
Chapter 03

Jonathan slowly digested her words and the meaning behind them. He realized what she was implying and admired her determination and the bravery it took to decided this terrible fate for yourself.

Since she had waited for him to arrive here and even now, stood there quietly, expecting his questions. Jonathan assumed that she must've been delaying her own plans for as long as she could.

The only conclusion he could reach was that she didn't want to die but with her stubbornness and sense of responsibility, Jonathan knew she would not hesitate for long

Deciding to play along for now, he continued asking questions.

"Will you be returning to London?"

"No, Jonathan. My life there ended when my Charlotte was murdered" Elisabeth stated, firmly.

"I saw her grave in the courtyard. I am so very sorry for your loss, Lady Ashbury. She was truly a kind child, wise beyond her years." Jonathan offered kind words with his own voice shaking slightly

"As am I for yours, Dr. Reid. I understand you had grown close to her in the short time you've know each other.

She spoke to me often about you. Saying she approved of my choices. Silly girl.." Lady Ashbury reminisced, mournfully

"As I said, she was wise beyond her years" Jonathan smiling as he replied, trying to ease the tension he'd created.

Elisabeth just smiled sadly at Jonathan with a grateful nod. She knew more than anyone how perceptive her child was. She could spot deceit with a single glance and when she spoke of Dr. Reid, she only had good things to say.

Perhaps she was mindful of her mother's feelings but Elisabeth hoped that her daughter knew her better than to do that.

"I destroyed the Disaster. The creature Harriet Jones had become. The Epidemic is now more and London will recover... in time"

"I never thought I'd say this but I think London's last hope is in the Priwen's hands. To stem the epidemic, many districts must be cleansed." Elisabeth stated, calmly

"Mortals defend their interests as we defend ours. It is only natural." Jonathan reasoned, understanding that her calm tone was feigned.

Any pretence of calmness and tranquillity she held broke at Jonathan's words.

She tried to put up a façade of strength and act as if her current course of actions was only natural but it seemed that Jonathan had seen right through her.

Elisabeth's sense of responsibility and her will to live clashed violently inside her, leaving her on the brink of despair.

A part of her hated that Dr. Reid didn't blame her for what she did. If that were the case then it would have made it easier for her to do what she needed. But another, more selfish part of her was happy that he didn't see her as a monster.

Even if she would understand his feelings, she felt that seeing disgust and horror in his eyes towards her would break the last wisps of sanity she had left.

With her hands shaking, Elisabeth looked at Jonathan as her unsteady voice broke the silence.

"I cannot bear knowing that I was the cause of all this. Through the use of my own blood."

"No!" Jonathan denied, vehemently "This catastrophe was the result of unethical experimentation. and the will of a creature so inexplicably evil, she exceeds all the terrible wonders I have seen since my death"

"But it was my blood all along. My corrupted Blood of Hate. The poisoned blood of my father. A healthy carrier, that's all I am!"

"So William Marshal infected you! He's the true, original carrier!" Jonathan exclaimed, finally piecing everything together

"Yes, but he saved me by sacrificing himself.."

"Saved you? How?" Jonathan asked, confused

"The Tears of Angels. The cleansing of the impure blood by an older, more powerful blood. It worked on me, did it not?"

"Yes.. Blood is the definitive key of our species.. Skals... Nobles... Cleansing... Lineage. Do you really think it worked?"

"It has, Jonathan" Elisabeth confirmed "I was nothing but a beast that took pleasure in slaughter. I roamed across reaping my bloody crop. It was the Blood of Hate but my father's antidote cured me."

"Your father gave you the antidote to his own affliction?" Jonathan asked, surprised.

"Yes. He sacrificed himself, giving me the only dose of antidote he had and in doing so, he knew he'd have to be confined here and yet, he volunteered. That is how great of a man, William Marshal was... and still is."

"A parent's love knows no bounds. He is truly a great man." Jonathan nodded in respect before continuing "So, what about us?"

"What do you mean?" Elisabeth asked, startled and confused at the line of quesitioning

"I'm sure you know my feelings towards you but you left without a word. Do you not feel the same?"

"I love you, Jonathan. Truly. I believe now that I've loved you ever since I saw you rescue Mr. Hampton from that filthy slaughterhouse with no regards to your safety. Turning your back on an enemy like the newborn fool you were." Elisabeth smiling as she spoke sincerely.

"Then why did you not tell me this before?"

