
Start the count

Gu Zhen stood in silence for a moment, stunned and in disbelief, his usual confident smile slowly fading, stuck in the half-broken smile and shocked expression.

As his face became completely serious the next moment, he leaned it forward instead of the laid back posture he had at all times, his eyes becoming sharp as he looked from under his eyebrows.

"I must admit, you pulled one over me...

But did you really think that you would succeed? 

Did you really think there was no way this moment would come? 

Now what are you going to do? 

Or do you think!... that there would be no consequences?!!"

Gu Zhen's normally calm and collected voice became colder, and menacing. 

The volume of his words increased with every sentence, until an emotion almost no one ever saw him exhibit even as he incinerated people who disappointed him became apparent in his demeanor.


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