
Chapter 01

(Author's Note: Events, Dates and Character's have been adjusted to suit story needs. Your understanding is appreciated.)


[London 1896 AD]

It had taken Jonathan 2 years to replicate the Tears of Angels antidote to an acceptable degree. 

Just like Mr. Light predicted, Dr. Reid's spirit remnant had figured out how to concoct the potion without instruction but even with that knowledge in hand, it had still taken Jonathan this long to craft it.

This spoke to the difficulty of the potions brewing methods and the scarcity of its rare and expensive ingredients.

Although he had the sample gifted by Mr. Light, he was unwilling to use it. As an antidote crafted by a divine being, it's quality was well above anything a mortal could imagine.

Jonathan believed that given time, he would be able to fully replicate the act of god but until then, he would be remain studious while striving for perfection.

He had also considered Elisabeth's feelings. Although he would have been happy to use it on her despite his reluctance, he knew that she was seeking to atone and granting her reprieve with punishment would spit in the face of her determination.

Despite their isolated state, time passed quickly for them as they enjoyed each others company. They spent many moments together as they grew closer in both mind and body. Sharing stories, secrets and intimate details, only two close people could know. Jonathan had learnt everything he would need to know about Elisabeth and her past as she learned about his.

He never told her about his old life or Mr. Light because he never felt the need. Jonathan thought that he might be eaten alive by guilt but fortunately, that wasn't the case.

It helped that Elisabeth had a few of her own secrets that she did not want to share. She also encouraged Jonathan to keep a few of his own. Although they were promised to each other, there were a few things that you should keep close to your heart.

Relieved, Jonathan thanked Mr. Light once more for choosing someone reasonable as his partner. She wasn't crazy or emotional unstable as most ladies he'd known.

Granted, he had met them in hospital but he had also met Elisabeth at a hospital. She wasn't a patient like the others but that was besides the point.

During this period of time, Jonathan had dived deep into researching his abilities and testing their limitations. He wouldn't admit to mastering his skills but he had become adept enough not to be underestimated.

After getting the cure, Elisabeth wanted to leave Great Britain immediately but Jonathan insisted on visiting his long time friend, John.

They were close as children, bonding over the idea of helping people as doctors. The last time they had spoken was before Jonathan joined the army when he was 16.

After returning, Jonathan had looked for John but he found out that shortly after his departure, he had also joined the army and was still serving.

During their isolation, Jonathan had asked Old Bridget to look out for his friend and she had informed him that a month after his disappearance, his friend has returned, looking for him.

He has currently been attending to Jonathan's mother who's health had declined during his absence. Although Old Bridget was a trustworthy companion, Jonathan was more relieved with John by her side.

As Jonathan and Elisabeth planned their travels to see and explore the world, Jonathan wished for them to say good bye to London one last time before departing on their life long adventure.


[Reid Mansion. West End, London]

Holding Elisabeth's hand, Jonathan looked up at his home in uneasiness. Sensing his anxiety, Elisabeth gently squeezed his hand with a sad look.

"I apologise for putting you through this, Jonathan"

Jonathan turned back to Elisabeth with a firm look

"You did not do anything, Elisabeth. I was the one who chose to enter into isolation with you. You have nothing to apologise for"

"But I... "

"No buts. Even if I knew this would happen, my decision would still not change."

Elisabeth nodded and Jonathan smiled at her assent before steeling his resolve and pushing open the old mahogany door, entering his home.

It was shocking to see just how little had changed in the last two years. Mr Avery, the old faithful housekeeper, seemed to still be looking after the mansion.

Even with Jonathan's sense, it was almost impossible to find any surface, unclean or any silverware, not sparkling. The man was as rigid with his cleaning methods as he was loyal

As they walked in, Elisabeth noticed a painting right in front of the door, welcoming people in.

"What a beautiful piece" Elisabeth spoke in admiration

"I'm sure my mother would be honoured by your words."

Jonathan looked around the house while utilising [Blood Awareness]. Apart from the single soul that was upstairs lying down, the rest of the house was empty.

