
Chapter 01


[-Status Panel-]

-Name: Jonathan Emmett Reid

-Species: Vampire Noble

-Title: [True Noblesse]

-Trait: [Nigh-Absolute Immortal] [Superior Adaptation]

-Authority: [Blood (Locked)] [Shadow]

-Skill(s): [Enhanced Condition] [Armed Combat Proficiency] [Firearm Proficiency] [Medicine Art] [Art of Alchemy] [Blood Awareness] [Shadow Leap] [Shadow Mist] [Shadow Veil] [Blood Claw] [Blood Spear] [Blood Cauldron] [Blood Barrier] [Blood Bind]

-Locked Skill (Earring): [Telepathy] [Telekinesis] [Aura Manipulation] [Blood Reign] [Awakening] [Power Sealing] [Soul Weapon: Ragnarok + Soul] [Blood Wings --> Blood Phoenix] [Blood Field: Reality Warping] [Hemokinesis] [Void Hole] [Costume Change]


Jonathan looked at his status in awe. He was expecting some high level abilities but it seemed he had underestimated Mr. Light's generosity.

According to Mr. Light, his predecessor's skills were considered 'normal' in this world which frightened Jonathan. These were skills that had been forged and tested on the French battlefields.

Skills that helped Dr. Reid survive the tragedy of WW1 and the onslaught of Vampires and Vampire Hunters alike when he returned home.


The sacrifices and deaths Dr. Reid had witnessed during the war were neither honourable nor worthy. Despite them winning the war, no one felt like victors as too much blood had been shed on both sides to justify any reason for fighting.


If Jonathan saw any positives that cane from the war, it was his predecessor's strengthened resolve.

Dr. Reid had been through hell and had seen the worst humanity could offer. Soldiers had returned home broken and disillusioned by their pervious patriotism and promises of the governing bodies above them. Any sane man would have grown cold towards the world but he did not.

In spite of all that, he returned to England and decided to double his efforts in the medical field.

The bloodshed he'd endured only served to strengthen his beliefs and boosted his experience. Upon his return, he found that London was under attack from some plague and they desperately needed his expertise in his chosen medical field, blood transfusions.

He was a good man who made the best of a terrible situation.

Jonathan scratched his head in embarrassment when he realized that he was ultimately talking about himself but he could not help it. Dr. Reid truly deserved respect

Jonathan remembered Mr. Light explaining that this was just an alternate version of himself but even he couldn't promise that he would have done what the good Doctor did in his place.

Finished with his thoughts, Jonathan read through every skill and made sure to memorise every single one. He subconsciously ignored the locked skills as Mr. Light had deemed them too strong for this world and thus, too strong for him at the moment.

He would rather master the 'basics' before dreaming about the advanced levels.

*[Skill: Enhanced Condition (Passive)

- Host possess capabilities and attributes beyond the peak of their species.]

*[Skill: Armed Combat Proficiency (Passive)

-Host is a master of handling and wielding various forms of weapons, from blades to blunt weapons to unconventional armaments, being able to beat anyone wielding similar forms of weapons instantly and effortlessly. Increase weapon damage

*[Skill: Firearm Proficiency (Passive)

- Host possess mastery in wielding firearms, either innately or through training. Increases accuracy and damage of firearms]

*[Skill: Art of Alchemy (Passive)

-Allows Host to brew potions to give them various buffs and effects. Increases effectiveness of potions]

*[Skill: Medical Art (Passive)

-Allows Host to treat and stabilize condition of wounded patients. Increases effectiveness of medicine]

[Skill: Blood Awareness (Passive)

- When focused, Host can "see" blood. From humans, through walls, on cleaned surfaces, etc. Host can also tell if a mortal has clean blood or is ill.

[Skill: Shadow Leap (Active)

- Enables Host to use the power of shadows to jump long distances instantaneously]

[Skill: Shadow Mist (Active)

- Host concentrates Shadow energy around their prey to make them explode after a countdown. This explosion will injure anything in range, with needle-like living spears]

{Skill: Shadow Veil (Active)

-The shadows help hide the Host, turning them invisible to the others.]

[Skill: Blood Claw (Active)

- Manifest blood into claws and quickly swipe your hands to deal melee and stun damage]

[Skill: Blood Spear (Active)

-Fires a spear of Blood toward an opponent and deals focused damage]

[Skill: Blood Cauldron (Active)

-Boil the blood. Controlling the blood outside your body to force an opponent to explode, dealing high Blood damage to both them and all nearby opponents]

[Skill: Blood Barrier (Active)

-Host can exchange Blood for a temporary shield against attacks. This skill can deal Blood damage to nearby opponents upon breaking]

[Skill: Blood Bind (Active)

-Host can control blood outside his body to incapacitate an opponent in place temporarily.]