"I couldn't, Jonathan. The William Marshal myth lies at the heart of so many hostile plans. I could not risk jeopardising his safety." Elisabeth explained

"Then why did you come here?" Jonathan asked "You knew that no matter where you went, I would've have followed you. I can't let you go"

"Because I know now the Blood of Hate is still in my veins. No one but I can put an end to this tragedy." Elisabeth said, sadly

"I can help you. You can trust me, Elisabeth as you always have."

"I know, Jonathan. You have been the most loyal ally these last few weeks but... this is my duty."

"Would your father agree to speak with me? I have a few question for him" Jonathan asked

"Go on, Jonathan but be careful" Elisabeth warned.

Jonathan nodded and turned to the living legend himself. The last entry in his journal stated that the Scottish Manor had just been purchased and renovated by Elisabeth in 1795. It was since then that he had began seeking penance is isolation.

The current year was 1894. Meaning that for his daughter, he had committed himself to self-imprisonment for the last century and had starved himself of blood for even longer.

To put it Into perspective, William Marshal imprisoned himself a year before Napoleon Bonaparte's first campaign in Italy and a year after the small pox vaccination was invented.

He had been front and centre for some of the greatest events in History. The embodiment of loyalty and unanimously dubbed The Greatest Knight to ever live.

Becoming a vampire boosted all your physical aspect to their utmost and William Marshal had achieved all his accolades before Turning.

Jonathan couldn't help but shiver at the thought of William Marshal at his peak after turning into an Ekon. The man who King Arthur's legendary exploits were modelled after, had become immortal?

Jonathan offered a silent prayer for the unfortunate souls who had found themselves at the end of his blade.

"Come forth, Child" William Marshall called out.

Jonathan broken out of his reverie, quickly moved forward and took a knee at his side, still shocked at the possibility of this event.

"Sir. William. My god! You really are William Marshall! You served Richard the Lion heart and his brother, King John. It is such a privilege to meet you" Jonathan said, excited

"I did, back in my day" Sir. William nodded, reminiscently "Come closer if you wish to speak, child. My hearing is not what it used to be"

"I believe your hearing is just fine, Sir" Jonathan refused, politely. Not falling for the Elder Vampire's trick.

If it were anyone else then Jonathan would have burst out laughing. A Vampire with hearing problems? That was a funny joke but his respect for his senior made him stifle his laugh.

"I have defeated the Disaster threatening to smite London, just as you once did, Sir. William. You should know that the city is safe now" Jonathan reported

"Then may I call you brother? Did you resist it's poison? Even a scratch from a beast so evil could endanger you and all those you care for" William cautioned him

"I heard you defeated the Disaster in 1666. Who was it?"

"She was a malicious witch who spread plague throughout the city with her army of rats. She had been hiding in a bakery in Pudding Lane for months before I found her"

"And how did you defeat her?"

"We had fought for hours. In the end, I locked her in St. Paul's Cathedral and burnt it to the ground. I wanted to be sure she was destroyed."

"Do you know about the Morrigan?" Jonathan asked

"Yes, The Red Queen, I met only her once but she never ceased to sing to me. I love her song. It is a song of blood and war. I only wish she would sometimes let me rest..." William replied, tiredly

"Do you know who she truly is?"

"I do not wish to discuss this in front of my sweet, Elisabeth."

"Why is that, Sir?" Jonathan asked, curious

"For a time, she too could hear the red song. The steps she danced to it's melody brought pain upon the world." William spoke sadly as he relived the memories.

Jonathan knew that her actions must've been quite extensive for Sir. William to describe them as such.

It must've hurt him to cause his daughter to go through such tragedy. Out of consideration for his audience, Jonathan moved on swiftly.

"Do you remember, Myrddin. Your maker... Our maker?" Jonathan asked

"Only God is my maker, for he created everything on this earth. He blessed me with eternal life through his archangel Michael."

Jonathan now understood Elisabeth's words. William Marshal was under the impression that instead of being turned by Myrddin into a creature of the night to stop the Disaster, he had been blessed my heaven to be immortal and smite evil.

The original Dr. Reid might have found this notion foolish and written it off but Jonathan couldn't. Considering he had met Mr. Light in person and he'd technically created him, he wasn't as quick to discard his words as his daughter did.

"But you drink blood to sustain your existence, do you not?"

"Blood... Yes. I used to drink blood from the throats of the unworthy then I was punished for my deceit. During my penance, I rely entirely upon my sweet, Elisabeth." William explained.

"About Elisabeth, how did you infect her?"

"After I defeated the Disaster, I retreated to a secret location. Elisabeth found me but by then, the Blood of Hate had twisted me into a rage-filled man. Uncontrollable, I attacked my progeny and infected her too... Forgive me, Elisabeth... I have failed you"

"I see. You infected her after biting her again." Jonathan concluded.