It would seem that Mr. Avery was out for the moment. Jonathan briefly considered the thought of Mr. Avery sleeping in his mother's bed and couldn't help but laugh.

One of the main reason Jonathan trusted Mr. Avery with his weak widowed mother, apart from his loyalty, was his disposition. Avery was particularly fond of West End's most peculiar gourmet, Calhoun Russel.

They had been inexplicably linked for as long as he could remember. Mr. Russel with his unconventional taste for life and Mr. Avery's unwavering stance on his beliefs created quite the odd couple.

He was incredibly lucky that in such a closed off city, Mr. Avery had been able to find the most unbiased couple he would ever meet and work for them. Any other family would have fired him for fear of social discrimination.

As they ascended the staircase quietly, Jonathan was telling Elisabeth about his thoughts, telepathically and was entertained by the sight of Elisabeth trying to stifle a laugh.

Yes, in the two short years he had been 'alive', Jonathan had worked hard on his skills and unlocked a part of his Noblesse skill. Although it was only [Telepathy], it was anything but that.

He had fully come to realize how incredible Raizel was and how it made sense that he was the paramount of his race. Just a simple skill such as Telepathy had been upgraded to its highest level, encompassing all mind techniques and abilities.

It would be the equivalent of saying that Wade Wilson had a small healing factor or that Erik Lehnsherr could float coins. A Gross underestimation.

Once they reached the door, Jonathan took one more deep breath before pushing it open.

Inside the room Jonathan saw his mother, Emelyne Reid lain on her bed with skin paler than his own. He knew she had ill for some time but Jonathan hadn't known the extent of her condition.

He couldn't blame Old Bridget since she wasn't a doctor but since John had started looking after her, she should've known.

There was two possibilities: Either Old Bridget had kept her state from him or John hadn't informed her.

Jonathan leaned towards the latter since he understood that John might be uncomfortable sharing personal information with someone who just claimed to be his best friend's ally.

Added to the fact that Old Bridget never showed herself in public and would've used multiple contacts to ensure anonymity, John would've taken matters into his own hands.

Putting that aside, Jonathan joined his mother at her bedside and dropped to a knee.

His mother was awake but her eyes just stared off into the ceiling. With a bit of mental persuasion and intervention, Jonathan was able to give her a semblance of clarity.

The mind, like a machine, could only be mended with the right parts. She had already lost parts of her mind which limited the amount of help Jonathan could provide.

What he was performing was essentially, jury rigging. Temporarily enhancing her mental capabilities with Shadow Energy.

She would be regain relative cognition and awareness but as soon as his work was undone, she would return to her once, dazed state.

Once done with his task, Jonathan gently called out to his mother

"Hello, Mother. It's me, Jonathan. I've returned home."

"Is that really you? My prodigal son has returned?" She asked in a light, airy voice

"Yes, Mother. I've brought a very special person with me"

"Who is it?"

"Her name is Lady Ashbury. She is the painter I told you about before. I wanted to introduce her to you."

"Where she is?"

"Right here" Jonathan replied, gesturing Elisabeth to come close

"Greetings Lady Ash-"

"Call me, Elisabeth, please. It is a pleasure to meet you, Lady Reid."

"Elisabeth... My Jonathan speaks of you warmly. Seeing your appearance here, Am I safe in assuming the feeling is mutual?"

"Yes, ma'am. They are."

"Thank the heavens! Jonathan has been a bachelor for so long, I had started to think he would never find anyone. He always told that once he found the one, he would settle down. Please look after him, Elisabeth. He is quite the handful"

"Do not worry, Lady Reid. I will not take my eyes off him" Elisabeth answered in mock seriousness.

Jonathan shook his head at his mother's antics and found Elisabeth smiling to herself. He knew that she would not let the matter rest for the foreseeable future.

"Jonathan, dear?" Emelyne called out to him

"Yes, Mother" Jonathan sighed as he replied

"I have a request for you, both as my son and as a doctor"

Jonathan frowned as he heard his mother speak. He had an inkling of what she would ask but he hoped that it wasn't so.