As Jonathan read through his skill panel, his mouth couldn't help but fall. He knew from the names alone that his skills were strong but actually knowing their function made him realize how powerful they were and just how dangerous this Universe really was.

If these skills were considered normal in this world then there were too many people out there who could stand toe to toe with him. Even mastering these skills couldn't guarantee his safety.

He could only hope to unlock his stronger skills as soon as possible.

Even as he looked forward, Jonathan wasn't under the impression that with his strongest skill he'd become a powerful being in this world.

He understood that there was always someone stronger than you. Even if there wasn't, he would never underestimate any opponent. After all, arrogance was the beginning of downfall.

Besides, no matter how much strength he gains, he would never stand above Mr. Light. He figured Mr. Light was a good deterrent to prevent him from acting out.

After checking his skills, Jonathan turned his eyes to the most eye catching words on his status panel, [Traits]. The wishes Mr. Light had granted him.

[Trait: Superior Adaptation

-The Host can adapt to anything and quickly evolve to any situation, automatically gaining the necessary attributes to face them]

[Trait: Nigh-Absolute Immortal

-The Host is almost completely immortal: they don't age, can rapidly heal from wounds, and will essentially live forever. They are incapable of being killed by most methods, with very few exceptions that are able to harm and even less to ultimately kill them]

Jonathan wasn't as shocked this time. It was exactly as he wished and for the part of him that was surprised had become numb due to the earlier shocks he'd received.

Both traits seem to work in tandem with each other. [Super Adaptation] ensured that he would never be on the losing end if he could survive long enough and [Nigh-Absolute Immortal] would ensure he stay alive.

Unless the natives of this universe discover his weaknesses, Jonathan would naturally become stronger over time.

Just from his read through, Jonathan spotted two weaknesses or weak points in his build. One was that in order to become stronger, he would need to fight people stronger than him to activate his evolution phase.

If they were too powerful then he could be wiped from existence but if they were too weak then there would be no progress. He would have to walk a very fine line to survive and grow.

Secondly, Jonathan did not know what could harm him. He wasn't fond of the idea of self-harming till he figured out his weak points but if he had to choose between his future enemies and himself, he would choose him.

He didn't have the first idea about what could actually kill him. Jonathan knew that it would need to be something on the level of gods or close enough. As long as he stayed out of their sight, he should be fine

Jonathan knew from his inherited memories that he had a strong affinity to Shadow due to his close relationship with death. With his descent and Mr. Light's intervention, his affinity had evolved into an Authority.

He also had an affinity for blood from his vampire nature but Jonathan had a feeling that just like his Shadow Authority, his blood affinity would evolve after he unlocks his Noblesse abilities. He would just need to patient until then.

[Species: Vampire Noble

-The Oldest and Most Powerful Race of Vampires in existence. They have existed long before humans and have protected humans since time immemorial.

[Title: True Noblesse (Partial Unlock)

- A Title that symbolizes Power and is only granted to the strongest Noble. As the Noblesse, it is your duty to safeguard Nobles and the meaning behind their existence. You are empowered to act as Judge and Executioner to Nobles who have failed their responsibility]

Jonathan nodded internally as his status once again aligned with the knowledge inside his mind. Although he was surprised to learn that Nobles had existed before humanity, it only meant that his choice was more appropriate since Vampires grow stronger with time.

He was slightly worried about the effects of the [True Noblesse] trait as he did not want to be compelled to carry out a task that he didn't fully agree with. From it's description, it didn't seem as though the trait was going to ask him for permission.

Deciding to cross that bridge when he arrived, he ignored it and continued forward.

Jonathan wanted to test his skills right away but remembered that he had been exploring the castle before Mr. Light arrived. He knew there was more important things to do right now so he postponed his skill checks, for now.

Jonathan circled around the building multiple times before he came to a broke wall partition he could walk through.

Looking left, he saw a flight of stairs leading to a small courtyard. At the top, he noticed that despite it's condition, the castle seemed to be holding itself together well.

No doubt the owner had put a modicum of effort into maintaining the structural integrity of the building

On the ground of the courtyard, there were five celtic crosses that were made of stone. They had been lodged into the ground and in front of each cross was small stone tablets with words and numerals etched onto them.

These were graves. The etchings on the first three graves had been washed away by time and were unreadable but the other two were quite visible.

