
Chapter 10: All Directions in Motion

With such a massive market, Warren couldn't just let Stern join without any conditions.

"Three conditions. First, Mystique is to be given to me. Second, it's easy to sell the hair growth potion as a medicine, but it's not as easy as a hair dye or cosmetic. I heard you have some friends in that field?" Warren proposed.

"I can introduce you to them," Stern replied.

"Third, the Warren Lab will continue conducting mutant experiments. I need you on my side for this," Warren stated.

"Restarting mutant experiments?" Stern frowned.

The first two conditions were manageable, but the third one was challenging. William Striker had tarnished the reputation of mutant experiments so much that it was difficult to gain approval for any experiments involving mutants.

The cure was an exception because it didn't harm mutants and was a product that everyone needed, making it special.

"The potent restorative elixir," Warren handed him a document.

"It's our Warren Lab's expertise in gene mapping technology. While we can't fully decipher and manufacture mutant genes, we can replicate them using original samples... I captured one of the mutant criminals who attacked the Warren Lab that day. He has incredible self-healing abilities."

"How long will it take?" Stern asked.

"Two to three years," Warren lied without batting an eye.

"Success rate?"

"There are no technical challenges, but the mapping process is complicated and time-consuming. It requires a significant amount of time because those things, if written on paper, would fill a whole ship. If there are advancements in equipment during this period, the progress could be significantly accelerated."

In reality, they could do it now, producing samples within a few days. But Warren wouldn't reveal that.

After all, the Warren Lab's gene mapping technology was unique. It took William Worthington over a decade and extensive resources to develop it. Now, in Warren's hands, he could say whatever he pleased.

His current interests took precedence, and he could continue to reap the benefits.

"I recall your technology doesn't cause fatalities?" Stern's interest was piqued because he understood what a great business opportunity and political capital this was.

"That's correct. Welcome to supervise," Warren replied.

Supervise? In the end, Stern would be the one at a loss... Warren had the final say.

"Good. Whenever you're free, I'll introduce you to some friends," Stern smiled.

"Anytime works for me," Warren smiled back, understanding that some things were better left unsaid.

He successfully courted a member of HYDRA. With their capabilities, and the numerous undercover agents they had, Warren believed they could handle this matter well.

In fact, in the near future, he could use HYDRA's power to develop and make money until HYDRA collapsed. HYDRA is superior! I even want to find a cartoonist to design HYDRA characters.

Stark Industries: A powerful figure with a somber face... Oh, I mean, he's bald.

Obadiah Stane, Howard Stark's friend and partner, took charge of the company's affairs after Tony Stark's disappearance.

His expression fluctuated between gloom and satisfaction because he had just received both good and bad news.

The bad news was that the terrorists he bribed to kill his nephew, Tony Stark, hadn't completed the task. Instead, they had captured Tony and were now demanding a higher price.

"You didn't mention that the person we were supposed to kill was the famous Tony Stark. You should know that there were significant risks involved, so... pay up!" they demanded.

So, Obadiah Stane paid a large sum of money, and then...

The terrorists hesitated and rambled, clearly implying one thing:

Increase the payment.

Greedy bastards!

He felt there was no point in negotiating with these scoundrels anymore. Once he located them, he would send a Jericho missile their way and let them all meet God... No, wait, those scumbags were only fit for hell!

But there was good news too. William Worthington III, the new head of Worthington, actually had the audacity to try and take a piece of Stark's meat?

Though it seemed like a coincidence, too much of a coincidence could lead to an accident.

Worthington Industries had been secretly negotiating with Hammer Industries during this time. Did they think Obadiah Stane was unaware?

A young man, taking over a $200 billion company and trying to venture into the arms industry at such a young age—his ambition was praiseworthy, but his methods were too crude.

Arms are my territory!

Kid, let this old man give you a lesson. Meat isn't so easy to chew. Since you bumped into it, just take the blame!

