Chopping firewood for elderly citizens, or repair their furniture, helping repair their house, helping blacksmith, helping farmers in field while observing them. Learning about their work. While observing the he learnt little bit about 'lip reading'

'Karna' helping around the neighborhood and listening to rumours with ' Heightened senses' , news about palace, listening about soldiers, helping around others and listening to news or rumours is great source of information for him.

When he heard rumours about 'Suryodhon' he was sure someone is manipulating the information.

While sitting on bank of Ganga river he thought how can someone to be born from Mahadev's boon cannot be entirely evil. Then second Pandav 'Bheem' aslo born on same day so he should be also called evil.

He thought, with all the rumours spreading around all people will try to avoid Kauravs in future which will be great effect on their childhood they will be longing for love and recognition and be jealous who got all the love, and if somebody will give them care, love and recognition, he/she will be their saviour. Suddenly all the incident and all the information started to clear in his mind, a name appeared in his mind his eyes widened in shock.

3 months later..

Few weeks ago Maharaj 'Dhitarashta' and Maharani 'Gandhari's maid 'Sughada'. Gave birth a boy called 'Yuyutsu'.

At the Stormy thunderous night ..

In capital city 'Mathura', inside of a prison cell a beautiful baby boy born from 'Devaki' and her husband 'Vasudev' . The boy is dark complexion, beautiful facial features, beautiful smile which brings peace to all souls.

6 months later..

Inside of the forest at thunderous rainy night 'Kunti' gave birth 3rd son, the third pandav.

Meanwhile hile Pandu's second wife 'Madri' is 5 months pregnant with twins.

Pandu' held his third son and declared with smile," My third son is mortal son of Devraj 'Indra'. He will be called Pandu' putra Kunti' and Madri' nandan 'Arjun'. "

Karna' is now about 7 years old, he is practicing by himself, trying to improve himself, for the upcoming struggle which will give him some edge over others.

At the night..

Other side in Hastinapur Karna laying on bed and calculating time, he was sure today 3rd Pandav 'Arjun' born.

Few days later at evening he heard the news that Maharaj Pandu's third son born on stormy weather that he is devraj 'Indra' putra.

4 months later..

Inside of forest Maharaj Pandu's wife 'Madri' gave birth to a pair of twins.

Maharani 'Madri' was happy for the children, but she also longed for becoming mother, five months ago she tell her feelings to her husband Pandu' and Sister Kunti'. Kunti' decided to gave her Maharishi 'Durvasa' 'mantra' to her sister for blessing for child.

Maharaj Pandu' is very happy to be blessed with twins.

He said with happy smile." They are mortal son of twin gods Devine physician 'Ashvini Kumaras'. They are our son, they will be called Pandu' putra 'Madri' and Kunti' nandan 'Nakul' and 'Sahadev'."

Hastinapur has again festival atmosphere. Everyone is happy that Maharaj Pandu' has 5 sons. All people in Hastinapur called them 'Pandavs'.

Maharaj Pandu's eldest son Yudhisthir' 1 year 10 months old , second son Bheem' 13 months old, third son Arjun' 4 months old and fourth and fifth son new borns.

Maharaj 'Dhitarashta's and 'Gandhari' s eldest son 'Suryodhon' 13 months old, and rest of them their after.

'Dhitarashta' and 'Shugadha's son 'Yuyutsu' 3 months old .

7 months later..

After birth of 'Suryodhon' 20 months has gone by Maharaj 'Dhitarashta's wife Maharani 'Gandhari' has given birth to 100 sons. 2 weeks ago they have given birth to beautiful daughter named 'Dushala'.

Hastinapur is in festive mood because of Maharaj 'Dhitarashta's daughter everyone in place is happy those who oppose Kauravs also happy.

Soon she became Rajmahal's favourite.

2 months later ..

Karna' is now over 8 years old, he at now in max Superhuman level. As well as he mastered basic archery and advanced to higher lavel, in swordsmanship he also mastered all basic and advanced on higher level. Axemanship also on higher level. Unarmed combat is also higher lavel.

At Archery he has mastered all basic shots. In higher level he learnt Power shot, Snipe shot.

At Swordsmanship he has mastered all basic forms. Slashing, Diagonally slashing, Chopping, Reverse chopping, Defending.

At Axemanship he has mastered all basic forms, Downward chopping, Upward Chopping, Sidewise chopping, Diagonally chopping.

At Unarmed combat he mastered all basic styles, Boxing, Gripping, and Kickboxing.

He has learnt how to read lips and understand about that with the Photographic Memory and his Hawk-eye.

Hawk -eye and Heightened senses' is perfect fit for him.

Hawk-eye gives him long range vision, focused vision, and dinamic vision.

Heightened senses' gives him enhanced hearing, enhanced smell, enhanced testing, enhanced touch sensitivity, he can memorize the details of a perticular object by only touching. He can distinguish smells. He can distinguish someone by hearing footsteps. He can distinguish ingredients in food.

Both Hawk-eye and Heightened senses' immensely helps him in, Observing, Tracking, Concealing, Archery, Swordsmanship, Axemanship, and Unarmed combat, and any other combat or non combat related skills,

His superhuman strength, stamina, reflexes and speed helps in Archery, Swordsmanship,Axemanship, Unarmed combat, Dodging.

He runs around in forest a lot which helps him to practice combat in any situation and at any place. Helps him to hone all sences, speed, reflexes, strength.

This also helps him in perfect control of his strength.

Meditation helps him calm down. Also helps in controlling his growing strength.

He has mastered 2 out of 6 emotions, anger and disgust, and learnt how to control them.

He has mastered 2 out of 4 desires, carving and wanting, and learnt how to control them.

Karna' is doing his usual Suryapuja and Shiva Puja in the evening at the bank of Ganga river. After that he goes to his house, with firewood he collects everyday from forest. he smelled aroma of his mother's food from around the corner, a smile from on his expressionless(emo) face.

He is enjoying his childhood which he never had for this he thanked Mahadev' countless time.

On the other side 'Radha' and 'Adhirath' has some concerns for their son. They comparing him to neighbour's kids and thinking our child is overly mature from other kids. He not able to form bonds with other kids. They never seen him playing, when he is home he helps on housekeeping, cooking, sewing , collects firewood and helps chopping firewood, he also helps fetching water from well. They Knows that their son has much strength compared to normal human. They knows that their son going to be warrior, and they also knows they cannot stop him from trying to be warrior.

What bothers that they are 'Suta'. Is their son able to find teacher who doesn't discriminate against their caste. They feel pain for him that he have to suffer, struggle, to learn knowledge and be a warrior.

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