All the stones all seemed similar in age but the graves with readable etchings were in much better condition. Someone had been looking at it.

The graves read one after the other:

"Mary Englewood. Born in Whitacre. 1534 - 1578"

"Robin Englewood. 1530 - 1578

The last grave next to them was new and very recent. Instead of a cross, the headstone was the figure of a church chapel and instead of stone, it was carved out of marble.

The gravestone was black marble with gold etchings. Apparently, a large amount was poured into this memorial. Upon reading the name, Jonathan felt a familiar pain course through his body, unwarranted.

"Charlotte Ashbury. 1873 - 1894"

Jonathan had grown accustomed to losing loved ones. With the combined memories of Dr. Reid and himself, there was more than 20 years of suffering collectively.

The truth about losing a loved one is that the pain never hurt any less but it does become easier to endure with time. That said, this was the first time he had felt such emotions without a specific reason.

A quick search through his new memories answered his questions. The Doctor had become attached to Lady Ashbury since she saved him and every meeting since then, his feelings only grew. As he learnt more about Lady Ashbury, The Doctor met her adopted daughter, Charlotte Ashbury.

A strong and confident young lady with a good head on her shoulders. She was protesting for equality between the sexes when they first met. A forward thinker in a backward time. He learnt about their relationship and her dreams of becoming an Ekon.

Despite not having an offspring, Jonathan had slowly come to consider her his own child. He cared for her and would often try and help her whenever he could. The only wish he would not grant was to turn her himself. He respected Lady Ashbury and would not undermine her decision.

Jonathan knelt down and offered a prayer for the soul of the intimate yet unfamiliar child he was quietly shedding tears for. He would not get the chance to become more acquainted with her personally but her first impression was unforgettable, even through memory.

Jonathan promised that since the Doctor cared for her this much that he would never forget her for as long as he lived

He stood up slowly and wiped away his silent tears. After a long final look, Jonathan continued his exploration. He arrived at the front of the manor but the door was gated and locked.

"It seems that the lady of the manor isn't expecting visitors."

Another automated response from the Doctor but Jonathan agreed with himself. From his conversation with Mr. Light, it seemed that something or someone was waiting for him but they were not making easy for them to meet.

Jonathan continued around the side of the building and found the path blocked by fallen archways and crushed wooden beams.

Jonathan looked around and found a clear path up to the castle's ramparts. After reaching the top, Jonathan walked along the ramparts until his path was blocked once again.

Unflurried, Jonathan looked around and found a hole in the side of the Manor's upper level, 20 metres away that led directly into a room.

Judging the distance visually, Jonathan believed he could make it with some help.

Deciding it was the perfect time to test his [Shadow Leap] skill again, he prepared for his second life or death jump today.

After willing the skill to trigger with all his heart, Jonathan wasted no time and jumped before he changed his mind and ever reliable, a familiar darkness covered his vision before disappearing just as quick as it came.

His second, more conscious use of his skills felt easier as he felt the shadow energy course through his body automatically in response to his wishes. He felt himself connect, if only momentary, to the dark and becoming Shadow itself.

The experience was thrilling and Jonathan estimated that after two more tries, he would be able to consciously activate the skill without system assistance as his connection to the Shadows would be strong enough then.

Even though through his inherited memories he had gained the Doctor's experience with his skills, getting used to them personally was another matter. It was like owning a Ferrari with a world class driver in the passenger seat.

He might have the gear and wisdom but he would need to experience for himself to truly understand.

Seemingly happy at his progress, Jonathan moved around with a lighter mood.

"Maybe it's just my imagination but I think I smell Elisabeth's perfume...She must be here somewhere."

This was not the Doctor's own imaginings. Due to his strengthened vampire senses, Jonathan smelt the faintest hint of lavender in the air. A sweet scent but not sickeningly so.

Jonathan was unsure whether it was the flower's fragrance or the identity of the person wearing that was affecting him but it's smell brought him a sense of calmness he hadn't felt since he awoke in this world.

Initially, Jonathan was exploring the castle and hurrying towards the 'surprise' to end the tutorial but now he was genuinely looking forward to meeting this woman personally.

Jonathan walked around the upper floor of the manor, finding old letters and beautiful paintings that dated as far back as (Insert time here).

"This castle is falling apart.."

Another astute observation from the good Doctor but again wasn't wrong. From the broken hallway railings to the squeaky and missing floorboards, any reasonable person would come to that conclusion. If they did not then the massive hole were the floor should have be in the last room would be enough to convince even the staunchest naysayers.