"My existence has become nothing but pain. The only thing that made me persevere was my worry of you but now that you have Elisabeth, I can finally rest. I have lost my husband, daughter and grandchildren. I do not wish to live long enough to lose you too"

It was one thing to pass naturally but to ask your son to end your life was a terrible thing. Jonathan looked sadly at his mother's face and saw the guilt that filled her eyes. She knew what she was asking but if she were to pass, she wished it would be by her own family's hand.

As a son, Jonathan was adamant that he would not carry out this task but as a Doctor, it was his duty to help his patients. Emelyne had used the one thing that she knew Jonathan couldn't sway, his pride and sense of responsibility as a doctor.

"Do not let me do this, Mother... I heard that John has been taking car-"

"Please, Jonathan... this will be my final request" Emelyne pleaded, earnestly

Jonathan breathed a deep sigh and looked at her once more before nodding. He turned to Elisabeth and asked her quietly to give him some time alone.

Understanding, she nodded and turned to Emelyne.

"It truly was a pleasure to meet you, Lady Reid. I pray that find the peace you seek"

"Thank you, my dear"

After bidding her farewell, Elisabeth closed the door on her way out but not before telling Jonathan she'd be right outside if he needed her.

Thanking her, Jonathan heard the door close and grabbed a nearby chair, moving it to his mother's side.

"You are quite lucky, my son. She has a good heart but I sense a pensive loneliness inside her. I believe she will bring you peace and happiness. Take care of her, Jonathan"

"I will, Mother"

Jonathan then pulled an anaesthetic from his doctor's bag and pinched her in the spine, disabling her from the neck down to ease her pain.

The look on Emelyne's face that showed pure bliss was one Jonathan understood intimately.

Any reprieve granted from pain was a joyous occasion and something he had once prayed for daily.

He then sat down in the chair and they proceeded to talk about life as they reminisced about their history and all the good memories they shared together.

Some memories caused them to laugh while others causes them to cry. They never explicitly stated it but both of them knew that this was their way of saying goodbye.

The conversations lasted long into the night and before morning broke, Jonathan told Emelyne about his secret.

"Mother, I have something to confess"

"What is it, Jonathan?"

"You see... I've become something different. Something not... human"

"What do you mean?"

"Do you know of Vampires?"

"Those blood sucking creatures? Are you telling me you've become a creature of the night? Surely, you jest"


Emelyne wanted to laugh but the silence Jonathan held spoke volumes. She stared at her child in disbelief. She would have considered it a joke from anyone else but she knew Jonathan and he does not joke.

All the memories she'd tried to repress, that she'd convinced herself was just dreams came rushing back to the surface.

The image of her Mary, with skin as pale as white sheets, arriving in front of her in an instant, blood splattered all over her clothes and mouth.

The aura of death surrounding her and her light blue eyes that had been replaced with blood red irises in a sea of black told her that her sweet Mary was gone.

The strength Mary exhibited to carry her with one arm and the inhumane speed at which she had moved between districts in the blink of an eye could only be described as supernatural.

She had thought that her imagination conjured up Jonathan who saved her but if he was also real than that meant-

"Did you kill your sister?"

Jonathan was shocked by her question but after some thought, he realized how she had come to that conclusion. He was the last person she had seen with Mary and after that night, the serial killings had ended.


Jonathan nodded shamefully as he was unable to vocalize the words. Telling a mother you had killed her child was a experience no one should face, even if that mother was his own.

Emelyne's tear trailed down the side of her face as she turned away from Jonathan.

She understood why he had done it and accepted that it was the only way to put a stop to Mary's deeds but a part of her couldn't help but hate her son for stealing her sweet Mary away.

The quiet lasted for some time before Emelyne finally spoke.

"What were her last words?" Emelyne asked coldly

"She begged me to end her suffering, despite my pleas. I asked her to give me time to save her but she said that she just wanted to rest. That she'd suffered enough.