"Elisabeth fled and I fell to my knees, begging for forgiveness. I swore I would make things right, whatever it took..."

So William Marshal's actions weren't only the selfless act of parental love but him righting a wrong.

It would seem that a sense of responsibility and stubbornness was a trait that ran strong in this family. Both father and daughter were each repenting for their individual sins.

"We could set you free. Let you out. Isn't that what you want?"

"I pray for the day I'll see the sky again. I have all but forgotten it's colours. I could walk and do so many things beneath the stars but I doubt it would be wise to release me"

"Then will you stay here and continue repenting?"

"Elisabeth told me it will not be long now. I cannot wait to feel the sweet caress of her hand on my cheek after so long as she release me." William said expectantly

Hearing the footsteps behind him, Jonathan understood that his time was up. He stood up and backed away slowly, giving the pair the space they required.

"Is it time now?" Williams asked

"Yes... Father." Elisabeth replied quietly.

"Why not unleash me then? To see the sky a final time?"

Elisabeth reached out and held his cheek as she uttered the most genuine farewell she could muster, struggling to keep her voice steady.

"You already are the sky... and all it's stars."

"I'm not defeated for I welcome the sword you bear; For it is mine" Williams stated, resolute. An inkling of clarity regained after years of madness. A small spark of the once blazing sun that shielded England in it's time of need.

"You were never defeated, My Lord."

With her final words, Elisabeth leaned in and kissed her father's head for the last time. Taking steps back, she looked at her father, eyes glistening as gripped his sword tightly.

Before hesitation could take a hold of her, she swung her father's sword quickly as she could, painlessly sending him into eternal rest.

Unable to hold back her tears, her voice broke as she watched his head roll of his shoulders.

"Farewell, father... and to you also, Jonathan"

"What do you mean?" Jonathan asked, confused

"I cannot stand what I've become. This healthy carrier as you put it. The flames behind me will purify the poison that runs through my veins" Lady Ashbury said, resolutely gesturing towards the fire

"No! I will not allow this to happen!" Jonathan shouted, reaching for her hand but Elisabeth pulled away

"I am death, Jonathan wherever I go. I can't stand it."

"I am Dr. Jonathan Reid. Champion of Myrddin, Noblesse and Chosen Saviour of England. I could cure you."

"What do you mean?" Elisabeth asked, shaken. Scared to even consider hope.

"We are creatures of blood, Elisabeth. Everything about us is in our blood. With time I could perfect the antidote William Marshal gave us. Trust me for time is on our side"

Jonathan spoke before kissing Elisabeth as if to prove his determination and seal his promise.

Elisabeth was shocked before losing herself slightly in his warm embrace. Ever single ounce of her being wanted to say yes but a part of her remained unconvinced.

"That is a risk I cannot take" Elisabeth said after pushing Jonathan away "I won't bring another such Disaster into this world, Jonathan."

"Elisabeth, no! Please trust me. I can save you" Jonathan stared into her eyes, trying desperately to portray his resolve

"How could I trust you, Jonathan? How could I take such a chance?" Elisabeth asked, troubled

"I'll stay with you here, then. As long as we must until I find a cure."

"You have no idea what you're talking about, Jonathan! Despite his madness, Marshal was strong enough to starve himself for centuries. I doubt we could do the same!" Elisabeth shouted, exasperated.

"We will lock ourselves down then. I'll get all the materials I need and I'll perform my research down here with you until you're cured." Jonathan offered as a solution

"Are you mad? Who will take care of us? Who will free us if it takes decades or even more?" Elisabeth asked once more, her voice tinged with the slightest bit of hope.

"Old Bridget will take care of us."

"You are serious, aren't you?... You really are ready to do this... " Elisabeth said, finally realizing the lengths to which this man, Jonathan Reid was willing to go.

"I love you, Elisabeth. I can do this. Please... stay with me"

"I... believe you. This is crazy but I believe you... Jonathan"

Finally convinced, Elisabeth embraced Jonathan, daring to put hope, not in herself but her loved one, who was willing to submit himself to years of isolation just to cure her.

A statement of love that she valued more than any gift of silver or gold. Despite their long lives, something told her that even if they were human, he would do the same and for that she was eternally grateful.


"One prayer for the summoned called by this song

Child born from darkness who's path he must find

Now the song is sung and your path chosen

England is safe for you have prevailed

I bid you farewell my champion, Bittersweet

You've found yourself a newer quest and so I leave you to it

My Queen sleeps once again and I'll soon join her slumber

Until alas she Rises, woken by the hunger never fed"

- Myrddin


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