Since the path to the staircase was blocked, Jonathan decided to just jump down through the 'floor' hole, transporting himself from the last room upstairs to the first room downstairs in a single step.

The scent of lavender grew stronger as Jonathan walked into the dining area. Such a large room for dining seemed like a waste of space for a species that couldn't stomach food but Jonathan digressed.

Jonathan could smell the fragrance more obviously now. Even without his heightened sense, the smell permeated throughout the room.

There were two reasons as to why the scent would be so strong here.

She either spent a lot of time in this area or had just been here recently. Considering her condition, it was unlikely she would spend much time here.

"That sweet fragrance, Elisabeth's perfume. She was here... and recently"

It seemed that the good Doctor agreed with me. The scent was at it's strongest in front of the unlit fireplace that hadn't seen any use in years. This was natural considering The Lady of the Manor's vampiric disadvantages but this in itself was also strange.

Since she built this getaway herself, why would she add such a large fireplace that would forever remain unused?

As if answering his question, Jonathan noticed out of the corner of his eyes that the fireplace's arches had two circular disks mounted on either side.

They were adjustable but each movement triggered other hidden reactions from inside the stone walls that only he could hear with his senses, locking up any significant movement.

Seeing the drawn etchings on the disks, Jonathan thought that maybe it was a clue? Deciding to look around the area, Jonathan came to the conclusion that there might be some sort of hidden mechanism to open a secret pathway behind the fireplace.

'This might have been the predecessor to false bookshelves, perhaps?'

Amused by his thoughts, Jonathan turned around and saw a conveniently placed bookcase he had missed right next to where he had entered


With an embarrassed cough, Jonathan walked towards the bookshelf and one by one, pulled each book out to see if there really was a hidden mechanism. Even after pulling out the last book, there was no luck.

Unperturbed, he left the bookshelf and searched around the ground floor. He checked every room, behind every painting and under every furnishing that could be moved but still found nothing.

Almost at his wit's end, Jonathan decided to get a bit of fresh air to calm himself down. He walked over to the window hoping for some respite but found the arrowslit windows were closed with stained glass. Maybe he was at fault for expecting a bit of function in an ancient Manor.

Exhausted, he just sat down by the window and leaned back slowly, settling for the minute amount of sunlight he was being offered but right before he could fully recline, a bump in the wall caught his eye.

As if playing a joke on him, Jonathan turned to find a circular disk with the same etching he had seen on the fireplace. Dumbfounded by his apparent blindness, he looked around and realized that it had been just inches away from the bookcase where he began his search.

Tired and embarrassed, Jonathan stood up and pushed the button without any fanfare. It slinked into the wall and the sound of stone dragging followed right after.

The fireplace's inner left wall had disappeared and behind it were a flight of stairs. It wasn't right behind it like he had assumed.

The stair were well lit by wall torches unlike the rest of the Manor. His time with the stairs ended briefly and was quickly replaced by a dirt path. Bundles of lit candles replaced the burning torches on the walls as sources of light.

At the bottom of the path was a stone altar and on it was a ancient looking tome. Jonathan picked it up carefully, worrying about it's durability.

Jonathan flipped through the pages once to read everything as his [Enhanced Condition] helped him comprehend everything instantly.

Despite what his flippant actions might indicate, Jonathan was amazed by the contents of the book. If any of what he read was true than in his hands was the journal of William Marshal, The Greatest Knight to Ever Live. Although no historian worth his salt would believe it since his last entry date read 1795, almost six hundred years after he reportedly died!

Storing the book away, Jonathan continued down the dirt path until he reached archway that led into a room with a dome ceiling. At the end of the room was another archway but this time, the entrance was covered with curtains through which light peaked out slightly.

Jonathan could hear a female voice talking to someone who's every breath was accompanied by a wheeze.

Jonathan was shocked for the umpteenth time today as he felt his heart start to beat rapidly as he became elated at the sound of her voice. Jonathan might have been slightly confused but the good Doctor's medical expertise and true feelings answered any questions he might have.

He was astounded. Her voice alone was enough to have Dr. Reid reacting like this. Jonathan would be embarrassed or concerned if he didn't find the excitement intriguing. Jonathan had never been this excited for anything from his past life and from the Doctor's memories, neither had he.

Just how amazing was this woman that she could make a stoic supernatural war veteran, giddy like a child on Christmas day? Jonathan tried to stifle his expectations but his curiosity won out in the end.

Jonathan approached the curtains and grabbed a hold of the curtains, ready to pull them back.

He wanted to see what all the fuss was about.

Next chapter