It never showed but the loss of her husband and child had driven her to the brink." Jonathan replied, head still hanging low

Emelyne was shocked by his words and wanted to refute them but had no words. She had also noticed Mary become inattentive and as time went on, unresponsive.

She thought about his words and realized slowly that what Mary had asked him to do was the same task she was asking of him at this moment.

Astounded by her own hypocrisy, her face burned with shame as she looked at her son who she had demonised for doing exactly what she was asking him to do.

Jonathan hadn't looked up once since she had spoken cruelly to him, unable to look her in the eyes out of guilt.

Her dear boy, the child that only wanted to help everyone had now been burdened with heavy task. Jonathan had accepted that the blood of his family was on his hands and that was a curse he would carry forever. Even then, he had still accepted her request out of filial and medical responsibility.

Feeling extremely apologetic, Emelyne looked at Jonathan and expressed her regret.

"I am sorry, my son. I did not realize the burdens that you shouldered. Please forgive your stupid old mother"

Jonathan looked up instantly and immediately retorted.

"You are not stupid. It is only natural to hate your daughter's killer. I will accept your hatred and ill will. Nothing I say will bring her back. I can only offer that she passed quickly and painlessly" Jonathan said trying to sound strong but the unmistakable tremors in his voice revealed his true feelings.

"Oh, my poor boy... Ever reliable. I may have lost a daughter but I'm not the only one who suffered. You also lost your dear sister and your closest confidante.

Knowing how close you two were, it would not have been easy granting her wish. You have suffered greatly. I will not blame you for Mary's death and I admire the strength you've shown. Thank you for showing our Mary mercy."

Emelyne watched as her son silently cried at her words, in front of her. His body shook as he covered his eyes with his head in his hands. She wanted to embrace him but she had been anaesthetised and could only helplessly watch.

Jonathan recovered quickly as he knew the anaesthetic would wear off soon and his mother's pain would return.

"Do you wish to live, Mother? I can promise you that all your physical pain would cease and your life would be extended, indefinitely" Jonathan asked, hopeful.

The notion was tempting as Emelyne seriously considered it but in the end, she shook her head.

"I do not have a reason to live anymore, my dear. I only wish to meet your father again and see my grandchildren" Emelyne replied, ruefully

Jonathan, disappointed, nodded sadly and stood up from his chair. He turned to his doctor's bag and retrieved a syringe with morphine. Inserting it into her arm, it would ensure that she would pass away peacefully in her sleep.

He watched as his mother smiled blissfully as she slipped into eternal sleep.

While being a doctor could be incredibly rewarding, there were moments, like these, that every doctor dreaded. The loss of a patient, regardless of reason was a reflection on both yourself and your skills. Even if he could save them, Jonathan could not force his patients to want to live.

As painful and hard as it was, it was all a part of the practice of medicine. Losing people would never become easier but the ability to perform duties despite being affected was a skill he'd learnt.

Jonathan packed away his medical tools and closed his bag. He grabbed his mother's covers and pulled it over her head. Walking out of the room he uttered a final goodbye before closing the door.

Elisabeth greeted him outside the door and immediately hugged him. Surprised, Jonathan didn't move until he felt her squeeze his ribs. Smiling, he dropped his bag and hugged her back. He had already come to terms with his actions and was prepared to move forward.

He would not let anyone know that it affected him but Elisabeth was the only person he didn't need to pretend for. With her, Jonathan would be completely honest about his feelings and thoughts.

As the hug continued, Jonathan expressed his thoughts and emotions to Elisabeth's mind. The small and intimate conversation they shared was something no one else would know.

Afterwards, they proceeded downstairs and got ready to leave but as they reached the door, it was pushed open.

Expecting Mr. Avery, Jonathan smiled politely and got ready to welcome his old housekeeper but instead of a short, balding old man, what greeted Jonathan was a tall well tailored man in a bowler hat, who seemed to be at his physical peak.

They stared at each other, surprised before the younger man dropped all his cane and bag before leaping towards the shocked Dr. Reid with a scream

"Brother Reid!"

Next chapter