Osborn Industries:

Norman Osborn had grown old and frail, but his presence remained strong.

"I'm pleased to confirm that Worthington's technology did not originate from within our company. There are no shameful traitors among us," he said slowly.

"But there is bad news. Worthington's technology surpasses ours, which means..."

Norman Osborn's gaze swept across the room, and everyone who met his eyes lowered their heads.

"Our technology is behind. Not just in a new field, but in a field we've been cultivating for over a decade!"

His voice, not loud but filled with anger, made Osborn's subordinates hesitant to interrupt.

"And what about us? Do we have a product that surpasses the 'cure'?" Norman Osborn looked to the side, disappointment flashing in his eyes. He sighed softly before giving his answer, "No."

He stood up, ready to leave with the assistance of his aide, but stopped at the door and raised his gloved hand, gesturing for the aide to let go.

"Tomorrow, that young man from Worthington will sign an agreement with the New York Police Department. That's something that should have been ours."

Stepping away from the assistance of others made Norman Osborn appear uncomfortable, so he hurriedly delivered his final statement.

"He's just a newcomer, while we have been researching for over ten years. The public will stand with us."

During this month, the situation was going extremely well. Jason was making a fortune, profiting from the stock market. He even remarked that Obadiah Stane had grown old and was no longer the same as before.

"Perhaps," Warren replied.

In this month, after the Mystique situation was resolved by Senator Stern, she was sent to Warren for cooperation with Dr. Isenwald's research at the Worthington Lab. Afterward, she was allowed to attend the Xavier Institute. Hank, the former Secretary of Mutant Affairs, vouched for her, and she also became one of the subjects for the Warren Lab. This was the cost of her freedom.

After Dr. Isenwald obtained Hank's failed suppression formula, he had sufficient manpower and funding to quickly locate the genes related to "hair growth" and "color change."

The production lines for both potions were already in preparation.

During this time, Warren had made many acquaintances in related industries with the help of Senator Stern. Using money to pave the way and intertwining interests, he finally established a network of relationships.

It must be said that HYDRA did have extensive connections. Warren even considered infiltrating their organization to leverage their resources, and when HYDRA eventually fell, he could claim to have been an undercover agent all along, taking advantage of their resources.

The Spider-Web Launcher had been performing exceptionally well. Carlos had already sent an official order, and tomorrow they would hold a press conference together to promote the Spider-Web Launcher.

Negotiations with Hammer Industries had also been going well. Justin Hammer welcomed the arrival of the big boss.

Although they were not a specialized military industry conglomerate, they had industrial origins. They were all one big family.

Moreover, Justin Hammer disliked Stark Industries, and recently, Worthington Industries had clashed with Stark. As an observer, Justin was naturally supportive of Worthington, and it made him feel quite satisfied.

After all, he had never won against Stark before.

The enemy of my enemy is my ally. Although they would eventually surpass him, Warren didn't care about such details.

In addition to these developments, Warren had been interviewed numerous times over the past month. On average, he had three interviews every two days.

A 20-year-old running a $200 billion company—journalists naturally wanted to interview him.

After successfully defending the Warren Lab during the hearing, of course, there were more interviews.

Surprisingly, he even had a pleasant meeting with Senator Stern, who had challenged him during the hearing. What was that about?

Who cared? It was news. Let the interviews begin.

Meeting with the New York Police Department Commissioner Carlos, providing them with the state-of-the-art riot control weapon, the Spider-Web Launcher. That was another big news.

Osborn Industries accused Worthington of stealing their technology, so journalists naturally wanted to interview Warren to get to the truth...

Many journalists were considering camping outside the Worthington Building in case they missed any news. This young man was truly stirring things up!

In fact, they should do that because after the Spider-Web Launcher, the new drugs from the Warren Lab would be introduced.

Before Tony Stark's return, before the return of Iron Man, Warren wanted to take full advantage of this time to promote his products. Otherwise, it would be challenging to make the headlines.

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